Reminder that these so called climate scientists that pushed the hockey stick graph always ignored the mini ice age that occurred in Europe form the 14-18 th century which is so well documented that it was the biggest population loss aside from the Black Death..
I think this is when they stopped saying global warming because of all the blizzards. I forgot about the mini ice age. Although there could be a blizzard in Nigeria and this dude would say it’s because of a warming trend
Another reminder that the ocean's currents are driven on cold temperature and high salinity, which requires large amounts of ice to lock up the fresh water to enable it, which paradoxically moves more heat toward the poles by transporting warm equatorial waters toward the poles, which is why places like Europe are warmer than they otherwise would be.
Another reminder that we're still coming out of the last ice age, and that the earth's temperatures, grand scale, have nothing else to do but to warm up.
Another reminder that the earth has been much warmer and much colder in the past, without human intervention, and with CO2 levels much higher and much lower, showing that CO2 had almost no impact on climate.
Another reminder that CO2's warming capability slows down dramatically the higher the concentration and that the sun's various cycles are what drives earth's climate, but no climate scientist is allowed to/doesn't talk about it because it would destroy their weak narrative.
Another reminder that if these climate psychos had their way, most life on earth would die from carbon dioxide starvation, since reducing CO2 to the levels they're proposing would kill off most plant life, which thrives on much higher CO2 levels than what we have currently, and we're already really close to low levels of CO2 which would starve and kill off most plant life, as has been studied by numerous scientists for hundreds of years, but modern climate scientists aren't allowed to/don't talk about it.
Another reminder that not a single global warming/climate change model has come true, ever.
Another reminder that climate scientists push their narrative through lying, manipulation, and censorship of dissent.
For more info on this fascinating subject (weather), both now and historically, check out Randall Carlson's podcast Kosmographia. For climate change and related topics specifically, check out episodes 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 102, and 103.
Another reminder that the earth has been much warmer and much colder in the past, without human intervention, and with CO2 levels much higher and much lower, showing that CO2 had almost no impact on climate.
That's not what that shows. CO2 levels at planetology scales are going to have significant effects on climate. Changing the amount of oxygen in a planets atmosphere could cause significant increase in the size of cellular life. Which then tends to make everything physically bigger. Hell, the "Big Death" 200 million years ago may have been from the release of a gas into the atmosphere from the oceans. It's just simply the case that if you start making major changes to a planets atmosphere, it's going to have massive effects on the planet. And, sometimes the planet is the thing that causes the atmosphere to change, causing further changes.
You want to argue that CO2 concentration from 220 to 400 ppm won't cause significant climate change, whatever. Don't argue that changing CO2 concentration from 220 to 9,000 ppm won't have an effect.
If you want a lot of fun, Eastern Washington is a desert. The clouds on the west side hit the cascade mountains and drop all their moisture into places like Seattle. So when the same clouds go over Yakima or the tri cities, its a small wisp. If you talk to seattlites, Yakima is a desert because the people of Yakima are polluters.
And yet somehow the US and EU have record natural gas storage and rock-bottom prices, despite losing the biggest nat gas exporter in the world. During a winter storm, no less.
Everything is fake, everything is gay, and you have to point it all out.
They use the same shifty kinds of arguments that they did with the vaccine, starting out with an easily disproved lie and transitioning to completely unfalsifiable, hysterical nonsense.
That's awkward because the recent trend in the Northern Hemisphere has been for a strong jet stream that has brought storms to western Europe in recent years, the complete polar (excuse the pun) opposite to what he is claiming.
Go to his twitter profile. First of all, soyface. I have more testosterone in my fingernail than this faggot. Second, posts are 100% liberal drivel. Why would anyone give a fuck what a history teacher has to say about the economy and weather patterns?
I don't know if his assertion is legitimate, but it's not unreasonable to expect climate change to cause weather change that is not in one singular direction.
His approach is far more reasonable than, "Climate change only makes things hotter". A snowball in Texas, and hot day in the Yukon is not the same as climate change.
Reminder that these so called climate scientists that pushed the hockey stick graph always ignored the mini ice age that occurred in Europe form the 14-18 th century which is so well documented that it was the biggest population loss aside from the Black Death..
Reminder that FAR more people die of extreme cold than extreme heat.
Global warming would be a massive reduction in deaths in any case.
But their models are complete BS and scaremongering.
You also can't grow shit in the cold. Meanwhile look at equatorial regions.
But but but muh carbon dioxide!
You mean the gas that our food thrives in?
I think this is when they stopped saying global warming because of all the blizzards. I forgot about the mini ice age. Although there could be a blizzard in Nigeria and this dude would say it’s because of a warming trend
Another reminder that the ocean's currents are driven on cold temperature and high salinity, which requires large amounts of ice to lock up the fresh water to enable it, which paradoxically moves more heat toward the poles by transporting warm equatorial waters toward the poles, which is why places like Europe are warmer than they otherwise would be.
Another reminder that we're still coming out of the last ice age, and that the earth's temperatures, grand scale, have nothing else to do but to warm up.
Another reminder that the earth has been much warmer and much colder in the past, without human intervention, and with CO2 levels much higher and much lower, showing that CO2 had almost no impact on climate.
Another reminder that CO2's warming capability slows down dramatically the higher the concentration and that the sun's various cycles are what drives earth's climate, but no climate scientist is allowed to/doesn't talk about it because it would destroy their weak narrative.
Another reminder that if these climate psychos had their way, most life on earth would die from carbon dioxide starvation, since reducing CO2 to the levels they're proposing would kill off most plant life, which thrives on much higher CO2 levels than what we have currently, and we're already really close to low levels of CO2 which would starve and kill off most plant life, as has been studied by numerous scientists for hundreds of years, but modern climate scientists aren't allowed to/don't talk about it.
Another reminder that not a single global warming/climate change model has come true, ever.
Another reminder that climate scientists push their narrative through lying, manipulation, and censorship of dissent.
For more info on this fascinating subject (weather), both now and historically, check out Randall Carlson's podcast Kosmographia. For climate change and related topics specifically, check out episodes 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 102, and 103.
That's not what that shows. CO2 levels at planetology scales are going to have significant effects on climate. Changing the amount of oxygen in a planets atmosphere could cause significant increase in the size of cellular life. Which then tends to make everything physically bigger. Hell, the "Big Death" 200 million years ago may have been from the release of a gas into the atmosphere from the oceans. It's just simply the case that if you start making major changes to a planets atmosphere, it's going to have massive effects on the planet. And, sometimes the planet is the thing that causes the atmosphere to change, causing further changes.
You want to argue that CO2 concentration from 220 to 400 ppm won't cause significant climate change, whatever. Don't argue that changing CO2 concentration from 220 to 9,000 ppm won't have an effect.
It's worse than that, because the hockey stick came from a single tree north of Sibera: YAD061.
On another note, the Steyn-Mann Trial is finally underway, after 12 years.
Fern Gully taught me that it takes a whole tree to produce a single toothpick. Dur.
All they have is "patterns and models".
Every winter it's like winter never happened before.
Same with summer.
If you want a lot of fun, Eastern Washington is a desert. The clouds on the west side hit the cascade mountains and drop all their moisture into places like Seattle. So when the same clouds go over Yakima or the tri cities, its a small wisp. If you talk to seattlites, Yakima is a desert because the people of Yakima are polluters.
It reeks of "not having a symptom is actually a symptom!"
This level of stupidity can only be the result of a college “education.”
And yet somehow the US and EU have record natural gas storage and rock-bottom prices, despite losing the biggest nat gas exporter in the world. During a winter storm, no less.
Everything is fake, everything is gay, and you have to point it all out.
Cold outside? Time for you to eat bugs.
this just in!
They use the same shifty kinds of arguments that they did with the vaccine, starting out with an easily disproved lie and transitioning to completely unfalsifiable, hysterical nonsense.
That's awkward because the recent trend in the Northern Hemisphere has been for a strong jet stream that has brought storms to western Europe in recent years, the complete polar (excuse the pun) opposite to what he is claiming.
Go to his twitter profile. First of all, soyface. I have more testosterone in my fingernail than this faggot. Second, posts are 100% liberal drivel. Why would anyone give a fuck what a history teacher has to say about the economy and weather patterns?
I don't know if his assertion is legitimate, but it's not unreasonable to expect climate change to cause weather change that is not in one singular direction.
His approach is far more reasonable than, "Climate change only makes things hotter". A snowball in Texas, and hot day in the Yukon is not the same as climate change.
Climate change does everything. Climate change ruined Star Wars.
You're thinking of El Nino