Reddit quarantined one of the few decent subs on the site, r/NoNewNormal, a week or two ago when the sub reached 100k subscribers. Since the quarantine the number of subs has increased by almost 20%. Predictably, tranny jannies and NPCs are severely assblasted about reddit's approach because they think it's too soft, and so they're planning to do a "blackout" and shut down a bunch of absolutely shit-tier subs later today.
As the current top comment in the link points out, this is the first anti-free speech blackout on that site. It's truly lost.
Edit: Here's an archive of the post they were all linking to. Look at the fucking awards. Archive says >3200, at the time I'm writing this it's actually >4050. The Average Redditor strikes again.
It's to attract redditors to go to 4chan and shit it up with troon threads and leftist troll threads. Between them, and the rampant bots posting absolute nonsense to derail threads, it's very difficult to have any form of discussion there anymore.
Ehh, I'm able to generally keep 4chan-esque discussion on that board, but you are right as well. 4chan has an influx of leftist npc retards the past 5 years.
That’s one of the few I was still following. So I guess the lockdown skepticism and corona circlejerk will be next. I remember the KIA2 subreddit had something going on during floyd riots because I was suspended from some other subreddits.
I'll be surprised if lockdown skepticism gets got. They're run by cucks. "NOooOOoO you can't point out the logical endstate of lockdowns and vax, that's a conspiracy theory!"
They'll cowtow and censor whatever discussion is mandated from above
I haven't been on 4chan in a while, but before I stopped going I noticed a lot of posts agreeable with liberalism, and often times those posters ALWAYS replied to every single reply directed to them like the board was their personal hill to defend. I figured at least a few of them were shills trying to help the left retain their near-monopoly on social media.
Reddit quarantined one of the few decent subs on the site, r/NoNewNormal, a week or two ago when the sub reached 100k subscribers. Since the quarantine the number of subs has increased by almost 20%. Predictably, tranny jannies and NPCs are severely assblasted about reddit's approach because they think it's too soft, and so they're planning to do a "blackout" and shut down a bunch of absolutely shit-tier subs later today.
As the current top comment in the link points out, this is the first anti-free speech blackout on that site. It's truly lost.
Also here's a screenshot from the discord the jannies are using to organize:
Edit: Here's an archive of the post they were all linking to. Look at the fucking awards. Archive says >3200, at the time I'm writing this it's actually >4050. The Average Redditor strikes again.
Wow, no TwoX(tra)Chromosomes.
Apparently the list is expanding, the screenshots are old. I don't have access to their circlejerk, though.
r/confidentincorrect, one of the biggest retard subs outside of politics
thx for the new list of astroturf subs to avoid retards lmao
Speaking of jannies - the ironic part is r/4chan has stayed on reddit for 13 years and hasn't been gassed. Yet.
Makes me wonder how lol
It's to attract redditors to go to 4chan and shit it up with troon threads and leftist troll threads. Between them, and the rampant bots posting absolute nonsense to derail threads, it's very difficult to have any form of discussion there anymore.
Ehh, I'm able to generally keep 4chan-esque discussion on that board, but you are right as well. 4chan has an influx of leftist npc retards the past 5 years.
Looks like the admins responded to the tantrum and told them no.
I hope that whoever screenshotted the discord is recording the seething.
So all the trannies will quit participating in their circlejerks for a little while? Sounds like a win to me.
"Dramatic plan to improve quality of Reddit goes into effect shortly!"
talibs announce day of no child diddling
Do they care enough to stop grooming children for a bit?
That’s one of the few I was still following. So I guess the lockdown skepticism and corona circlejerk will be next. I remember the KIA2 subreddit had something going on during floyd riots because I was suspended from some other subreddits.
I'll be surprised if lockdown skepticism gets got. They're run by cucks. "NOooOOoO you can't point out the logical endstate of lockdowns and vax, that's a conspiracy theory!"
They'll cowtow and censor whatever discussion is mandated from above
Pretty much. I had numerous comments removed because they were “political”.
Well, serves you all right for still giving Reddit page views.
Reddit is just 4chan for liberals. All the same insanity just the other side of the coin.
Nah, 4chan is funnier.
Driveposting is the best
I haven't been on 4chan in a while, but before I stopped going I noticed a lot of posts agreeable with liberalism, and often times those posters ALWAYS replied to every single reply directed to them like the board was their personal hill to defend. I figured at least a few of them were shills trying to help the left retain their near-monopoly on social media.
they're all shills and they're obvious as fuck
liberals are more dangerous as they cannot win an argument and seek to censor and ban anybody who goes against their narrative
Nah, 4chan has become 4chan for liberals.
So nothing has changed? 🤔
Good. I hope they get so mad they stay closed to protest the horrible Nazi principle known as free speech.