Well said.
Leftists really think that white Southerners are all conspiring to insult black people, that spiting black people is what white Southern life revolves around.
...Having lived in the North, and in the South for an extended period of time, I find it rather telling that I interact with Black Americans more here in Texas than when I lived in Iowa. Most of the time, people get along just fine. White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, whatever.
Of course, if you pay attention to the clothes a lot of these Leftists wear, the cars they drive, etc. you start to see what's really going on. Rich and upper-middle class brats mad at Mommy and Daddy with a romanticized/fetishised view of the Working Class, but too rich to actually interact with the Filthy Proles.
If you see a contradiction in that last statement, good. That's the point.
But because all their friends are "communists," they can't actually come out and say, "I don't really like poor people," so they project that contempt onto other issues and call us all racists so they look good.
Off-topic, but Hell, one of the reasons I like Donald Trump is that in spite of his wealth and life of comfort, he seems to actually like and respect working class people. He's totally at ease around the working class.
Just my two bits.
They don't give a fuck about anybody but themselves, honestly...
...depends on which definition of serious you're using...
...or for people too dumb to just ask people...
Seriously, I don't know how many times, I've stumbled across some lefty thread where they're trying to figure out why right-wingers do this or that, and they make these wild speculations, and I can't stop myself from posting something along the lines of
...why don't you just ask us?
it's hardly unheard of, though...
you could probably fill a catalog with songs about teens joyriding, then you get comedians talking about it, scenes of it in movies, etc.
I'm not saying it's okay, or that there shouldn't be consequences for stealing and.or destroying somebody elses' property, it's not and there should, but let's not pretend this is extreme behavior for a demographic notorious for making bad decisions, lol.
you might be right, lmao.
Honestly, I'm just shitposting anyway.
no shit sherlock (not you, the article)
Never really cared for reddit, honestly. I was always team 4chan, till hiroshim00t blocked /b/ from vpns, at least for comments
why? from a brief glimpse through your post history, you'd think you'd like a group that spreads jew hate around...
Oh please, the ADL does more for Jew hate than fuentes ever could...
oh hell, the whole AIDS pandemic reads like a blueprint for how C19 was 'botched'
They would have called him a huwite supremacist, bit that would have given away the game...
It's not realistic
it doesn't look like me!
it's too threatening to my ego!!
for a palette-cleanser, look up source code from 2011
another jake gyllenhaal flick, pretty well done, heavy on the sci-fi though so if you're not into it...I dunno.
we're limping along, if only barely...
I dont know how, but I started some weeiird conversations, lmao..
I don't know why, but you made me think of H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine," where human evolution had diverged into two distinct species...
well...that and socialized medicine of any sort would basically bankrupt the nation...
I mean...
wouldn't a 'real' futanari be a hermaphrodite from birth?
we need to organize better
I've actually been thinking about this a lot the last few weeks, and while I certainly understand where this perspective comes from, I do wonder if it's the wrong approach...
To use a handy metaphor, if we think of politics like warfare, the Left is like a heavily drilled standing army, capable of taking the battlefield against almost any equal (or maybe even greater ) conventional force.
Meanwhile, the right is more like a guerilla force, independently using gorilla tactics to hit and run the enemy, slowly chipping away at their superior numbers (memes are a great example of this).
From the above proposed perspective, telling these disorganized militiamen to stand and fight the traditional way may as well be telling them to "stand here and lose" when their own guerilla tactics are doing ten times the work of what a conventional force could muster.
but hell, what do I know? maybe it's better to organize
pretty much what u/MararineMongoose said, lol
to be fair, teel probably found out about it after banhammer matt brought it to a wider audience, lol
lmao, my first thought is oregon trail.
that too, lol