Suspiciously there were suddenly a lot of people on basically every platform you can name coming out of the woodwork to tell us he was Christian. Without more information, those of us who instinctively knew better had no argument at the time.
we live in times where irrational people try to pretend they are hyperrational, so when their narrative goes against statistics and all believable likelihood they will say we don't know for sure and must wait to empirically find out... as in be told by CNN or whoever the fuck.
language and logic have been poisoned completely in the mainstream, the minds of most people are straight-up broken. the way out of this will be interesting for sure.
I was being deeply and painfully sarcastic. The Middle East is the birthplace of Christianity and should be a place where those beliefs should flourish as they have for thousands of years. Instead they have been attacked on all sides and the one time a year their names get into the papers it's by a muslim using them as a shield for his rampage.
I remember imp calling this guy a "tradcuck"
Imp says a lot of things
Most of it utter bollocks, I think there are maybe two sentences in all their diatribes that make a degree of sense
Utter bollocks yet you're believing a post that cites a fucking WordPress blog.
And it's still better evidence than you can cite, consider that
Islam is kinda "tradcuck"
"Cuck" implies that the men let their women get away with shit like fucking around/"divorce rape". Islam treats women as property, so not really.
anything short of complete extermination of women is cuck to imp
He's really going hard on this one, to the point he would have some kind of vested interest in changing the conversation.
Right, so because some lunatic's blog says it, we should all believe it?
There's a reason OP didn't provide a source.
It's because the source is this
A lie gets half-way around the world before the truth can get its shoes on
Thepicture and name are all proof needed. The guy is clearly arabic and wearing one of those hat common wjth them. Everything fits.
Common sense is all one needs
Lol, did people really think this pos was a christian?
Suspiciously there were suddenly a lot of people on basically every platform you can name coming out of the woodwork to tell us he was Christian. Without more information, those of us who instinctively knew better had no argument at the time.
we live in times where irrational people try to pretend they are hyperrational, so when their narrative goes against statistics and all believable likelihood they will say we don't know for sure and must wait to empirically find out... as in be told by CNN or whoever the fuck.
language and logic have been poisoned completely in the mainstream, the minds of most people are straight-up broken. the way out of this will be interesting for sure.
Not really, but they're evil enough to pretend they did.
Silly, Middle Eastern Christians don't exist and aren't deserving of protected class status, until someone can be called that antagonizingly.
You're wrong about the first part, they do exist, a solid portion of Syria's population are Christians, in fact, Orthodox Christians.
I was being deeply and painfully sarcastic. The Middle East is the birthplace of Christianity and should be a place where those beliefs should flourish as they have for thousands of years. Instead they have been attacked on all sides and the one time a year their names get into the papers it's by a muslim using them as a shield for his rampage.
The thing that never happens happened again.
He’s clearly just doing the Muslim version of a cat spaying to mark territory
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................of peace?
Did any of those kids die?
I just browsed a couple articles really quickly. They’re all in stable condition, thank God.
From a woman's article on an obscure website. I read it. No proof.
May as well link it:
No one is identified to make the statement. It's just 'the word is from the other Syrians...'
I made a whole new post on it, but I should have probably linked.
Or got someone else to post it so it didn't get botted.