Many thanks to the dude that started the harass campaign against the poor Brazilian dude who started the curator. If it wasn't for him this curator would have had less then 30k followers and everyone would have forgotten about it in a few days.
And considering what it sounds like was going on on the forums/discord of the group, probably for the best. The neutrally approached "SBI was involved" will win people over a lot better than "SBI 1488 FUCK JEWS" topics in terms of legitimate money bleeding.
The real problem is when the gay commies are found out they scatter like cockroaches but they aren't removed from the kitchen. They just wait until the light is off to scuttle out again.
These people can just re-incorporate under a new name and keep their racket going.
Same thing happened with "Media Matters" which was the company that turned huge portions of reddit into garbage overnight. AKA Correct the Record, Aka ShareBlue. They keep rebranding. No idea what they are now, but they proved they will manipulate social media and they have years of experience doing it.
yup, but getting it thru peoples heads the concept of bizzaro logic is like talking to a wall. a lot just see proclaimed thing and move on or pile on because racist nazi was appended to something. so the only recourse it to somehow make the individuals themselves so radioactive they devlope a case of elephants foot. shame bonegolems not got the wiki fixed as im sure some old re-emerging partys would love what was on there being easily accessable.
Congrats to Kabrutus. So many critic streamers wish they could get so many people to follow something that fast. (Nerdrotic just reached a million after how many years?) Though I suppose Streisand really helps.
Wow, that didn't take long. Congrats on that Streisand effect.
Putting not just a spotlight on it, but such a big spotlight that it got 1000% the likely amount of people that would have cared about it, or subbed to it.
The reaction that the company made was telling, instead of being proud of the list they worked on, they did everything wrong. It should be cited as reference material for companies in the future, but leftists deranged leftists never learn
I call it the Libs of Tiktok effect: All the curator did was showcase the titles SBI is involved in, no commentary, no editorialization. The natural response for these people was to retch in horror, as though they have been found out. A highly odd reaction that only ONE demographic is known for.
That said, they outed themselves by playing victim.
Congrats to him. Looks like his Discord is growing as well. If someone can help me out here, when I look up the group on the Steam app it shows the group is at half those members. Is this a bug with the android app or am I looking in the wrong place?
Many thanks to the dude that started the harass campaign against the poor Brazilian dude who started the curator. If it wasn't for him this curator would have had less then 30k followers and everyone would have forgotten about it in a few days.
Streisand has a large effect radius.
Almost as large as her nose. Almost.
The point of the group is just to highlight SBI:Detected. It still accomplishes 100% of its goals even if muzzled.
And considering what it sounds like was going on on the forums/discord of the group, probably for the best. The neutrally approached "SBI was involved" will win people over a lot better than "SBI 1488 FUCK JEWS" topics in terms of legitimate money bleeding.
The group forum was an unnecessary liability
The real problem is when the gay commies are found out they scatter like cockroaches but they aren't removed from the kitchen. They just wait until the light is off to scuttle out again.
These people can just re-incorporate under a new name and keep their racket going.
Same thing happened with "Media Matters" which was the company that turned huge portions of reddit into garbage overnight. AKA Correct the Record, Aka ShareBlue. They keep rebranding. No idea what they are now, but they proved they will manipulate social media and they have years of experience doing it.
This is one of the groups trying to shut down InfoWars and other alternative news outlets.
yup, but getting it thru peoples heads the concept of bizzaro logic is like talking to a wall. a lot just see proclaimed thing and move on or pile on because racist nazi was appended to something. so the only recourse it to somehow make the individuals themselves so radioactive they devlope a case of elephants foot. shame bonegolems not got the wiki fixed as im sure some old re-emerging partys would love what was on there being easily accessable.
Congrats to Kabrutus. So many critic streamers wish they could get so many people to follow something that fast. (Nerdrotic just reached a million after how many years?) Though I suppose Streisand really helps.
Wow, that didn't take long. Congrats on that Streisand effect.
Putting not just a spotlight on it, but such a big spotlight that it got 1000% the likely amount of people that would have cared about it, or subbed to it.
it wasnt just a spotlight. they put the goddamn sun over him.
When woke journos went on full court offense and also tried to get them taken down, I knew the curator had scored a big win.
The reaction that the company made was telling, instead of being proud of the list they worked on, they did everything wrong. It should be cited as reference material for companies in the future, but
leftistsderanged leftists never learnI call it the Libs of Tiktok effect: All the curator did was showcase the titles SBI is involved in, no commentary, no editorialization. The natural response for these people was to retch in horror, as though they have been found out. A highly odd reaction that only ONE demographic is known for.
That said, they outed themselves by playing victim.
When I tried to search for "sweet baby inc" to find out what the hell it is, "sweet baby inc detected" was the second recommended result.
Congrats to him. Looks like his Discord is growing as well. If someone can help me out here, when I look up the group on the Steam app it shows the group is at half those members. Is this a bug with the android app or am I looking in the wrong place?
There are two numbers, number of group members, and number of people following the curator.
That is the group. You need to follow the curator. You can get to the curator from the group or search for the curator name directly.
Curators work much better then the group for vetting games.