I'm old enough to remember the onslaught of death wishes on Trump's twitter, and the algorithm optimization to get the ugliest ones consistently on the top of all his posts.
Definitely. And I'm old enough to remember them going after Trump's young, underage son. Meanwhile, Biden's grown-ass adult son is apparently off-limits no matter what kind of hijinks he gets involved in.
no matter how much Blow he does off other dudes dicks or russian hookers he fucks or god knows what is on those laptops he keeps losing. I mean fuck could you imagine if just 1 of these things they had video evidence of one of the Trump kids doing.
Ironically I don't think there's a way to truly block someone on reddit (if you block them they can still reply, everyone sees those replies except you)
we call that "Safe Space Mode", it's for Twitter LOSER MORONS that can't handle people calling them out, unfortunate came to late to save my account from telling that WHORE Alyssa Milano that Abortion was fucking murder whether she liked it or not. and NO i'm not joking, I screenshotted my BAN https://imgur.com/a/RCLztht I know it says a 7 day suspension, but it never came back from that, a day or so later I got perma banned.
I'm old enough to remember the onslaught of death wishes on Trump's twitter, and the algorithm optimization to get the ugliest ones consistently on the top of all his posts.
Definitely. And I'm old enough to remember them going after Trump's young, underage son. Meanwhile, Biden's grown-ass adult son is apparently off-limits no matter what kind of hijinks he gets involved in.
no matter how much Blow he does off other dudes dicks or russian hookers he fucks or god knows what is on those laptops he keeps losing. I mean fuck could you imagine if just 1 of these things they had video evidence of one of the Trump kids doing.
There's video evidence of Hunter fucking his underage niece.
Laptop confiscated and lost by the FBI.
No charges, no investigation.
This is all small potatoes compared to the Ukraine corruption.
10% for the big man
The implication being they are human, you are not and will be treated as such.
Wow, Brian Stelter in his 50's and still get his feelings hurt!
50's? He's 35.
That's my point exactly!
this somehow feels appropriate https://youtu.be/RtqY2isVBo4
where? all i see is a journo.
We all know they're less than pigeons at this point 🤔
If a bot tweets at 2am and nobody is around to virtue signal, do journalists' feelings matter since they will be butthurt anyway? 🤔
Commie pinko faggots are not people. QED
What are these people going to do when they are actual physical slaves to the Chinese?
DIE, they will be the first to jump off the roof tops, only to be saved by the suicide nets the CCP has installed around the building.
Enjoy it
Just make sure it's not pigeons. I don't think they like pigeons since the Dean Takahashi thing.
"auto-blocked"? lol they are turning into reddit
Ironically I don't think there's a way to truly block someone on reddit (if you block them they can still reply, everyone sees those replies except you)
Kill these stupid animals.
we call that "Safe Space Mode", it's for Twitter LOSER MORONS that can't handle people calling them out, unfortunate came to late to save my account from telling that WHORE Alyssa Milano that Abortion was fucking murder whether she liked it or not. and NO i'm not joking, I screenshotted my BAN https://imgur.com/a/RCLztht I know it says a 7 day suspension, but it never came back from that, a day or so later I got perma banned.
You're not allowed to speak to the nobility you filthy peasant.