I like to think "Nicholas Norbert" is his full name.
"I think Lauren is this, Tenet might be this, Tim should have done that"
Are people in this thread retarded? Youtube nuking their channel is almost certainly because of youtube being an enemy platform. Not because the allegations have any merit.
Disclaimer: I don't even know what the allegations are or who Tenet are exactly. I'm just taking the most obvious and simplest explanation.
Piers Morgan just sitting there calculating how much money he's making from this segment.
but I don't know if they would have coalesced into such a grand scale.
I know you don't want to accept this point, but which countries turned it into a grand scale?
Russia would have gradually seized Eastern Europe and may have gone to war with the West, Japan and the US likely would've fought.
That is a grand scale. Bigger than what we got in fact.
Crux question. If Hitler wasn't around, would there be a WW2.
Yes there would have been.
They wont, any muslims here will be subverted and regime media will prevent anyone from knowing what really goes on.
Is there a non frothing at the mouth summary of what the events in this situation are?
Making it mandatory means that it just gets ignored. I read books now only to open them and awaken a lost memory that I did in fact read them in school and have completely forgotten everything about it.
I remember watching Falling Down in year 10 and it just went completely over my head. In fact it'd make me less likely to watch it in the future "because I've seen it"
I see the point, but kids don't have any understanding of what it means before they experience anything like it.
This will be one of those things that the "right" stumbles upon that is surprisingly effective at piercing the seams of intersectionality that causes real issues. And never repeats ever again. To be thrown onto the pile along with "It's ok to be white" "Islam is right about women" "empty egg carton" "you look good and pass really well" "the ok hand sign" and probably about 20 other things that I've forgotten.
Jane's Combat Flight Simulators originally published by EA
I remember playing AH-64 Longbow because I had nothing else, I could barely get off the ground but to my dying day I will never forget what "TADS" and "FLIR" stand for.
It was a lecture simulator.
As soon as I clicked and saw cracked I could tell 95% of what he was going to say.
have it but haven't played it yet.
But yeah, I have Phoenix Point on my wishlist so I will probably give that a go next.
It's good, the combat system is far better than X-Com, the rest of it is slightly worse IMO.
Tie Fighter has a fan remaster. Look it up on youtube.
Army Men 1 and 2.
Desert/Jungle/Urban Strike
Those types of genres could use a reboot, they were always fun but limited by the tech.
Explain like I'm five.
Ok now explain now I'm not five.
No no no I said now I'm not five.
Oh, you're sure?
Can you explain like the Judge isn't a 5 year old?
Just out of interest, what's the rationale? "no standing?"
I don't know I've down the program, 8 hours of videos that could have sorely used an editor. I still don't "know" what the Method is.
True, but natural redpilling is only one component and if left to their own devices, the marxists will just come up with another flavour of marxism to re ruin society all over again.
The counter argument to that is that it's irrelevant because they'll just be threatened to believing it. Remember marxists view a totalitarian state as the natural and necessary end of socialism.
Protests only work if the Government acts. If they ignore it then by definition it's not even a protest. You just have to go back to work. And that speeds up exponentially if the media ignores you and you're not willing to escalate.
I mean at some point he'll die of old age so they're not wrong.
I didn't even want to click the thumbnail of this when I saw in on youtube.
Even arcade machines in the 80's were deliberately difficult so you'd have to insert more quarters to get your name in the high score. Arcade machines are literally programmable by prize win %.
Just to give you an idea of how far behind this everyone is. Marxists put the point at which they took over American teaching colleges (the colleges that train and credential teachers) at a particular year. Try to think what the year is before reading down.
The year was 1992
I don't know how to do spoiler tags.
I actually don't mind my Oculus rift headset even though I never get to paly anymore. VR is ok and potentially really good. It is a shame it didn't take off but I can't say I'm sad given the potential for abuse and total clown world take over. It's obvious a lot of people want a screen right in front of everyone's eyes at all times. If the google or apple attempt at 24/7 mobile augmented reality had succeeded, it really would be a watershed moment where you could point to and say "this is where we moved from metaphorical sheeple to literal sheeple"