simian 2 points ago +2 / -0

JFC. How could somebody live with that? Knowing their incompetence caused the deaths of 40 people?

simian 6 points ago +6 / -0

That was so hilarious. We get one probably the most explicit sex scene in a AAA game of that generation and it features a character NOBODY (except maybe gay men?) wanted to see naked.

simian 3 points ago +3 / -0

There were two interactions with men that I liked. One was the weird rival who helps clear out enemy strongholds and then duels with her. I recall it being fairly smarm free. More just two warriors respecting each other.
The other was with the fat guy in the DLC. I really liked his story. He just misses his mom and wants to relive a fond memory of her. Aloy was, thankfully, not a bitch to him and actually rather sympathetic. That surprised me.

simian 8 points ago +8 / -0

You have all the freedom you want to stick to their narrative.

simian 15 points ago +15 / -0

So stunning and brave and totally original like all the surprise lesbians before her. It’s remarkable how these developers all think outside the box in the same way.

simian 14 points ago +14 / -0

Shit. Well there’s Imp’s in on this. Even though the woman pulled the trigger, I doubt she’ll go to jail since there’s a baby in the picture.

simian 25 points ago +25 / -0

That process wouldn’t fly because it would unfairly characterize people who have committed crimes as being criminals. There is no correlation between the two. Just like how, during the mon—I mean mpox outbreak—it was established that “men who have sex with men” are in no way connected to homosexuality.

simian 53 points ago +53 / -0

I like how quick some asshole from Home Depot was to throw the guy under the bus with the usual “we instruct out staff that none of our inventory is worth your life” routine. We all know that if he’d just let them go without any hassle they’d have fired him for not protecting corporate assets. I’m sure it’s some legal bullshit to protect themselves.

simian 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't even think they'd need to do that. Weren't the people they did hold for a year+ never actually charged? If so, they can re-arrest them in a few years and actually charge them this time.

simian 37 points ago +37 / -0

"Each is charged with a single count of burning an object with the intent of intimidating a person or group of people." It took them six years to figure out they wanted to charge someone with that? What a crock of shit. Fuck, if they're getting this treatment, I bet the US Government will come back for January 6 people in another few years with reckless trespassing or something.

simian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Too bad that doesn’t matter. Like “hands up, don’t shoot” before it, “murdered for ringing the doorbell” is now part of the national lexicon and nothing will change that.

simian 5 points ago +5 / -0

It’s a product of its time. mostly aping the directing style of the Battlestar Galactica reboot with the ongoing mystery of Lost and musical cues matching every drama at the time, which is fitting because of all the romance shit thrown in. At best it’s jarring compared to SG1 and Atlantis. At worst it’s painfully derivative. Still. The character of Dr. rush can be fun to watch (I’d describe him as ruthlessly pragmatic) and there’s a soldier with nice breasts.

simian 43 points ago +43 / -0

This has been coming for a while. Ever since racism began to be defined as involving institutional power or something like that, as opposed to just bigoted motivation.
When did that happen, exactly? Liberals will insist that it's always been that way, but I'm confident this is a recent development (the last 10 years or so.)

simian 25 points ago +25 / -0

I remember reading a white woman’s account of how she went to Haiti or something to help after a hurricane. She ended up being gang raped by a bunch of islanders (Hispanic? Black? Mixed?) while there, but didn’t feel they were responsible. It was white oppression of the locals which was responsible, and she apologized, as a white person, for being a part of that.

simian 10 points ago +11 / -1

Wow. I didn’t think it’d be that high. I expected something like NPR where they get a very small amount of their money from the government and being flagged as government was technically true but functionally meaningless. (For the record, I didn’t agree with NPR being flagged as a government mouthpiece. During the Trump era they were VERY anti-Trump. If they’re owned by anyone, it’s the Democrats, but not necessarily the government.)

by folx
simian 9 points ago +9 / -0

I got an explanation once and it made even less sense. The woman said some shit about how race carries with it the collective history of the people of that race. If you're not black, you can't become black because you didn't experience blackness as a culture growing up. Bitch then went on about slavery and oppression and how someone of privilege can't understand what it is to be black. I asked if this meant women were never oppressed, and so a man CAN become a woman because of their privilege. She said I was being purposefully obtuse.

simian 18 points ago +18 / -0

I wonder what the reaction would be if someone put up posters like this, but instead showed a black or brown person with guns and a durag. No, I’m sure rednecks are New York’s biggest problem. https://nypost.com/2021/08/07/nearly-a-third-of-nyc-shootings-blamed-on-street-gangs-nypd-says/

by folx
simian 20 points ago +22 / -2

I used to be a part of an atheist group that had a winter solstice celebration complete with pagan imagery. But no Christmas party, because, you know, atheists. They didn’t like it when I pointed that they’re not actually being atheist so much as anti Christian. Dismissing one belief system as silly and magical then embracing a different silly magical culture isn’t rational. They got all pissy and said I wasn’t being tolerant and brought up how the Christians oppressed wiccans or whatever. I’m not with that group anymore. I’m still atheist, it I’m of the opinion that most atheists are retarded. And for some reason, yeah, a lot of theme seem to embrace paganism. And yes. I recognize this is anecdotal evidence and thus worthless.

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