They pay for their legal costs, they pay for their food, shelter, medical and everything else despite being denied asylum, they pay for the cost of the enrichment they bring, they pay for bringing them from the Libyan coast to Europe.
But all of that is not a pull factor for illegal migrants according to the establishment and government.
Fags have a lot of casual sex without condoms.
While consuming copious amount of various drugs. From hard recreational drugs to muscle relaxers.
muh huwhite male
Who's just as useless but has enough brain cells to not act like a complete idiot in public. The German military has been on a downward spiral for more than three decades.
German sounds cool to Japanese. That's all.
Too late. That's what they're working towards already.
With elite soldiers zooming around planets in mech suits shooting nukes from their shoulders instead of cannon fodder charging like the Red Army into the meat grinder.
I read the book. It wouldn't have made a great movie.
I disagree. Obviously you couldn't tell the story the same way it is being told in the book but the story itself and it's themes could most definitely make a great movie. Essentially it would just be a serious version of the movie we already have.
You forgot the fact that he's a raging cokehead.
I'm gonna believe it when it actually happens. Still waiting on the Kennedy files.
That's the problem when language becomes increasingly imprecise. Today nationality is basically a synonym for citizenship.
Just a coincidence. Just as Epstein having had close ties to Israeli politicians and Ghislaine Maxwell being the daughter of a Mossad spy is a coinicidence.
He knew what he was doing. It was intentional.
In both events Jews played prominent roles.
Well I made the assertion that vaccines don't work so no. It's very easy to make statistics show what you want them to show. Be it by completely ignoring every other factor correlating to the increase/decrease of cases or by simply redefining when a case is classified as disease X or not.
Bake the gay cake, you bigot.
Funnily enough the GDR was never as anti-German as the FRG. The GDR was actually quite nationalistic (similiar to Soviet Russia) and never flooded the country with foreigners unlike West Germany which started the ethnic replacement in the 60s.
The GDR was also a democracy. They just hated the Capitalists.
Well that is the question. Is the Japanese polica actually neutered because they never had to deal with this behavior or do they get orders from above to not crack down on these animals? I suspect it's the latter considering that Japan is being actively attacked by globohomo.
Not all vaccines are terrible, the idea behind the original ones is pretty sound.
Only problem is they don't work.
Hell in a lot of Africa they'll kill a black American if they tried to do what they did here to them.
The funny thing is you're hard pressed to find anyone who hates black Americans more than Africans.
the fuck
Everyone involved deserves the death penalty.
You might aswell skip the mercury and do vaccines as a whole.
The Russian paradox. They're losing in Ukraine and are just days away from complete collapse but if we stop funding Ukraine they'll steamroll the rest of Europe within a week.