Someone should point out that "Kill all men" is fine to say on Twitter but calling someone a man isn't.
It would be more correct to say that calling a government official a man when he wants to pretend he's a woman is not allowed. I'm sure if you called some nobody trans a man no one would care.
This is really about reinforcing State authority, comrade.
Makes me wish I had a twitter account so I could start doing that. But not to public figured, just to random NPCs. So I can get joy out of imaging her looking up from her phone, seeing herself in the mirror, and crying.
Yeah, someone should point it out. If only they realize how hypocritical they are being they'll surely come to their senses and end the double standards. Seriously, it's current year and righties on the internet are still pointing out the left's hypocrisy. "OH, YOU SPLIT MY SKULL WITH A BIKE LOCK? WEREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE THE TOLERANT IN ONES? HIW HYPOCRITICAL!"
it's the old soviet humiliation power play, they know it's bs, they know you know it's bs, they want you to submit and be humiliated about your inability to stop them
It would be more correct to say that calling a government official a man when he wants to pretend he's a woman is not allowed. I'm sure if you called some nobody trans a man no one would care.
This is really about reinforcing State authority, comrade.
this is what we need to start doing more... start calling not-trans people trannies.
and you have to do it southern style...
"Moloch approves!"
This is what's called a "back-handed compliment"
Makes me wish I had a twitter account so I could start doing that. But not to public figured, just to random NPCs. So I can get joy out of imaging her looking up from her phone, seeing herself in the mirror, and crying.
For those that made this decision, that's a feature, not a bug.
Yeah, someone should point it out. If only they realize how hypocritical they are being they'll surely come to their senses and end the double standards. Seriously, it's current year and righties on the internet are still pointing out the left's hypocrisy. "OH, YOU SPLIT MY SKULL WITH A BIKE LOCK? WEREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE THE TOLERANT IN ONES? HIW HYPOCRITICAL!"
just imagine if our side said the same thing but with roles reversed!
Kill all men but don't kill men who identify as women, because that would be hateful.
His name is Richard.
Don't forget the last name, Levin. This dude's name is "Dick Joining."
Are we sure the Dick is still there?
Tricky Dickie
That thing isn't a man. It's not a woman either, for that matter. It's some kind of mutant, evil slug monster that hates humanity.
It's a moloch worshipping faggot who doesn't even have the figurative balls to cut off its literal balls to be a "woman".
save time and just say jew.
youre not wrong, i thought it was jabba the hut the first time i saw it
It's Uncle Fester from the Adams Family having a
badhair dayit's the old soviet humiliation power play, they know it's bs, they know you know it's bs, they want you to submit and be humiliated about your inability to stop them
The dude looks like a ghoul.
It looks like Chris Chan in 30 years. Chris is also a troon.
a demon
Was that wrong?
"The emperor has no clothes!"
"Off with his head!"
Twitter is trash.
*... for telling the truth.
imagine suspending the only fun clown in the circus
How can they hate the guy they just awarded the woman of the year prize to? Twitter makes no sense.
There's a boat in the photo with the name partially obscured. ODDTIME? FOODTIME?