and a man with truly malicious intent (or at least expecting malice from the other party) will have cameras and mics all over his house and interactions with her and the moment she opens her mouth to lie he'll destroy her in court and leave her in the streets to be homeless
that if he doesn't stall her, make her marry by tricking her to sign a pre-nup denying every money and shit or just outright fucks her in an unexpected way
rule number 1 of being a predator is remembering there are others in the world
Prenups are worthless in the West (I don't know if they're a thing or if they work elsewhere). The judge just tosses any part of the prenup that's less favorable to the woman than the standard divorce rape.
That is a big myth really. If you do a prenup right they actually are very powerful. There are ways to do it right though.
The reasons prenups do get thrown out when they do are often for a few specific BS reasons, but there are very few basic things you can do when doing a prenup to prevent those BS reasons which makes them incredibly difficult to dismiss.
My understanding (based on what a professor with a law degree and experience working in family law told me) is that alimony, child custody, and child support can't be the subject of prenups, and that there's an arbitrary fairness standard that gives the court carte blanche to toss out any provision the judge doesn't like. I left that lecture (and a subsequent discussion in his office) with the impression that prenups can be useful in niche cases (assuming the anti-male bias doesn't fuck you anyway) but offer no protection in the typical divorce rape scenario. I'd be curious to hear your take on this.
and a man with truly malicious intent (or at least expecting malice from the other party) will have cameras and mics all over his house and interactions with her and the moment she opens her mouth to lie he'll destroy her in court and leave her in the streets to be homeless
that if he doesn't stall her, make her marry by tricking her to sign a pre-nup denying every money and shit or just outright fucks her in an unexpected way
rule number 1 of being a predator is remembering there are others in the world
Prenups are worthless in the West (I don't know if they're a thing or if they work elsewhere). The judge just tosses any part of the prenup that's less favorable to the woman than the standard divorce rape.
That is a big myth really. If you do a prenup right they actually are very powerful. There are ways to do it right though.
The reasons prenups do get thrown out when they do are often for a few specific BS reasons, but there are very few basic things you can do when doing a prenup to prevent those BS reasons which makes them incredibly difficult to dismiss.
My understanding (based on what a professor with a law degree and experience working in family law told me) is that alimony, child custody, and child support can't be the subject of prenups, and that there's an arbitrary fairness standard that gives the court carte blanche to toss out any provision the judge doesn't like. I left that lecture (and a subsequent discussion in his office) with the impression that prenups can be useful in niche cases (assuming the anti-male bias doesn't fuck you anyway) but offer no protection in the typical divorce rape scenario. I'd be curious to hear your take on this.