China Ban Simping
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All of China's moves are consistent with a country that is desperate to raise birth rates.
At least they're attacking both sides of the issue, not just screwing men over like most countries would.
Normally I disagree with your opinions, but on this you are 100% correct.
Thanks, I think.
Most white majority countries.
I must have missed the white majority in South Korea.
Too bad for the Chicoms that the issue will not be resolved just because you have banned simping. Afterall, the amount of available bachelorettes will not go up by a significant amount just by taking away the "tipping" button, and definitely not enough to counteract the demographic disaster that is looming overhead, a product of their own tyrannical regime policies.
But unwilling to take the most direct and proven path to achieving that.
Which is?
What the Nazis did.
Kick women out of most occupations.
Which is just common sense. I can't wait until we do it.
There's two billion of the fuckers. They need CULLING, not babies. Worse than rats they are .And yes, I'm counting ones in other countries. They will use their numbers as a weapon. It's not about a breeding war, because they will destroy themselves just like any other unchecked beast does in the end.
Let's all root for serial klilers and genetically engineered predators that specifically hunt kuntais.
Your faggots and weirdoes are the PRODUCT and the SYMPTOM of overpopulation.
You don't even need serial killers, just the average Chinese driver.
Lol True dat. Those fuckers will stop and reverse over the body to make sure they're dead.
Sorry, I should have said cockroach. Rats and Rabbits control their own populations better than bug-brained orientals do.
That's temporary though. You need to look at the size of their younger population to know the future.
Equating people to vermin is a bad precedent.
Yes, I'm sorry I equated the noble Rat with chinkofinkopinkos. Sorry, Ratkind.
Fuck chinks.
I'd expect soypeople to talk that way.
Only kuntais think like cockroaches.
It's a shame but they will be basically unchallengeable soon. And who will stop them? Tranny Force reporting for duty Mam!
Don't worry, it won't be a concern after WWIII kicks off. A few thousand thermonuclear warheads detonating tends to divert the attention of the people who survive.
And you can send in an occupation force without firing a shot.
As a precaution to guard against Chicom shills, let me transform into Liberty Prime...
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I'm no fan of China, but this is pretty funny.
Sometimes communists are alright. LOL.
Truman should have listened to MacArthur and nuked the Reds when we had the chance. (I'm including both Russia and the 100 Acre Woods as well. Oops, I meant China.) Just saying.
China is turning out to be the “Jack Sparrow” of global superpowers
“I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid.”
I hope they ditch the communist part next and just become a monarchy like they were before.
*Fascist scum
They ceased being communist the moment Deng Xiaoping reopened their stock market in 1990. This was, unsurprisingly, when their economy magically started growing exponentially, proving once again that communism doesn't work.
The official doctrine they call 'Communism with Chinese characteristics' today is a lie the CCP tells to avoid admitting they were ever wrong about anything, and to avoid admitting that they have abandoned the suicidal dumpster fire that is communism.
'Communism with Chinese characteristics' is Fascism. You can tell it is, because it works so incredibly well.
Hitler people were fighting against communists and Hitler explicitly said he hated Marxism and the """certain people""" who pushed it. China is still worshipping Marx and teaching about him in schools and Universities and is still banning religions and destroying historical and cultural things. They are still commie to a large degree.
Especially if you take into consideration the rumours that Hitler was merely going to give the Germans their old religion back, one that wasn't a bunch of stories about Jews, written by Jews, for Jewish consumption ...
Oh look, an illiterate faggot who saw the words 'proving once again that communism doesn't work', but whose small, smooth, round and vaguely effeminate brain interpreted it as 'communism good defend protect now'.
If anything, I defended fascism, by saying that it actually works. Because it does. It's evil, but it works.
Hitler and Mussolini were also Marxists. Both considered their ideologies to be enhancements of what Marx had come up with.
Tongue my oily anus, retard.
Communism with Chinese characteristics is COMMUNISM with the Fascist parts that work.
The only thing that seperates communism from fascism is that fascism still allows private property.
Communism with private property is just plain fascism. China is fascist.
Private property rights with an * aren't private property rights.
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Easy there.
Can we finally get rid of Impossible1? Super annoying and a 1 trick pony.
Crazy as he is, he's a central meme of the community.
The vast majority of people don't agree with him, but he's so consistent that he has become effectively a reference point to the community itself.