Infant Son of J6 Defendant Placed on Quiet Skies Suspected Terrorist Watchlist
According to his boarding pass, a J6 defendant’s infant son is now enrolled in the secretive Quiet Skies watchlist program, which was created to keep tabs on suspected domestic terrorists.
I get that babies can be a 'terror' on planes but this is ridiculous/s
More proof that all but probably ICE alphabet agencies should immediately be disbanded and discontinued. Also look out for any NPCs that use the words 'but' or 'well' unironically to try and defend this.
Not that I agree with the terrorist assessment of j6 or the surveillance state at all, but if one part is classified as suspected terrorist, would it not be reasonable to suspect the rest of the near family to be involved? As for the child its can only be used for smuggling so the extra suspicion seems overrated at that young age.
I'd say it's more indicative of a rubber stamp mindset that they aren't checking that far into them. What if the family is estranged from a suspect or what if they want to get away from them but limits on travel by these organisations is making it harder?
PROTIP: whenever you make a statement and following up with "... but", just fucking delete everything you wrote before that since it doesn't fucking matter.
Local FBI Agent:
Local ATF:
Yet they just had no idea that a man with proven, years long relationship with terrorist orgs could prose a problem? REALLY?
Fucking joke.
Same with doctors and teachers on the lookout for child abuse. They somehow couldn't detect that fag couple pimping out their adopted kids, but a normal parent taking their kid to the hospital gets separated from their kids so they can be privately interrogated.
Never trust the government. Ever.
This is just demoralization porn.
They're going to keep making an example of the innocent protestors of J6 not because it makes any sense, but because it might dissuade others from DARING to protest.
Trump needs to pardon them AND put them in charge of dismantling the DOJ.
Realistically he’ll probably spend his 4 years golfing and adding more crimes against Julian Assange
They will never let him back into office.
Deep state abusing their powers.
Mass Defunding is the only answer.
I love vivek’s strategy ^^
Eh, it's a clever idea but honestly not that far from your typical Republican "cut taxes cut the budget" grifter. What he proposes is the minimum that should be done. He says "Absolutely nothing will break as a result." I WANT the deep state broken. Scatter to the winds.
vivek says things, but he's still a foreigner.
You have to give credit to them, when they have power they actually use it.
EVERY government program is subverted against the public.
Gotta have every tyranny wrapped up in a fuzzy name to act like the government isn't overstepping their bounds
the sins of the father shall be visited of the sons unto the seventh generation?
This is snek. Ssssss.