subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

in my state anyway. This was just 4 at one time, they were specifically not granted access to travel to Vic for transplants/an operation.


Sorry it was 4 over 4 weeks: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-10-20/four-babies-die-in-four-weeks-in-adelaide-due-to-no-ecmo-machine/12784774

Not because they weren't allowed to go, because they weren't allowed back in. So they just let them die. Ignore the regime media article who make it sound like they died because of cost cutting not having the ECMO machine in Adelaide rather than the normal treatment being prevented.

subbookkeeper 9 points ago +13 / -4

Your a fool if you think young Women will stay left once the attractive Men leave.

subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

"safety" would provide a dysgenic affect as the strongest/smartest wouldn't be the only ones to survive. Hardship generally improves genetics unless it's too hard and extincts you.

subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biological inequalities ensure that people have unequal value at various times and places.

A soul gives inherent worth and provides a baseline value and dignity to any individual person. Regardless of genetic gifts or curses or anything else. Everyone has different values at differing times and places, but no-one can drop below the base value that having a soul provides.

subbookkeeper 0 points ago +0 / -0

This is just such an obvious duh. Intelligence is around 80% genetic, that's not disputed in anyway.

subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Add to the list.

Let a chinese failed migrant go back to china after pouring coffee onto an infant at a playground because he was upset to avoid "racial tensions"

Oh and you also forgot let 4 infants die rather than travel interstate to receive transplants.

subbookkeeper 2 points ago +2 / -0

So do we have actual numbers for this? because "people leave rally" is technically happening all the time.

How many people were at the rally and how many people left. Those are the only 2 objective numbers that matter.

I don't care about anything else.

subbookkeeper 4 points ago +4 / -0

NOI = Net operating income

Amortization = repayments on a set schedule

FI = Fucked Ifiknow??

The trouble is that who will buy commercial real estate? You can't just convert a commercial building into apartments. There's a whole lot of red tape and utility modification etc to do. It can be done but it's not simple or easy.

I've always assumed this was a large driver of the "return to the office" trend that is starting.

I suspect the federal/state governments will buy the properties as they can always fill them with migrants.

subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

It sounded like she yelled "I dont give a fuck if your dad..." Who was the guy? why did this occour? Was that the Girls Dad and why was she there?

subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

I actually enjoyed the 2nd video, it's surprisingly good and Neanderthals really were beasts. It's a shame we aren't descended from them instead of the lighter africanised homo sapiens.

I do disagree with this inferences re stamina. Neanderthals lived in cold climates, long distance running through snow is essentially impossible with human sized legs.

subbookkeeper 12 points ago +12 / -0

Reminder that the majority of the weather underground went into academia and are still teaching to this day.

subbookkeeper 8 points ago +8 / -0

That's the point of them, communists need a vanguard or proletariat to charge the police lines and serve as the first wave. They tried workers of the world, they tried black, they tried woman and gays, now there trying trans.

7% by yoisi
subbookkeeper 12 points ago +12 / -0

Sorry we are genuinely fucking retarded down here.

There's no stronger piece of evidence against the idea of IQ than talking to a bunch of Australians and knowing that the average IQ is, on paper, 102 or similar.

subbookkeeper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is there a serious look at some of the claims around Sandy Hook and a summary? I haven't followed it much but I'm not even sure what's actually being claimed. I've seen the video of Parents laughing and joking before tearing up for interviews. Where does that fit into the overall picture?

subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

That begs the question why the hell she was put into that position.

Alternative explanation. She was just picked as VP as a diversity hire by Biden and was never meant to do anything aside from offset the old white guy as president.

No-one wanted her but all the donations to Biden-Harris couldn't go to anyone else. Legally it's too big a hurdle to jump even for democrats at short notice. So it was either go with her and her Billion dollars, or pick someone else and start from $0.

subbookkeeper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tucker Carlson did a really good podcast recently with Charles Camosy a medical ethicist (A good one don't worry) and this was mentioned. Specifically when "Brain Dead" was invented as a term someone originally pointed out it was just done to make organ harvesting more popular and the creators basically went "Um Yup".

Interesting factoid, "brain death" is not an objective term.

subbookkeeper 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've heard of the top one but some of these other ones sound like trolls.

subbookkeeper 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most prestigious outlets

Mentions CNN.

subbookkeeper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look at that picture and then look at Vega from street fighter.

You can't unsee that.

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