There's also a push to blame it all on Telegram, to get it blocked or shut down. Ultimately they would also like user generated content banned too so you can't talk between others and will only be allowed to hear approved speech, think approved thoughts and say approved lines. Anyone who dissents will be treated in a brutal and harsh fashion. It's also why they don't like the cut of Elon's jib.
The dark web will become the digital speakeasy where the illicit trades of exchanging ideas, free speech and civil disagreement will take place.
rumors are the next thing that authorities should be able to censor
I don't think that's the angle they're going for with this article, it's just more dishonest, misleading reporting, and 'rumors' was the best word they could use for that.
But they never stopped pushing against your right to spread information or speak opinions they don't like, and I don't believe they will anytime soon.
I have confidence that society will one day rededicate itself to freedom of speech, and the truth that it inevitably brings with it. Whether I live to see it is the question.
Question: would it matter? People raised in a culture that says hate the native population, in a religion that tries to conquer any other believers it would not matter if someone was born or immigrated. The issues with people from the middle East have been growing worse with each generation last I read that the next generation is even more radical. They hate us, they get indoctrinated in mosques sponsored by Qatari and Saudi money even if they are born here.
It will not end with kicking out the migrants, even if we do we already have too many people who just outright hate us for not being of their believe.
For anyone not old enough, this is exactly what the USSR was like.
Evil is the same, every time.
Commies are gonna be commies. No different from HIV.
That’s the prediction:
because “mis and dis information” takes the censors too long to identify.
So they want to ban all unauthorized “rumors”.
For your safety.
wow he had a piece of paper that says he's just as irish as you!
Riots are the speech of the unheard, or something. That's what I was told at least many times by the left.
There's also a push to blame it all on Telegram, to get it blocked or shut down. Ultimately they would also like user generated content banned too so you can't talk between others and will only be allowed to hear approved speech, think approved thoughts and say approved lines. Anyone who dissents will be treated in a brutal and harsh fashion. It's also why they don't like the cut of Elon's jib.
The dark web will become the digital speakeasy where the illicit trades of exchanging ideas, free speech and civil disagreement will take place.
Turning the internet into TV has been their goal. i agree.
The fundamental thing about it they cannot have: Anyone can speak. They rely on only favored parties getting a platform so they can disinform.
" I hear there's rumors on the, uh, Internets" - GWB
He seems quaint in hindsight
Community notes says he's from Algeria.
I don't think that's the angle they're going for with this article, it's just more dishonest, misleading reporting, and 'rumors' was the best word they could use for that.
But they never stopped pushing against your right to spread information or speak opinions they don't like, and I don't believe they will anytime soon.
I have confidence that society will one day rededicate itself to freedom of speech, and the truth that it inevitably brings with it. Whether I live to see it is the question.
So he was a citizen, not a visa holder. Yet after 20 years he goes on a stabbing rampage targeting Irish born children.
So he's an immigrant then.
Was the stabber actually born in Ireland?
I thought he was just a naturalized citizen.
Correct. Note the wording used.
"man was an Irish citizen who had lived in the country for 20 years"
they're admitting he wasn't born there, and they're avoiding saying how long he's been a citizen for. They also don't mention his age.
The people are correct to riot.
So he's an immigrant, is what they're saying.
Yes. He's not native born irish, and hasn't been there his whole life.
Question: would it matter? People raised in a culture that says hate the native population, in a religion that tries to conquer any other believers it would not matter if someone was born or immigrated. The issues with people from the middle East have been growing worse with each generation last I read that the next generation is even more radical. They hate us, they get indoctrinated in mosques sponsored by Qatari and Saudi money even if they are born here.
It will not end with kicking out the migrants, even if we do we already have too many people who just outright hate us for not being of their believe.
Will there be enough ethnic Europeans to make a difference about it? (((TPTB))) have gone full speed ahead on their replacement.
A mouse born in a barn isn't a horse.