of course i can be a lesbian, HOW DARE YOU?!
and a man with truly malicious intent (or at least expecting malice from the other party) will have cameras and mics all over his house and interactions with her and the moment she opens her mouth to lie he'll destroy her in court and leave her in the streets to be homeless
that if he doesn't stall her, make her marry by tricking her to sign a pre-nup denying every money and shit or just outright fucks her in an unexpected way
rule number 1 of being a predator is remembering there are others in the world
you guys are being played by the technocrats (musk/fauci) as the boomers are being played by the politicians (trump/biden)
stop while there's still time
funnily enough, all vaks addicts have constant recurring chronic respiratory infections
almost as if they had all their required vaksAIDS and subsequent boosterz
freemason devil worshippers... as always
soyence is a great tool to shut down the ignorant population, specially when academia, which is also controlled by them, is just a big rewards program for right-think
JOOLYWOOD was always from the j-bois, now the internet just made the noticing unstoppable...
of course he knew
raelism undermines the structure of worldly control these demon elites worship, which is a fallen EL
Raelism proposes that the true ELs are going to return and kick their asses
Ye got out of the matrix and is trying to redpill everyone in the process
considering world cup is another psyop event, they will selectively demoralize national teams for strategic purposes
aligns with ADL and Schwab in every single key point
if he's not their guy, the sky is not blue
mah based billiorino that aligns with ADL and Schwab wants you to be inside his everything-soft/hardware
totally not the antichrist, bro
every single time, brother
oh, antichrist, and yet, some people will believe you
if u give them empathy, they dont respect u because ur being a pussy and women like men, not emasculate eunuchs who give in at the first sign of losing a little bit of potential pussy
ps: i slapped my gf today cuz she was being irational, she's here fine, listening to me even more
good catch... (((Elon Musk))) deserves the parenthesis now
cue in in a few months:
law to imprison citizens for hate speech
then, it's done
of course you can say anything, but you wouldn't say anything that might get you in jail, amirite?!
Elon is 100% aligned with WEF, ditch this deceiver
please, just kill yourself, degenerate
so, they made a syntactical halo to attribute white to bad, even when there's no direct correlation
Because mission accomplished and power has been consolidated
it's also theatrics for the common folk, guy looks like a fat kiddo, so boomers will think "oh crypto does make a lot of money, but kids can't take care of it!"
central bankmans arrive rubbing hands
- use blue checks to trick people into believing bullshit
- bully people with that for years
- successfully trick all the goyim and make them inject poison/biotag/pharmabux whatever
- then say u gonna clean twitter, but actually ur just selling the blue checks seem as badges of power
- implement the badges but also give superbadges of official to the big noses
- trick goyim into making super fun impersonations that get u banned so they need to buy another badge after ban
- starlink prison grid
- ???
no, that's what satanic whores want my future to be... but i give them 0 attention and 0 sperm, so...
no, more like urs if u continue denying women... gonna build a beautiful technohomofag future for us
twittered? as in ran by a famous based billiorino so people willfully enslave themselves to create the very tech that will enslave them even more?
yes, tie this to surface political spectrum and ignore the real power behind it all...