misogynegro 19 points ago +19 / -0

This stings more tbh because local news is a part of my nostalgia. It just felt a lot more relatable because it concerns news happening in your own backyard, but it's all fake too, and in the giant economic zone that is the US what little regional culture there is in many places has largely vanished. Even in the parts of the country with deeper roots regional culture is vanishing.

Local news outlets have always been corrupt of course, just like their national and international counterparts, just on a smaller scale. But regardless, real, actual local news, rather than this homogenized slop, desperately needs to make a comeback, because there's so much more that regular people can influence locally than nationally.

misogynegro 22 points ago +22 / -0

Even though this poster is British, I still read this post in a stereotypical, nasally, Jew York accent.

misogynegro 42 points ago +42 / -0

However, despite DNA and WhatsApp evidence, as well as expressing a “total lack of remorse” during the trial, eight of the nine men convicted walked free with probation and spent no time in prison at all. The ninth was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison without parole.


misogynegro 4 points ago +4 / -0

Leftists will do anything to impose American racial politics onto the whole damn world. The notion that Zionism is "white settler colonialism" is hilariously America-centric until you remember that these retards actually believe that shit.

misogynegro 3 points ago +5 / -2

Damn, imagine being a Hamas terrorist finding out that despite being on your best behavior and not having fun with this hostage, she stabbed you in the back anyways.

Those terrorists who held her captive are gonna become even more antisemitic and misogynistic, thanks a lot you yenta bitch!

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're right, there need to be much stronger safeguards against foreign interference across the board. However, Israel being "too successful" is simply what made the problem too big to not notice. Saudi and Chinese influence are also big problems.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

When the Shadowfell sends us their people, they're not sending their best!

misogynegro 8 points ago +8 / -0

These people really don't get that breaking the fourth wall stopped being clever a long time ago.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe Elon should buy NoA next.

Wait is it possible to buy NoA without buying Nintendo as a whole?

Not that him buying Nintendo altogether would necessarily be a bad thing, ever since Satoru Iwata died Nintendo has been slowly following the same horrible trends as the rest of the gaming industry.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't get complacent, the vermin aren't gonna stop until you pursue them to the ends of the earth and make them stop. Japs are based and all that but they're also polite and conformist and don't understand American culture war bullshit.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

Grummz is right that the fact they're trying to hide it in the first place is a good sign, but also that this time around we can't let go because otherwise they'll just come back like herpes. There are more options than either blackpill or overconfident.

misogynegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's a similar story about some white college girls wearing qipaos and getting cancelled for it, while Chinese people loved seeing Americans appreciate their culture.

misogynegro 9 points ago +9 / -0

They don't even look like dwarves, they just look like a couple of Seattle faggots who lost half their legs in a drunken car crash.

misogynegro 9 points ago +9 / -0

Left looks like he's a connoisseur of "art" that depicts little girls getting raped by horses, and an expert on why the age of consent is ackshually fascist.

misogynegro 32 points ago +32 / -0

I've always had an incredibly strong, almost instinctual revulsion to that kind of shit, and the sheer unfiltered pozz that eventually came out of these communities vindicated my prejudice. The whole trendy hipster "geek" shtick was always just so damn phony, and the kinds of cucked soyboys and mediocre egirls who populate these scenes are in reality deeply unhappy people. Behind the facade of happy-go-lucky irreverence is a stewing cauldron of despair, frustration, and compensatory narcissism.

Every beta who posts about "punching nazis" has only ever punched drywall and maybe their underage gf. And the whole CalArts demographic just feels like a giant cult, considering how cults have the whole Jekyll-and-Hyde dynamic going on where they front with lovebombing but then become absolutely vicious on a dime if you say one "wrong" thing. Those people just give me the absolute creeps because they're the epitome of smiling to your face while clutching a knife behind their back.

misogynegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

Isn't Pathfinder supposed to be a return to the uber autistic TTRPG format?

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Would be hilarious to see him implement this policy simply because it would really fuck over college-educated millennials and zoomers, and because the Orange Man did it they'd be twisting themselves in pretzels to figure out how to smear him without appearing anti-immigrant. You'd def get a lot of "think pieces" whining about how the Orange Man is targeting liberal voters and helping big business crush white collar unions with foreign scabs who are already from "privileged" families overseas and how the GOP is playing games to appeal to Asians and blah blah blah.

misogynegro 10 points ago +10 / -0

Always found that odd, shouldn't computers make aiming guns easier than ever?

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

One of the biggest ironies is that despite generally having more advanced and better quality tech at the beginning of WW2, as well as incredibly effective military organization, Germany lost due to simply being overwhelmed with Soviet numbers and American manufacturing capacity. Yet here we are now with a military that has the most advanced tech and largely has the best training, yet our manufacturing capacity is crap and we've outsourced so much of our economy to our biggest rival.

How did our government forget the lesson of WW2 within a generation?

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm glad that the online right is finally becoming less retarded about throwing shekels at every rando who waltzes into the movement and says a bunch of things that conservatives like with a ton of confidence and 'tude. Bonus points if they're a hot chick or a black, white conservatives will empty their wallets for anyone that assuages their anxiety about being an istaphobe, as opposed to white liberals who empty their wallets for sanctimonious blacks to lecture them about how horrible they are. White people need to stop giving a fuck about whether or not they're istaphobes altogether but that's a whole other conversation.

misogynegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

Back then the Clintons were positioning themselves as the moderate Democrats, attempting to build a bridge with Reagan Republicans since Reagan was still a widely beloved figure at the time. The general push towards neoliberalism in general meant that strategically speaking, the Clinton Dems understood the need to not make enemies of Reaganites.

Going after video games was a clever way to pander to social conservatives without attacking a target that the left actually cared about. Video games were still just glorified toys as far as normies were concerned back then, and supposed video game "violence" could also be tied to gun violence. Which was, again, a good way to play both sides since conservatives and centrists were concerned with violent crime, as were even "civil rights" orgs, while also helping to pad out the lefty gun grabber impulse.

However, conservatives quickly figured out that the Clintons were absolutely not who they presented themselves to be, especially since Hillary is just not nearly as talented of an actor (or liar) as her husband. Bill Clinton was meant to appeal to blue collar voters since the Dems had alienated so many of those voters by pushing extreme forced integration policies and being way too tolerant of crime, to say nothing of how many of the 60's leftist movements had purity-spiraled themselves into pure insanity by the 70's.

But since the Clinton Dems largely failed to recapture the blue collar vote, they instead shifted over to middle-class normie libs. And these voters thought of the Clintons as the reasonable middle-ground between conservatives and leftists, as laughable as that is today.

It's easy to forget that although the seeds for today's insanity were planted long ago, normie libs didn't used to be nearly as batshit as they are today. They still thought of themselves as patriotic, many of them still made a point of identifying as Christian, and plenty of them were desperate to distance themselves from political correctness, to the point that Bill Maher's old show was called Politically Incorrect. Pointing out that Democrats were leading the charge against video games doesn't prove anything except that Democrats were trying to pander to both blue collar voters and normie lib voters, and their gambit was a failure for the former but a success for the latter.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

The fact that this is about punishing Lauren Southern's family for stuff they have nothing to do with makes this so much worse, these "people" are absolute vermin.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

One of the most infuriating things the MSM does is portray these scum-sucking petty tyrants as brave truth-tellers standing up against big corporations for...not sufficiently abusing their power...

Wait a minute I thought it was a fucking problem when big businesses use their control over a market to assert their arbitrary will on anyone who relies on their services. These subhumans have totally inverted common sense and reason alike, abuse of power by big business to make life harder for you if you express opinions the business doesn't like is a good thing now according to "anti-capitalists."

misogynegro 3 points ago +4 / -1

Probably also because Jews are typically unattractive, so the idea that a bunch of Arab men would launch an invasion to make a bunch of Jewesses into their rape slaves is probably a cope of sorts. Not saying that ugly women never get raped, but they really wanna believe that Jewish pussy is so alluring it can make men start a war over it a la Helen of Troy.

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