rebuildingMyself 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Hollywood model is dying for many reasons. Woke bullshit renders any potential good movie agonizing to watch as you can tell where the meddling happened.

Eventually, you'll just need a decent GPU and some software to make your own movies. Or at least "mod" woke movies and restore things like raceswapped characters etc.

The establishment thinks memes are bad now, wait until ever weaponized autist can spit out short movies that look professionally done that accomplish the same thing to get messages across

rebuildingMyself 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's where I started as well. The donut project is the equivalent of hello world in blender.

rebuildingMyself 21 points ago +21 / -0

Crit Drinker also doesn't mind a little woke in his movies and gives praise to some movies that I don't understand why he gives a pass for.

rebuildingMyself 8 points ago +8 / -0

You know that windows "feature" that puts news headlines on your Taskbar? You open it up and every MSM outlet has some anti-Trump headline. Every one. All the time.

Your typical normie, even the smarter ones, have no chance unless they sre outside the MSM bubble to one degree or another. It's why the left was obsessed with censoring wrong think on social media the minute they stole the election successfully.

rebuildingMyself 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's more about a middle finger to normal people than anything else at this point. Normal people are the biggest threat to the new world order which is why every single aspect of them has been separated and weaponized. Pure demoralization

rebuildingMyself 5 points ago +5 / -0

Most recently he called foreign minister Yoko Kamikawa an obasan (older woman) who is "not particularly beautiful".

Top kek that's not even that bad of an insult but I'm sure she clutched pearls that he dared to bite back

rebuildingMyself 2 points ago +2 / -0

Replace men with black men and this is rabid hate speech.

rebuildingMyself 7 points ago +7 / -0

There's also ancient history like the Madam having a black book with half of our government as clients suddenly suiciding.

rebuildingMyself 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not misandry though. That's still fine. It's always one direction with Marxists instead of at least being consistent about it (not agreeing with banning speech either way but I'd at least respect a rule everyone had to follow).

All their whining about privilege and oppression is always projection when they are given power and let their real intentions show.

rebuildingMyself 7 points ago +7 / -0

I keep this one around just so I dont have to watch Fox News for the latest AIPAC talking points

rebuildingMyself 3 points ago +3 / -0

Feels like a strawman to me. The most ardent shill pushing war is just parroting Fox News pro Israel propaganda talking points and is typically the most down voted comment in any thread they stick their nose into.

rebuildingMyself 9 points ago +9 / -0

That's hilarious they are pretending an open letter politely issued is the same as invading an execs office and throwing a tantrum.

rebuildingMyself 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah exactly. Feminists want only men to have to deal with trannies while preserving their wymyn-only spaces. Like a women's bathroom and a "gender neutral" bathroom that even they can use in a pinch.

Its what they did to Boy Scouts

rebuildingMyself 4 points ago +4 / -0

Happy Gilmore would still get a hole in one.

rebuildingMyself 4 points ago +4 / -0

Normal people: racism is bad

Leftists: some kinds of racism doesn't count because the discrimination and bigotry benefits me

rebuildingMyself 35 points ago +37 / -2

God forbid a woman is held accountable for her conscious choices

rebuildingMyself 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah definitely still an early release, but what is there seems to be relatively polished on the surface. I'm sure bugs are there but they'll get ironed out. Looking forward to seeing this passion project blossom over time.

rebuildingMyself 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'd say a blend of combat in Total War with city builders such as Banished. There are elements of 4X as you spread your influence across multiple regions (and if the rulers of those regions have a problem with that then that's where the combat comes in).

Your city planning, economy and production chains aren't just about making money from trading or growing population but also producing the weapons and armor your armies will use in combat. Can't say if that's a new idea or not as I'm new at the genre but all the elements mesh extremely well so far

rebuildingMyself 4 points ago +4 / -0

And when manhating feminazis get exposed what is their cope? Calling men too fragile to deal with a silly joke.

rebuildingMyself 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah it's gaslighting. Overly sexualized is really "overly feminine". And these jealous bitter feminists despise natural feminine energy that draws Chad's attention away as easy as the wind blows.

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