Weird how the governments protect the terrorist supporters, and lock up innocent people. Strange.
I agree with you, I was just informing you that OP was one of those useless tits. I'm sure the book is useless at best, and flat out lies at worse.
I tried reading it all, but I kept wanting to kill myself halfway through because it's a slog and says nothing important.
Anyway, they're retards and they're the reeeeeeeeeeeeeesistance for sure.
Op is already one of those people. We have many such cases of the shortbus brigade here.
Do you ever do anything besides seethe about the jews? I'm just curious. They seem to be living rent free in your head, and you probably should seek therapy (and charge them rent).
What needs to happen is we send the feds to jail, and let everyone else out
It's more that modders have enough autism to fix all the shit wrong with Bethesda games
Imp, is that you seething?
I dunno, looks like they won to me. The how doesn't matter.
It's called pattern recognition. Something you don't have. Any time anyone screeches about the jews, they're conpro forum sliding stormfags. It's 1:1.
I'm also still not a bot, or a jew, or whatever else you guys want to screech about when you get called out.
You know, it is somewhat ironic that when people call you out you consistently act like you claim the jews do. Quite strange. Maybe someone should study why that is.
Unfortunately, none of you will ever be worth anything in real life, so you seethe about how the jews are superior to you (though tbf, pretty much everyone else, being better than you is a low bar) because you won't accomplish anything. Enjoy the cope, midwit.
Well, you're still retarded, because I didn't. I didn't vote for trump either, because he's a useless sack of shit who won't get anything done.
Midwit smugness strikes again. Try again.
Where labor blew out everyone in the UK? Yeah, I did. They literally voted for this shit.
We need IQ tests so we can get rid of the shortbus brigade here.
Yeah, it's almost like democracy is a thing that exists in the west. Weird.
You're the literal example of a midwit.
I'm sorry, your level of mental retardation is the same as the eurofags, it's easy to mix you all up. My apologies. You're just a non eurofag shortbus member.
So sack up, eurofag. Do something.
Almost like people shouldn't have voted for people who were going to import rapefugees in. But they always do. Nearly half the US still did
Weird how they keep voting for leftists and get exactly what they voted for. Really strange. Almost like anyone with 2 braincells could see this coming.
Europe is a clown continent run by cuckolds and communists. They get what they keep voting for, especially spain.
So the shortbus brigade were the real jews all along?
Wow, a new stormfag account. Did one of your other ones get banned, or did the screeching about 'muh jews' call over more conpro forum sliding midwits? Just curious here
I'm still not a jew, and you're still retarded, along with the rest of your goat raping terrorist friends.
It's only weird if you have a room temperature iq. China is a communist dictatorship, and have been geopolitical enemies since ww2.
Israel hasn't, and is a democracy.
If you can't understand those basic differences, you're a waste of oxygen, and should have been aborted.
Okay faggot.
They're consistent at least. If they can't get boards banned, they screech about "muh jews" until they all get perma banned or everyone else leaves.