Also, I like how apparently neither of them are American, but it seems based on the intro and Americentrism, that they're in both living in America.
Ve must build ze wall.
Also, this really does have layers. It sounds like he's kicked out multiple members of her family, then calls her an "effing hypocrite" for (admittedly preemptively) kicking his family out.
This does sound like Western lib male vs lib but also tradionalist Indian female. As I said, layers.
I think you're on point; she's a newly minted liberal, from a traditional and family-oriented background. So even if she's utterly renounced her more conservative family, they're still family. So she's slightly more wholesome than the 'my family thinks Biden isn't doing a good job, whaaaaa' soymale, but that's not saying much. Foreign lib women are often more insufferable than, for all the hate they get, the Hwite women.
You can tell because this “dude” has ethnic wife with “traditional” views. But then his family is “conservative” which apparently “his wife” has a problem with.
Yeah, there is a bit of a twist here.
Also, I like how apparently neither of them are American, but it seems based on the intro and Americentrism, that they're in both living in America.
Ve must build ze wall.
Also, this really does have layers. It sounds like he's kicked out multiple members of her family, then calls her an "effing hypocrite" for (admittedly preemptively) kicking his family out.
This does sound like Western lib male vs lib but also tradionalist Indian female. As I said, layers.
I think you're on point; she's a newly minted liberal, from a traditional and family-oriented background. So even if she's utterly renounced her more conservative family, they're still family. So she's slightly more wholesome than the 'my family thinks Biden isn't doing a good job, whaaaaa' soymale, but that's not saying much. Foreign lib women are often more insufferable than, for all the hate they get, the Hwite women.
Airing your relationship problems in YouTube shorts of baking is pretty Low-T.
What a waste of a Trad wife.
She's Indian, so it doesn't matter.
Beaner and pajeet get out!
Their kids would be "Pajeaners."
Libtard? His wife's issues with his family are "hunting and hating Biden." Sounds like his wife has a case of the libtard as well.
r/aita is all fake/gay rage bait.
You can tell because this “dude” has ethnic wife with “traditional” views. But then his family is “conservative” which apparently “his wife” has a problem with.
This is designed to troll redditards
so glad to have these foreigners bringing their foreign problems to my country.
Whoa whoa whoa, cool it with the Islamophobia, buddy
wtf is the format of this video?
That's all well and good but where is the instruction vid for that first cake? :')
Eventually people will realize tradwife culture is just women appropriating a few talking points to reel in a simp.