onetruephilosoraptor 15 points ago +16 / -1

This bill is similar to the Protect Act of 2003 which the Supreme Court of the U.S. struck down

It depends on what counts as obscene.

The bill doesn't clearly limit what is considered obscene

onetruephilosoraptor 30 points ago +33 / -3

Apparently this bill not only can be used to ban lolicon/shotacon shit but regular anime and manga.

Texas state legislature is really focusing on this instead of trying to prosecute real abuse of children by scumbags like Epstein

The boomers tradcons are at it again in Texas

onetruephilosoraptor 9 points ago +10 / -1

He has zero shot of winning the Black vote in the Dem primaries and thus zero chance of winning the Dem nomination

The SC primary is currently the most important Dem primary.

It is what allowed Biden to become the 2020 nominee.

The 2028 Dem nominee will be someone who has mass appeal to Black Dem voters

If Harris runs again, she actually has a good shot of winning the nomination.

onetruephilosoraptor 1 point ago +1 / -0

I will not support DeSantis again because of this stunt

If he loses even someone who liked him a lot like me then he has ZERO shot in 2028

onetruephilosoraptor 11 points ago +11 / -0

Ofc hindsight is 20/20 but I am willing to accept that I had developed a bad case of TDS during the primaries over my anger at Trump's mishandling of COVID and Operation Warpspeed

I was finally able to move past my TDS and I ended up voting for Trump in the Texas GOP primary when it was him versus Haley and also voted for Trump in the general election against Harris

I realize now that as flawed as Trump is, DeSantis quite possibly has more egregious major weaknesses.

onetruephilosoraptor 28 points ago +29 / -1

I am deeply disappointed by Ron DeSantis with regards to this shit. As everyone probably knows, I was a pretty big supporter of RDS in the 2024 GOP primaries. RDS is literally engaging in lawfare against the Tates because he hates what they said on various topics such as feminism and Israel.

I am not even a fan of the Tates and I think this style of fishing for a crime is a travesty.

I will admit that I made a mistake going all in for RDS

As flawed as Trump is, he is not doing this type of stupid shit

onetruephilosoraptor 35 points ago +37 / -2

She was the daughter of a single mother who was dating an American guy who was part of the Arizona Aryan Brotherhood.

They say she was groomed by her mother's boyfriend

She brought this guy in her daughter's life, he grooms her and then she reports the daughter?

The daughter never had a chance at life.

Her mother is entirely to blame for everything here.

onetruephilosoraptor 23 points ago +24 / -1

Johnson is exactly the type of establishment worm I detest. This smarmy bastard thinks young men should work solely so their tax money is siphoned off to single mothers. This type of rhetoric is the type of rhetoric that alienates young men who actually vote for the GOP.

Guys like Johnson are boomercons stuck in time who openly espouse a demand of upward mobility for young women while they openly say they are okay with managed decline for young men.

The retarded GOP establishment doesn't even understand the simple notion of reward your friends and punish your enemies! Single mothers entirely vote Dem. Young men are finally voting for the GOP in large numbers and Johnson says this shit?

This braindead queer Johnson needs to be smacked in the mouth

onetruephilosoraptor 9 points ago +13 / -4

The Trump endorsement will ensure he wins the GOP primary.

The only way he is not becoming governor is if Sherrod Brown runs for governor and beats Vivek by a hair

Ohio is so screwed

onetruephilosoraptor -2 points ago +3 / -5

I am not saying there is a way to have a perpetual civilization.

I am just saying making the same civilization ending mistakes again is a terrible idea.

Trump has always been an amoral businessman, that is the problem here.

He doesn't realize that selling gold cards is destructive to the average American's quality of life and that this is a morally repugnant betrayal of his base.

onetruephilosoraptor 1 point ago +3 / -2

Consider that we need to deport 25 million illegals to get rid of all of them.

You think the base wants 25 million legal immigrants?

Hell fucking no

onetruephilosoraptor 12 points ago +16 / -4

You are talking about the EB-5 visa which requires one million dollars of investment and it is capped at about 10,000 per year.

I am personally also against the EB-5 visa as a staunch immigration restrictionist.

What Trump is proposing here with the gold cards is no caps.

It is a disaster waiting to happen!


onetruephilosoraptor 11 points ago +17 / -6

Trump ran on economic populism and being the voice for the forgotten working class men and women of America

Importing 10 million foreigners is not what we want.

Paying off the national debt is pointless when the cunts in Washington will soon rack up the bill again endlessly.

MAGA has always been an immigration restrictionist movement.

This is a bait and switch being performed

onetruephilosoraptor 18 points ago +30 / -12

People did not vote for this shit.

He didn't run on this shit.

This is a rug pull being performed on the base.

This policy will suppress wages and make housing even more unaffordable for American citizens

There is no defense for this shit.

onetruephilosoraptor 22 points ago +27 / -5

Look at what happened to Canada.

Unfettered legal immigration has made housing nearly impossible to afford for the average native Canadians.

I don't want that shit happening to us in America

Trump views America as an business and that is an incorrect perspective

America is a nation with its own culture and own people not an economic zone.

onetruephilosoraptor 10 points ago +16 / -6

Trump said he thinks he can sell 10 million of these gold cards so clearly many people.

The Israeli, Chinese, Russia, Qatar and Saudi governments can certainly fund many individuals and get their spies or terrorists through this.

onetruephilosoraptor 40 points ago +47 / -7

America is a country not an economic zone.

The base wants America first not flooding the country with more immigrants.

Trump is making a huge mistake with this.

The people who will buy their way in are Chinese spies, Oil sheiks, Israeli spies and Russian oligarchs.

We don't need or want any more of these terrible people here.

onetruephilosoraptor 2 points ago +4 / -2

AI is arguably the most important threat to individual liberty right now with only mass immigration matching it.

I also fear that this is inevitable.

The best time to properly regulate AI was years ago.

The next best time is now.

After AGI is achieved, it will be too late!

onetruephilosoraptor 2 points ago +4 / -2

Incentivizing outsourcing to India is only the tip of the iceberg if OpenAI or one of their competitors like Xai achieves AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)

It would result in mass automation and millions of people would be out of work immediately.

Consider that AI technology continues to improve year by year at an exponential pace not a linear pace

We could see ridiculously powerful AI technology emerge in the next 5-10 years

I fear it will be too late to stop something like AGI AFTER it has been created.

It is imperative we consider the risks when discussing AI

Vance in this speech massively downplayed the risks of AI and provided a techno-optimist vision.

I just find this disturbing personally

MAGA is a movement for putting Americans first not pushing AI so hard that Americans get replaced by automation.

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