It seems very efficient for a government to be able to make sweeping changes like this to the way people have to act, but it only seems nice while the fruits seem good. Any moron in power can create hell by an idiotic decree. Government can easily destabilize it's nation with reactionary, radical changes. It's a dangerous thing.
What is DIE?
Also, this "sacrifice Trump" sounds odd coming from JP. Is it even really him? Trump hasn't done anything wrong that I know of.
Doubly weird that he thinks the abandonment of cultural marxism by the left is something that's possible.
First reload the site. Then make sure it's finished loading completely. Write your edit, click Save and leave it alone, sometimes for a minute, until it updates. Then leave it alone for another minute without reloading or closing the tab just in case.
I never subscribe to accelerationism, but I find myself tempted that they should make it last forever so it can pass into increasing irrelevance.