Leftoids still think that Fox News and conservative talk radio are not only relevant, but exercise a hypnotic level of control over the mainstream.
I think I'm starting to come around to your normie hate. For my own peace of mind I tried so hard to resist it, but if these retards actually turn up to vote for her in numbers that don't necessitate "fortifying" the results, then they deserve to go extinct. That goes for blacks and whites specifically, because our differences aside, we'll both be assfucked by an open border.
Can I just say how much I hate post-Iwata Nintendo for caving to the current year and committing the war crime of putting voice acting in fucking ZELDA?!
Some of the voice acting in BotW and TotK is legitimately as horrible as the voice acting in the CD-i games.
Hiring real artists could be a selling point once you have enough money for that, but it's gonna require artists to humble themselves because no one's gonna wanna pay the premium for someone who's a complete flaming douchebag. It would be like expecting tips when you're a total jerkoff to the customers.
Of course St. Gabe's sage advice about piracy being a service problem is still lost on most of the industry, and huge companies are burning through millions (or even billions) by refusing to accept this fact, so it might take a while for these shitheads to finally learn some humility.
You actually can destroy your vocal cords if you're not careful. Fun fact Hitler was trained by a professional vocalist because he almost destroyed his vocal cords screaming all the time.
I legit don't understand how these mediocre faggots have so much leverage with these companies. Same with acting. There are tons of people they can hire if they actually go looking. Most people who pursue a career in acting never get big roles, even if they're far more talented than most celebrities. Instead they're relegated to plays, musicals, and ads.
Studio execs must be remarkably lazy.
For most games, text dialog is simply way better than voiced dialog.
Excuse the double post, but I also think a lot of crime could be solved by making self-defense heavily protected and allowing people a lot of leeway to set up booby traps. Most criminals aren't nearly clever enough to bypass booby traps. Although there would need to be a way to indicate and/or disarm booby traps for emergency personnel.
No more civil forfeiture either, that shit's just legalized robbery.
Lawyering shouldn't be for sale. You wanna make money, go into business, the law needs to be free from that bullshit.
Intention matters, not for any deontological reason but because if someone attempts to commit a crime, they're likely to attempt to do so again and succeed. Being punished for an attempted crime will deter you from attempting the same crime again, just as being punished for committing a crime will deter you from committing that same crime again.
So many criminals are legitimately stupid, as in borderline retarded, and as such they don't really grasp abstract punishments like long-term incarceration. They need to see a tangible, immediate punishment, like someone being whipped and/or publicly humiliated, in order for deterrence to actually register for them.
Second gen immigrants are some of the worst people ever, they got a chip on their shoulder that rivals mixed race people. The level of hatred they have for a country that accepted their parents and gave them a better life than they ever could have had in their homeland is just disgusting, it really is a raging case of entitlement on their part because this is a situation where "love it or leave it" legitimately applies. Here in the states the worst second gens IMO are slanty, pajeet and sand nigger SJWs, probably insecure about being rich kids so they pretend as tho they're oppressed.
One of the best things about AI is that it has the potential to drastically cut down on the size of bureaucracies. Fuck the bean counters if they're gonna deliberately overcomplicate everything at the expense of everyone else.
Boomers are terrified of death in a way that no previous generation of old people has ever been. Used to be that back in the day you just accepted dying as a fact of life, the moment you fell ill with common old people diseases like cancer or heart disease or kidney failure you just laid down and died. I wonder how many boomers, despite professing religiosity, either don't really believe in an afterlife, or fear that their degeneracy has landed them a spot in hell.
Not to mention that at a certain point, you just don't have quality of life anymore. Euthanasia is a slippery slope, however once you're past, say, 70, I don't think it's unreasonable to say, sorry, all we can offer from this point on is palliative care.
Aging is entropy's effect on the human body, and when you fight entropy, the law of diminishing returns will make costs go up exponentially. Why invest a given sum of cash to give a diapered fossil one extra year of life, when the same investment can give someone younger an extra decade of a much higher quality of life?
XP and 7 usually worked well enough, and 8 and Vista didn't get very far because they were genuinely dogshit. Yet 10 only became halfway decent years after it was first released, is still incredibly finicky about what hardware it'll run on, is notorious for updates that fuck everything up, etc, and 11 is the same bullshit repeating itself.
Microsoft has always had its problems, but it does seem to be getting much worse.
Not many smart people in Western countries have any interest in medicine, as it's not particularly lucrative, there are very high barriers to entry, you don't have much mobility in terms of what careers you can pursue, you're constantly worrying about malpractice suits, and that's not even mentioning how many patients are just horrible.
Compare this with, say, law, where you don't actually have to be a trial lawyer, or in a public-facing position at all if you don't want to. You get a general set of skills that can land you a job almost anywhere in the world of white collar/bean counter work, you have an infinitely easier time setting up your own private practice, you don't have to watch people die or get screamed at by people you wish you could watch die instead of some unlucky kid, etc.
Oh yeah, there's also the part where as a doctor you're always on call because you're gonna be working at an ER for the first decade of your career at least, and that means you're usually sleep-deprived. So you get neither the stability of a regular 9-5, nor the flexibility of setting your own hours as a contractor. Frankly, who the hell would ever wanna become a doctor in today's world, when there are so many other avenues towards affluence that are infinitely easier?
That meets the Dems at the high school level they're trying to shift this election towards. He should be drawing attention to how nobody actually likes her, but everyone is pretending to a la the emperor's invisible robes.
This is a glaring example of narrative shift whiplash happening in real time. Because Dems shredded their own public credibility by ousting Biden at the eleventh hour, after years of lying about his cognitive decline, in order to bypass a primary and install one of the most unpopular candidates in recent memory, they had to push anything to distract us from all that.
And while normies can be forgiven for being easily distracted by shiny jingling keys like a bunch of retards, the mainstream "right" is once again allowing the left to control the focus of the discourse. Republicans should be demanding to meet with Biden publicly, to "make sure he's in good health," because on paper he's still the fucking president, so if they can't assure us that the president is still alive, let alone in good health, that's a bit of a problem.
Nevermind allowing the assassination attempt, and the extremely suspicious circumstances surrounding it, to just slip on right by. For some reason, however, Republicans are also allowing Dems to distract from that, instead just pushing the most retarded boomer shit. This shit is like if your ex wife attempted to murder you, she pivoted by trying to make the conversation about your alleged sexual performance, and you were retarded enough to let her get away with that.
Diaper fetishes are a particularly disturbing sign of severe arrested development. Honestly tracks with how many fags were abused, but damn, they must have been abused when they were young.
Part of me is sad for them, though of course if you allow your demons to possess you rather than conquering them, you're responsible for anyone you harm in the process.
Am I the only one who thinks that HD2D is overrated?
Someone made a Doom mod using voxels instead of pixels, legit made it look a thousand times better. HD2D just makes the "cardboard cutout" look that much more conspicuous.
I gotta wonder if Trump has an "AIPAC guy" come to think of it.
This is actually brilliant, images stick with normies way better than FACTS and LOGIC and this image is really hard to forget.
Sometimes Trump can be seriously retarded, I don't know what gives him the idea that with our own country falling apart anyone wants to see an American president spreading their asscheeks wide open for fucking Israel. He just needs to stick to a "See? I told you so!" message on how much of a shitshow the Biden admin has been on everything from inflation to illegal immigration to getting us mired in yet another forever war in Ukraine, while touting his record as the only president in decades who didn't start any new wars, didn't expand the power of the glowies, and saved us from TPP.
It's almost like the GOPe would rather have Kamala than Trump, but for whatever reason Trump seems to be listening to the GOPe like they're his friends, even after everything that's gone down between them.
The worst part is how many drooling retards think that supporting Kamala is somehow sticking it to the man. "People" like that deserve to be made into biofuel by the globalist lizards.