Hyper-Weimar speed, captain - engage.
More info: https://reduxx.info/ontario-high-school-teacher-seen-wearing-massive-prosthetic-bust-to-teach/
Canceled prime. Was already considering it, but this seemed like a good time to send a message.
or b) snaps back.
I was promised Right Wing Deathsquads and goddamnit I wanna see deathsquads!
Not even sure what, if any, point this comic is trying to make
What's this dude's problem?
>be me, genderless polyamorphic parental unit #1
>earned an extra social credit point for reporting a straight wh*the male to the police
>spend point to get five minutes to use the communal telescope with my trans-femme, non-binary, mollusk presenting child unit of non-gender
>gaze in awe at the 800 foot tall statue of an obese black tranny twerking it on the moon.
> in this moment of euphoria, I take my state mandated SSRI-opioid combo pill.
What a time to be alive
How young and naive we were thinking Sam was joking.
Watch what happens when things get hard.
Suicide? Just replace "degenerate alphabet retards" and WAHMEN, with clowns or Chihuahuas and it's about the same joke.
Must have been wearing one of those astronaut helmets and nobody could tell.
Thou shalt not besmirch the Holy Eunuch.
He should have asked them real questions, like "name all 18 gorillion genders".
They won't stop until they're made to stop.
Already updated and locked from editing: https://mobile.twitter.com/EudaimoniaEsq/status/1552656170631843840
[redacted]ers gonna [redacted].
I'm gonna say the n-word, jannie!
Anything that isn't Narrative Approved
I was promised Right Wing Death Squads. I would see that promise fulfilled.
And from whence did they come? Seems to me if the devs can ignore them, their position is largely bullshit. Is someone appointing these clowns or should I be in fear of someone establishing a "voidposter moderation team"?
"Mario Presents: Dilation Simulator" is slappin' tho, no lie, fr