You're actually quite consistent in your viewpoint (and not in a hobgoblin of the little mind sort of way). Maybe you're a bit too harsh on Islam, but if I remember, you actually served in Iraq (maybe), so that might colour your impressions a bit.
What's with the jew-ish and their constant insults. Nobody on this particular forum is 'low IQ', despite not sharing your ideas.
That said, this particular idea is standard talmudism. No one would even pay attention to it except, you know, decades of talmudic propaganda.
Yeah, that's why you cling to your holofrost, instead of taking the 5 minutes or so to realize that it's a hoax. I invite you again to look at the floorplans of Krema 2/3 at Auschwitz and, instead of calling me a 'dumb faggot', just ask yourself: is that even possible?
Covid was quite obviously a hoax. You can even prove it by simply looking at the Italian data. It's important to look at Italy, because that's the one '1st World' nation where the virus was allowed to proliferate without masking etc for several weeks, so there are no confounding variables.
Still, you could use a few line breaks in your write-up!
Giz-giz, why you think like this, brother? Honestly, everybody really likes everybody, but we just have different main concerns. It's why people naturally self-segregate. I gather you do some sort of programming, so you probably know a bunch of Orientals (etc.) So do I. They're great!
It's the other, you know, 95% of 1.4Billion that won't integrate. Same with Pajeets.
You must know this. Why do you continue to tell us that we hate people and want to kill (and now rape!) them? Go live with the hill people. You couldn't do that for years.
Wait... whom am I supposed to want to shoot in this scenario? Kanye? Nah, of course not.
Why do you have these weird fantasies about 'stormfags' who 'hate everybody'. In general, people get along fine. Multiculturalism is a (((you know))) method to destroy societies. And, anyway, the upshot is that, in Canada, for instance, the Indians stick with each other. The Filipinos integrate a bit better, but mostly because they're looser sexually.
But yes: the 'shitposting' was off the charts good. You know it's true.