el_hoovy 2 points ago +2 / -0

i think it's some other place from the 1930s we're headed to... if history repeats however, what comes after ought to be rather fun

el_hoovy 4 points ago +5 / -1

you know, thanks for the trick. before i turn my home into an armory-compound ill make sure to get falsely swatted once. boy who cried wolf and all

by folx
el_hoovy 5 points ago +5 / -0

The place that stopped rioters by showing up fully armed? The place that did the same for neo Nazi parades?

so hang on, are they against or for pedophiles?

el_hoovy 2 points ago +3 / -1

by these standards tribals 50000 years ago were mega commies

and the neanderthals, being epic loner individualist libertarians, died out

i think therefore you should rethink your standards, as these are not correct conclusions

el_hoovy 7 points ago +7 / -0

oh yeah absolutely, just remembered where i was and turned on normiespeak for a while since people think hitler, mussolini and the ZOG conglomerate all neatly fall under the nebulous term "fascism".

el_hoovy 9 points ago +14 / -5

no, this is just tyrannical satanism. i believe historically fascism has to have at least some undertone of improving the people by objective, reasonable standards. mussolini bungled it, but if you take a moment to study hitler did it rather well. actually, think he did it to fix exactly this sorta stuff...

el_hoovy 4 points ago +5 / -1

never forget it's all your money used to do all this too

aint theirs, it's yours

el_hoovy 11 points ago +12 / -1

being violent towards people that disagree stops being weird and starts being correct when people disagree with things such as your continued existence and the non-rapedness of your children

in fact it'd be weird not to be violent

el_hoovy 7 points ago +7 / -0

when will we make our own game to stick truths into? an actual game, not Epic Kyle Rittenhouse Mass Shooter Simulator.

not sarcasm, not being snarky, real question, when are we making it, gimme a time and place i'll be there. (in spirit, because i'm already doing this)

el_hoovy 0 points ago +2 / -2

"Devour the child, destroy the human"

-Adolf Hitler

el_hoovy -1 points ago +1 / -2

these jews you speak of are best friends with putin, they literally receive orders of friendship and shit from him. naturally, you can't forget the history between russia and the jews... they never had the falling-out that hopeful people here think they had.

with that in mind, they don't hate russia at all. they hate russians, ukrainians, and western taxpayers, and right now they want to rape as many ukrainian kids as possible and kill as many Whites as possible in general. this war's a pretty large success in that regard.

remember how they got airlifted right before the war out of ukraine straight into israel? yeah, me neither.

el_hoovy 2 points ago +3 / -1

there was another step, too, where people thought copyright law in general was immoral. now it feels like we've gone from defying copyright law to denying it just for these corrupt people, and i can't help but think that that's probably healthier thinking.

el_hoovy 10 points ago +12 / -2

wonder when we'll reinstate "unfit for life"

seems to have been mighty useful

by folx
el_hoovy -1 points ago +4 / -5

tel aviv is 25% gay

the demons do not escape hell

by folx
el_hoovy 4 points ago +14 / -10

yes goyim there is nothing you can do just accept the retardation hehehehe

el_hoovy 4 points ago +5 / -1

gradually you began to hate them

el_hoovy 4 points ago +6 / -2

ya aint no goy...

by folx
el_hoovy 9 points ago +16 / -7

i'll take 5% dead babies over 50% retarded ones any day of the week

el_hoovy 0 points ago +1 / -1

speaking of tribes, don't you have some drums to bang on or something?

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