lolfail9001 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you had infinite monkeys there would be infinite shit on keyboards

Yes? Since we already have infinite monkeys, finding infinite resources to hire infinite amount of people who would clean it up is not exactly a problem.

monkeys don’t magically grow sentience

Indeed they don't, they do so over millions of years.

You really can’t even grasp baseline philosophy or math

But can you? Because i am still not hearing of your "trillions of years" calculation.

lolfail9001 1 point ago +1 / -0

the word youre looking for is theorem

Not at all.

Any mathematician who would insert a biological aspect that is easily fallible into a system is not a good mathematician, especially when trying to explain random variance.

Hence mathematicians don't use it as anything but a layman/idiomatic example with all implied restrictions it entails!

The point of the experiment was to essentially mock the creators of the theorem because it is a redundant analogy that wouldnt hold up in practice.

I am glad they tried to mock creators of the theorem that explicitly requires infinite amount of time and/or monkeys with very small amount of time and monkeys. Top tier rebuttal if i had seen one in first grade of elementary school, not by someone who would call himself adult man.

That was the point of the statement, hence the word pretend. Try to keep up.

In which case your statement does not work because how do you know origin of something which does not yet exist? Or am i talking to a literal time traveler from IRL version of Terminator movies? For all we know, general purpose AI would really develop itself after being given enough hardware, because it does not fucking exist yet and in case of humans probably won't ever exist.

lolfail9001 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s a theory, most of math is a theory.

All of math is theory, but let's just say that mathematical theory and scientific theory are 2 vastly different concepts, even if many scientific theories worth anything can be written as mathematical theories.

Mathematically it would take trillions upon trillions of years based on the current metrics

[citation would be highly appreciated]. Because i too can pull numbers out of my ass. Besides, even if it takes trillions and trillions of years... why are you assuming Earth is somehow unique in Universe of trillions and trillions of planets that may have comparable initial conditions?

The scaled version show that monkeys were not capable of even baseline interest in the process.

Yes, so what? If your issue with infinite monkey theorem is that it uses monkeys as example of someone who would produce random inputs instead of less biological source of randomness... Well, i can only say math is really not your strongest suit. I can only suspect it was not the strongest suit of someone who unironically setup such experiment either.

To pretend we could generate intelligent thought through random chance is as stupid as us pretending artificial intelligence developed itself.

Given that general artificial intelligence does not exist and does not even seem to be possible given our current technology level and pace, your confidence is confusing.

lolfail9001 3 points ago +3 / -0

The infinite monkey theory is borderline retarded

It's not a theory, it's slightly advanced math (the infinite version, the finite version is middle school level of basic). Granted, result is pretty absurd, but so are conditions of it.

we tried it

There's not enough cells, let alone living organisms, on Earth for appropriate sense of scale, so nope lol.

The fact of the matter is ancient aliens make a more convincing argument for human sapience

Luckily humans are stupid enough that any such argument falls apart because once again, if ancient aliens participated in humans acquiring their sapience... why are humans so stupid?

lolfail9001 1 point ago +1 / -0

You’re talking about the same Dawkins that rationalized our universe’s current state as the Infinite Monkey Theorem

You have a problem with that?

What about the infinite universe theory

???? No, what about it, i am mildly curious, since boundness of universe is not something that can be experimentally verified or falsified given our present knowledge.

lolfail9001 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is there something wrong with menial labor?

No, if anything that's a very important part of modern civilization for the foreseeable future.

But i have a gut feeling average dude who fails to graduate high school wouldn't be so accepting.

You don't need to know math or philosophy to enter numbers in a spreadsheet.

That's the logic people used when they hired accountants down here in late 90s/early 00s. The outcome of it was a birth of a whole joke genre of accountant going into BSOD whenever 'entering numbers in a spreadsheet' gives unexpected outcome.

lolfail9001 9 points ago +11 / -2

So, a random kid took an edgy name, edgy theme and wanted to push some cheap vaporware over it.

Err, is it a day ending in 'ay'?

lolfail9001 3 points ago +3 / -0

We do not need to have 100% of our population graduating high school.

No, but if you can't even graduate high school, what are you good for besides doing menial labor in the fields

lolfail9001 4 points ago +4 / -0

The climate cult exists to destroy the incomes of Islamic oil nations

Fairly certain Islamic oil nations are one of the primary beneficiaries of this cult. Simply because woke nation oil companies are the ones targeted the most, both driving up the oil (and gas) demand while lowering the supply.

lolfail9001 2 points ago +3 / -1

laws exist to benefit society,

That's a stretch tbh.

There is no good in allowing it as far as I know so why allow it?

Last time there was actual bad to it was before DNA tests were invented, i'll gladly hear argument to the opposite though.

lolfail9001 9 points ago +9 / -0

We teach, not because they don't know it exists, but to educate them on what, how, and why.

I feel like you just discredited yourself, because guess what, there's plenty of people who would not exactly approve teaching their literal kids "how".

lolfail9001 7 points ago +7 / -0

I don't see anything about age of consent there, and i am well aware that in some places a age difference clause already exists (say, 18 year old fucking 16 year old in a place with 18 year old age of consent would not get on the register).

So, i guess someone summon a lawyer, because frankly speaking, this is the kind of degeneracy you'd expect from someone with last name Weiner, but i was never the kind to treat 26 year old fucking 17 year old as pedophilia either.

lolfail9001 4 points ago +4 / -0

Uh, no. We literally have no idea what the death rates are for older people.

Indeed we don't, hence i have to use my own estimates. And while FDA/US government is not enforcing any good tracking of deaths and their proper causes, many American hospitals enforce treatment of wuflu so bad, i can actually use my completely incomparable otherwise town as a sample for estimates for how risky it is to take vaccine. Well, for elderly who somehow dodged COVID the entire time (if those still exist) it turns it's slightly less risky, for youngsters it is more. Plain numbers, nothing else. Sure, i may overestimate risk of COVID for elderly since overall life expectancy in my town is pretty low to begin with, but that's just my personal estimate i would use to guide my own actions. And i use it to conclude that if you try to use vaccines to lower elderly population... it's highly inefficient way of doing that with significant chance of backfiring.

You can read up on what happened when one study revealed

In case you never caught the memo, this COVID story has crushed my trust in medical studies in general. Given quality of their statistics and general methodology, they can find both pro and con 'any proposition' and won't ever get a conclusion on which one is the correct conclusion. Because doing science does not put food on the table, getting results grant givers want does.

lolfail9001 4 points ago +8 / -4

Untested Mrna "vaccines" (gene therapy), with a high rate of complications. Figured that was obvious given the context.

Last i checked present statistics makes those untested vaccines of less concern to proper elderly than wuflu itself. Comparatively, they seem to be more dangerous to youngsters than actual wuflu (though finding actual statistics on that is going to be impossible, so i can only use very heuristic inference)... So just like most conspiracy theories, this ground is very shakey.

So, that would make this vaccine plan a big failure. Besides, Russian vaccine is not mRNA based and is still pushed the same [in Russia].

At last, as was mentioned, the sole carte blanche introduction of "you must jab yourself every year/twice a year or you lose your basic civil liberties" dynamic is a dream of every authoritarian and they created themselves a perfect excuse for it, and jab could be pure water for all they care.

lolfail9001 2 points ago +2 / -0

The jargon is supposed to scare you off.

I prefer jargon to terms overloaded beyond any useful meaning.

Just try to guess if number 2 is normal.

lolfail9001 1 point ago +1 / -0

are censoring medical professionals from recommending homeopathic treatments

I stop treating anyone recommending homeopathic (in the actual sense of the word) treatment as medical professional, so yeah, censoring them is counter-productive.

lolfail9001 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, there is: https://www.medtran.ru/eng/trials/protomechanics/ch5.htm

That's not a protocol for someone seeking to lower own's chance of dying from covid-related bullshit, that's exactly my point, there isn't one.

Needless to say, i approve that taking drugs that nobody has any liability for on top of physically absent long-term impact research is plain bad idea, sometimes it's still the best of the 2 shitty choices.

lolfail9001 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone even remotely suggesting to take the death jab instead of following proper medical protocol

There's no proper medical protocol. No matter what you do, you are playing Russian roulette.

lolfail9001 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know what you're saying, but making a law that regulates what corporations can say or do does not violate "abridging the freedom of speech" IMO.

It does, however, violate letter of 1A (and whether it violates spirit of 1A is another question). Disclaimers on every product (a counter example someone thought worked in this thread) are not about speech either.

lolfail9001 1 point ago +1 / -0

Uh don't grant businesses freedom of speech, or any rights at all?

If you ever read 1A, you'll notice it does not grant anyone freedom of speech.

lolfail9001 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not "the public."

And not "private", in particular if those 30 people actively trade said stock (i'll ignore the legal side of trading share of a car, because it's irrelevant in horrible car analogies). But ultimately, the point Giz was making is that those corporations are traded by public, owned by no one in particular (in fact, often biggest shareholders of those corporations are other corporations or some proxy organizations) , and often receive government funding. Calling them 'private' is really an abuse of notation.

Still not owned by "the public."

These people don't own the car either. They (each) own part of the car, a different thing.

A house is for sale on the open market. Three people chip in to buy it and live there. Who owns it (let's assume it was a cash sale)?

Don't know, but i know down here a solid part of first degree murder cases are property dispute, so i suspect these people wouldn't know either.

lolfail9001 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sadly, lolbertarians are right in this one.

The better question is how do you fix this natural vulnerability of 1A where government can just have off-the-table deal with "private" platform doing censoring work for the government?

lolfail9001 3 points ago +3 / -0

I see where meme of car analogies being terrible comes from.

Who owns your car if 30 people buy it from you because you broke up the ownership right to it in 30 pieces?

lolfail9001 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am on the other side of globe from there, but i can see how this gets significantly worse if you live in places with more volatile weather conditions.

lolfail9001 21 points ago +21 / -0

the funny thing is canada itself is maybe the perfect setup for a country

If African history (or rather, little of it actually existing) should have taught you anything, it's that perfect setup is the easiest to waste.

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