Gun Control Nut David Hogg Launching ‘Progressive’ MyPillow Competitor
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Hogg: Take THAT, pillow guy! I'm making my own pillow company, are you triggered??? You bad, me good!
Oh shit, are courts going to fuck us over in that regard too?
That doesn't say anything about patents.
The courts are subverted. All Liberal judges are criminal conspirators. The Justice Industry is dead.
Fauxcahontas will fight the pale face, not the actual enemy but those far right Paleface bigots of the lefts fever dreams
Hogg thinks being a pillow biter qualifies him to run a pillow company?
Dammit, you beat me to the joke. Have an upvote.
Am I going to see all the bedding stores mysteriously start recommending his brand? Is his pillows made from Chinese slave labor?
You mean MyPillows will mysteriously stop being sold everywhere and NYU telling you there's no anti-conservative pillow censorship. https://www. washingtonpost. com/politics/2021/02/01/technology-202-new-report-calls-conservative-claims-social-media-censorship-a-form-disinformation/
I'm sure they will be something like 200 bucks because of the people from the Pillow and Sheet Workers of America will demand $100k a year plus a pension with a quota of two pillows per hour. Then they will be stuffed with reclaimed pine needles or something to save the environment and will totally suck at being a pillow. Or they will have a little electronic box in them that says Black Lives Matter every time you put your head down.
It'll be the cheapest China shit repacked in the US at an absurd price.
You know, how the socialist AOC does it:
They're all pro-union, anti-capitalist, for the people, minimum wage, blablabla until it affects their own bank account.
Yeah, true. I have a few American made clothing items, they were not cheap. So far I think they are paying me back in quality but only time will tell.
They will have a couple union guys sorting Chinese shipments into orders. I had a job like that when I was in school (not-Union). It was a sweet gig for a kid in school.
New Balance has shoes that are made in China and others in America.
The American made ones are easily two to three times more expensive and higher quality than the Chinese ones.
Yeah, I have a pair (well two) pair of the American made New Balance shoes. I just retired the first pair I bought and they easily lasted twice as long as what I had been using before. They didn't cost that much more for me either, as I have foot issues and need supportive and therefore expensive shoes anyway. I wear these shoes more than all my other shoes combined since I've been working at home and I walk neighborhood, ride bike, etc in them too. All in all I'm very impressed with how well they held up.
Wasn't he studying journalism or something like that?
It'll fail. Ideologues can't create, only destroy.
He has already realized there is no such thing as a pillow makers union in the US. So he is having trouble finding a US based manufacturer. He has already failed at 2 things he was planning on building his company on. Dude has no business plan.
I would have loved to see his face during the 500 milliseconds between when he realized Trump was right and when the cognitive dissonance was resolved.
He has no sense of integrity or patriotism. Even if he did find a factory (or create one) in the US, he will close it down, fire all of the workers, export manufacturing to China, and use identity politics to justify his selfish actions as soon as he possibly could.
It will persist in spite of itself. The Cathedral has more than enough resources to keep it functioning.
At a perpetual loss, maybe. It'll suck and so they'll have little to no clients. It's inevitable.
I think bedwetting sheets would be more in line with his audience.
Those are referred to as "inco" or incontinence sheets. Source am a health and social care worker
So... its bad when lindell has politics but its ok when this retard does?
Got it
Lindell makes money selling his politics. And makes Fox news money too
i want aids frankie munoz to go away
Harvard is going to look real dumb giving him a spot in school just to have him fail at selling pillows.
I don’t want his pillow it probably has someone else’s cum all over it.