Nah, lol. But now you're officially a brony, congrats. Though I mean, I was in the very first wave of GamerGate, when all those posts on Reddit got deleted.
How is it lethal for a free forum to allow it? What makes it lethal? I'm not complaining, I'm curious what your reasoning is.
??? You're a brony? Lol, interesting. I was referring to the whole fandom, though, not every individual person. It started off on 4chan regardless of where you started.
And huh, that's a good observation, and accurate to me. Although I no longer really believe in optimism and believe that only extreme violence can solve the oppression we're going through, what you said does make me want to be a bit more optimistic.
Uh... You sure about that? We started on 4chan after all (I was one of the first 10? 20? members of the group that started the whole phenomenon, no joke). I'm not exactly right wing but I've been a veteran of GamerGate, support Trump, and I frequent TD.W, so pretty much everyone would call me right-wing.
My friend attempted suicide recently because he was "cancelled" by his Twitter community. And yes, I told him over and over again that he should not be associating with people on Twitter, and he didn't listen.
Someone made a tweet saying "be honest, have you ever said the 'n-word'?" and he said "yeah, I did, it's not a big deal in my country, I'm not American". And then hundreds of people started calling him racist, 1/4 of his followers unfollowed him and he started getting death threats any time he tweeted anything. So he tried to overdose on
By the way, the community was supposedly a support/recovery community for a mental illness, where a lot of people are unstable. Which makes all of this even more unbelievable.
Yeah, I plan to see what I can do to help, especially since I'm a freelancer writer. And I've had ideas for a story-heavy (to the point of it being kind of like a choose your own adventure novel) character-driven game for a while now.
My compilation of feedback.
- The weird weapon (no idea what it is) that stays on the ground goes through the floor when you shoot it directly downwards.
- The AI should stop shooting at you and start preparing to corner you when you don't have a hat on.
- The AI spends time shooting through the floor at you, even with weapons that don't go through the floor.
- Maybe every hit would drain the timer when you don't have a hat on, and different weapons would drain more, so some would be better for de-hatting and some would be better for killing. In fact, maybe scrap the time mechanic and just make it a health based thing after you lose your hat.
- Sometimes the enemy just stops moving. Maybe I took the hat it was going for and it, for some reason, didn't want the one hat that was left on the map? This was the gamestate when it happened.
- Bomber man hat is dark so it blends into the dark background.
I'm gonna try to do a speedrun soon.
It's actually hilarious because I pointed out how I don't want vtubers I like to be forced to apologise by a corporation. And I was told how I was trying to change and ruin Japanese culture by imposing western values on it. Because forced apologies are the core of Japanese culture and are healthy, apparently.
Medicine is usually ok, but what space charities could possibly be?