Suspiciously there were suddenly a lot of people on basically every platform you can name coming out of the woodwork to tell us he was Christian. Without more information, those of us who instinctively knew better had no argument at the time.
we live in times where irrational people try to pretend they are hyperrational, so when their narrative goes against statistics and all believable likelihood they will say we don't know for sure and must wait to empirically find out... as in be told by CNN or whoever the fuck.
language and logic have been poisoned completely in the mainstream, the minds of most people are straight-up broken. the way out of this will be interesting for sure.
Suspiciously there were suddenly a lot of people on basically every platform you can name coming out of the woodwork to tell us he was Christian. Without more information, those of us who instinctively knew better had no argument at the time.
we live in times where irrational people try to pretend they are hyperrational, so when their narrative goes against statistics and all believable likelihood they will say we don't know for sure and must wait to empirically find out... as in be told by CNN or whoever the fuck.
language and logic have been poisoned completely in the mainstream, the minds of most people are straight-up broken. the way out of this will be interesting for sure.