Got it: you believe it's acceptable to slaughter children for any reason (or no reason) provided they're young enough, but instead of "championing" it maybe you feel a little bit bad when it happens.
So if I understand correctly, the primary moral innovation modernity has discovered with regard to child slaughter is "we still do it, but now some of us feel a little bit bad about doing it while still defending the practice".
If I had a point other than simple mockery it would be "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".
Say there were 50 ableistSLs and Bluestorms. You block them. Then you make a post. What would the board look like to someone either not logged in or a new account, or just someone who just hasn't blocked them?
The board would have reams of furfaggotry, pedo apologia, and anti-white hatred, and you would then be associated with that. Blocking is not enough.
Do you hate commies becasue of what happened during Mao's revolution, khmer Rogue or the Bolshevik revolution, or would you still justify then because they are consequentialists and they technically didn't call for violence?
if you saw a sign or even met a "prophet" from god. telling you to do something like, kill children... would you do it? also.
Would you do it if it was abortion instead? Because I feel at that point you would be against it because of your atheist brainrot and religion saying life begins at conception is Bad or something
To answer your question, no, people aren't as autistic as you to think if a prophet told them to kill children they'd do it. Most christians are aware of the "questionable" parts of the book, yet they decide to take the best of it and do as Christ would want them to,which ultimately is act out of kindness and justice. You aren't saying anything new nor presenting some revolutionary idea.
But if you want a secular reason, if you truly are and atheist, you are blaming god on men actions. If you truly believe that by removíng religion man would stop killing man you are so detached from reality no wonder you think someone here would genuinely give a crap about you.
Or is it that you are unable to grasp the concept of cause and effect so god becomes a convenient scapegoat in order to avoid personal responsibility? Go take revenge on the sea for killing so many sailors or something.
You are an over-invested troll or a retard, either way you are deserving of pity, but you won't listen and keep doing what you do because, well, only you know. So, the only thing I can tell you is that I hope you at least have fun posting these for as long as you do
if you saw a sign or even met a "prophet" from god. telling you to do something like, kill children
That would be god testing ME to not immediately sucker punch them.
Remember, I'm Quaker. Part of our theology is that there is a tiny bit of god in everyone. EVERYONE. God CAN speak through anyone at any time. The impetus is on the listener to discern what is being heard.
"But how am I to know the good side from the bad?" -Luke Skywalker
"YOU WILL KNOW!" -Yoda (boiling quakerism down to its most fundamental)
No one. To understand THIS you need to be familiar with Schopenhauer. When you say "blame" what you're really doing is conflating "justice" with "revenge". REVENGE is morally indefensible, it's a continuation of Cain's bloody cycle.
Justice is NOT about righting some cosmic scale that is set wrong by harmful acts.
The morally defensible objective of justice is to make moral laws as tangible and immutable as natural laws. The prohibition of murder should be as inexorable as gravity.
The person who kills, must die. Not for the sake of the dead but for the sake of the living who will see it done and know that for cause there is effect.
Justice is deterrence, not revenge.
On this there is one caveat that departs from liberalism, and that is that IT IS NOT NECESSARY FOR THE CONDEMNED TO ACTUALLY BE GUILTY. Only that they are perceived as guilty by the community and that justice is done swiftly and known to all.
Actually the WORST possible situation is not the conviction of the innocent, but rather the exoneration of someone everyone "knows" is guilty. When OJ Simpson was ruled innocent, it made the state look impotent and the law toothless. Blackstone's formulation is an insidious poison utterly assured to destroy the legitimacy of every Caesar who decides to adopt it.
Do you succeed in bringing about god's kingdom on earth?
Consider it like this: The Muslims believe that there will be peace when when there are no non-believers.
Are they wrong? Rather, if they succeed, were they right?
God's will is only revealed retroactively.
When you embark on a quest in the name of god, whether or not you were righteous hinges on whether or not your actions bring about the world condition your god desires.
To put it another way... God is always on the side of the victors. Or as they put it in the film: "His god... is god."
I've seen enough to know that the atheists' pure reason, and the environmentalists' gaia are false. But as to which branch of the God of Abraham is true (if any)... that is still an open question.
There is no such thing as jews, funny enough. The Covenant was fulfilled when Christ resurrected. Those called "jews" since are the synagogue of Satan, the descendants of the Pharisees, cursed by God.
You are free to your views. I certainly don’t hate you and have prayed for you on a number of occasions. Free will means you can hate Christians or Christianity all you want.
I don’t hate Jews, but what do you want me to say? Dont hate people? You choose to argue with everyone. I’ve done my time doing that.
Also like I said I’m not listening to black ppl half my age lecture me on race. You haven’t experienced anything to the level of past generations and yet you act like such a victim. I’ll tell you what my mother told me when I was a dumb teen acting like some expert on race. “shut up because you don’t know what you are talking about”. If the worst thing I’ve experienced is being called racist or mean names online then so be it.
I mean Jesus doesn’t allow killing those who disagree. I know people have twisted the Bible. I guess I’ll just ignore your posts from now on
i would've had more respect for you, if you just told me to die, then trying your hardest. to look like a balanced person.
Why? Because it's easier to dismiss me as another dang dirty nahtze than confront the uncomfortable truth that maybe there is something wrong with you after all, even if you do it to epically troll some strangers on the internet behind several layers of irony and detachement?
As I said, hope you at least have fun posting these and getting a reaction out of people, because it looks like you'll be doing this for a long time
What do you think about Iran attacking tel aviv, do you lose sleep about that?
but leave it to a bad faith actor to not only misrepresent my point. but to make it look like i'm demonizing you, for your religion. when in reality, that's what you lot have been doing to other religions here.
You know what's the sad thing? You must think you are a clever with all those misdirections where everyone can see through your shit here. As I said, even if you are a troll you should just leave this be, and doing it to this extend seems pathological even if you try to convince yourself it's ironical.
Have fun, I guess. You can't never lose the game if you set the rules yourself
Go for it. Just as long as you hate them proportional to the actions of their adhereants. One disagrees with you and might say some unpleasant things about you, one beheads anyone who disagrees with them, and the other will undermine and destroy your society regardless of what you agree with.
Even if you're at odds with religiosity in general, try to allocate your disdain as reality calls for it.
He thinks this is a profound own. But really it's just the, "would you kill baby Hitler" dressed up in his retardness.
They would believe their hands were clean. And do you know why?
The Talmud and Old Testament are not the same thing. Besides I didn't say anything about The Talmud so your point isn't germane.
You are confused.
> Be atheist
> Criticize religion for killing children
> Cheer on the killing of millions of children (the unborn) so their mothers can work their email job without interruption.
It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him.
Got it: you believe it's acceptable to slaughter children for any reason (or no reason) provided they're young enough, but instead of "championing" it maybe you feel a little bit bad when it happens.
So if I understand correctly, the primary moral innovation modernity has discovered with regard to child slaughter is "we still do it, but now some of us feel a little bit bad about doing it while still defending the practice".
If I had a point other than simple mockery it would be "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".
Would you chop a child's dick off if an expert told you to?
Remember, there's a block button that you can use to block this guy's posts
Let's do a little thought experiment.
Say there were 50 ableistSLs and Bluestorms. You block them. Then you make a post. What would the board look like to someone either not logged in or a new account, or just someone who just hasn't blocked them?
The board would have reams of furfaggotry, pedo apologia, and anti-white hatred, and you would then be associated with that. Blocking is not enough.
I don't like to block, it's important to get an unobstructed view of reality. Like just how retarded some of the people out in the wild are.
Do you hate commies becasue of what happened during Mao's revolution, khmer Rogue or the Bolshevik revolution, or would you still justify then because they are consequentialists and they technically didn't call for violence?
Would you do it if it was abortion instead? Because I feel at that point you would be against it because of your atheist brainrot and religion saying life begins at conception is Bad or something
To answer your question, no, people aren't as autistic as you to think if a prophet told them to kill children they'd do it. Most christians are aware of the "questionable" parts of the book, yet they decide to take the best of it and do as Christ would want them to,which ultimately is act out of kindness and justice. You aren't saying anything new nor presenting some revolutionary idea.
But if you want a secular reason, if you truly are and atheist, you are blaming god on men actions. If you truly believe that by removíng religion man would stop killing man you are so detached from reality no wonder you think someone here would genuinely give a crap about you.
Or is it that you are unable to grasp the concept of cause and effect so god becomes a convenient scapegoat in order to avoid personal responsibility? Go take revenge on the sea for killing so many sailors or something.
You are an over-invested troll or a retard, either way you are deserving of pity, but you won't listen and keep doing what you do because, well, only you know. So, the only thing I can tell you is that I hope you at least have fun posting these for as long as you do
Care to explain why that doesn't apply to religion?
Never heard of the guy
I haven't. At any point. Ever.
That would be god testing ME to not immediately sucker punch them.
Remember, I'm Quaker. Part of our theology is that there is a tiny bit of god in everyone. EVERYONE. God CAN speak through anyone at any time. The impetus is on the listener to discern what is being heard.
"But how am I to know the good side from the bad?" -Luke Skywalker
"YOU WILL KNOW!" -Yoda (boiling quakerism down to its most fundamental)
If a tranny goes on a shooting spree because MSM told them troons are literally being genocided who do we blame?
That happened in Nashville. Were the children deserving of it because they went to a Christian school?
No one. To understand THIS you need to be familiar with Schopenhauer. When you say "blame" what you're really doing is conflating "justice" with "revenge". REVENGE is morally indefensible, it's a continuation of Cain's bloody cycle.
Justice is NOT about righting some cosmic scale that is set wrong by harmful acts.
The morally defensible objective of justice is to make moral laws as tangible and immutable as natural laws. The prohibition of murder should be as inexorable as gravity.
The person who kills, must die. Not for the sake of the dead but for the sake of the living who will see it done and know that for cause there is effect.
Justice is deterrence, not revenge.
On this there is one caveat that departs from liberalism, and that is that IT IS NOT NECESSARY FOR THE CONDEMNED TO ACTUALLY BE GUILTY. Only that they are perceived as guilty by the community and that justice is done swiftly and known to all.
Actually the WORST possible situation is not the conviction of the innocent, but rather the exoneration of someone everyone "knows" is guilty. When OJ Simpson was ruled innocent, it made the state look impotent and the law toothless. Blackstone's formulation is an insidious poison utterly assured to destroy the legitimacy of every Caesar who decides to adopt it.
Do you succeed in bringing about god's kingdom on earth?
Consider it like this: The Muslims believe that there will be peace when when there are no non-believers.
Are they wrong? Rather, if they succeed, were they right?
God's will is only revealed retroactively.
When you embark on a quest in the name of god, whether or not you were righteous hinges on whether or not your actions bring about the world condition your god desires.
To put it another way... God is always on the side of the victors. Or as they put it in the film: "His god... is god."
I've seen enough to know that the atheists' pure reason, and the environmentalists' gaia are false. But as to which branch of the God of Abraham is true (if any)... that is still an open question.
There is no such thing as jews, funny enough. The Covenant was fulfilled when Christ resurrected. Those called "jews" since are the synagogue of Satan, the descendants of the Pharisees, cursed by God.
"luck' is not why you're stupid.
You could try not deserving death? It's not hard to not be evil.
Also for being a disgusting pervert, not just a godless blasphemer and all around reprobate.
You are free to your views. I certainly don’t hate you and have prayed for you on a number of occasions. Free will means you can hate Christians or Christianity all you want.
I don’t hate Jews, but what do you want me to say? Dont hate people? You choose to argue with everyone. I’ve done my time doing that.
Also like I said I’m not listening to black ppl half my age lecture me on race. You haven’t experienced anything to the level of past generations and yet you act like such a victim. I’ll tell you what my mother told me when I was a dumb teen acting like some expert on race. “shut up because you don’t know what you are talking about”. If the worst thing I’ve experienced is being called racist or mean names online then so be it.
I mean Jesus doesn’t allow killing those who disagree. I know people have twisted the Bible. I guess I’ll just ignore your posts from now on
I mean I was here first but yes, ignoring your posts is easier. Enjoy your life bravely fighting racism online
Happy to do so. I’m nobody important. You remind me of some of my whiny cousins.
Would it be good, tho? What do you ultimately win by shunning others? Other than some distorted sense of self-satisfaction
Unless you live in a shithole like South Africa or Indonesia you aren't forced to do shit
You are being dramatic. Nobody will kill you for being a non-believer, and if you don't believe in salvation there's really no problem
Whataboutism isn't an argument
Why? Because it's easier to dismiss me as another dang dirty nahtze than confront the uncomfortable truth that maybe there is something wrong with you after all, even if you do it to epically troll some strangers on the internet behind several layers of irony and detachement?
As I said, hope you at least have fun posting these and getting a reaction out of people, because it looks like you'll be doing this for a long time
What do you think about Iran attacking tel aviv, do you lose sleep about that?
You know what's the sad thing? You must think you are a clever with all those misdirections where everyone can see through your shit here. As I said, even if you are a troll you should just leave this be, and doing it to this extend seems pathological even if you try to convince yourself it's ironical.
Have fun, I guess. You can't never lose the game if you set the rules yourself
This is why I say you deserve pity. You set your own game and still the only way you can win is by acting like an idiot. Well, eat your heart out
Go for it. Just as long as you hate them proportional to the actions of their adhereants. One disagrees with you and might say some unpleasant things about you, one beheads anyone who disagrees with them, and the other will undermine and destroy your society regardless of what you agree with.
Even if you're at odds with religiosity in general, try to allocate your disdain as reality calls for it.