lips that touch sweet baby, or any of its similarly inbred cousins, shall never touch mine.
pronouns in bio
no, it doesn't work.
islam is right about thieves.
"patriot front" will be the new boogeyman.
so the government has made things worse
we already have to deal with knives at the front, why should we tolerate a single knife at our back?
he was in charge, he's the one who gets the sword.
that's not the school's job.
at some point their crimes become cause to end their entire family line.
woman mayor shifting the blame
you want to stop the crime? let the businesses arm themselves. stop impeding their right to defend their property.
genetics stops at the neck!
yeah, the one near me is the same. love going there because they're fast, cheap, and good.
$22 for a taco? that better be the best damn taco in the city.
"whites bad" for 5 decades: i sleep
"jews bad" for 5 minutes: BAN IT WE STAND WITH ISRAEL
the confederates were the good guys
they want our kids dumb on purpose
we been knew
oh no not the un
"equality" is fake and gay
games were better before the "minorities" decided they needed to make their presence known.
why are the chinese allowed to operate in this country in any capacity?
i'm getting REALLY TIRED of this "the second something inconveniences the jews it's dealt with" thing.
now do whites
thank god, i was in danger of forgetting they exist