They were still pushing that shit in the 80s through 2000s too, it was just more ground to cover with their demoralization techniques so it wasnt as apparent as it is now. Looking back, the general societal rejection of “nerd shit” was the best protection for it, but once they realized that technique wasnt working and started pushing the “its cool to be a nerd” meme that was the beginning of the end for it.
Its such a dumb, tired argument. Everyone knows why a fucking porn star shouldn't be getting repped at a conservative event just like everyone knows you shouldnt go to a DNC event dressed as Hitler, In fact youd probably be arrested for that, although its free speech still. The fact that everyone continues to take disingenuous leftist gotcha bullshit seriously and discuss it like its a real honest topic for debate shows how truly lost and demoralized our people are.
Only a woman could hate another woman that much