I might be wrong, but I think this is more about making the heroes realistic. If you were going into a dungeon to fight monsters, why the hell would you wear a thong without any protection around it?
Rapefugees are only a danger to a weak society. These bastards are gonna be eaten alive if they act like stupid cunts in the midwest or any red state.
Send these pieces of shit to the Taliban. Special delivery!
JT just shit the bed. LOL.
Anyone upset at this is an idiot. Who gives a fuck? Alex was awesome, but the show is going to be the same.
Australia sucks.
Medical industry loves trannies. They are so profitable!
Fuck these people. They are pieces of shit. I hope they are murdered, and burn in hell.
How about taking it off because it hasn't been anything close to funny for years?
I watched a newer episode a while ago, and holy fuck, I didn't even laugh once. It was fucking terrible. I'm lucky if I laugh once or twice in an episode. The SImpsons is garbage.
The Simpsons is a huge show. They were different when they started. Now it fucking sucks.
WHO GIVES A FUCK? Fox is Disney. If Fox dies, I'm totally okay with that.
I'll do it for $200,000 a year with no taxes.
Sometimes communists are alright. LOL.
Lefties don't create. They always jump onto other people's shit. Their thinking is parasitic. Look at when they look at homeless people. They never say, "I'm gonna help the homeless." They scream, and shout at the government, and say raise taxes on the rich to help the homeless. They want other people to do the heavy lifting.
Lefties are 100% unfunny. Their comedy always amounts to an unoriginal, incorrect lecture.
Alright, but this isn't an open, and shut case, is it? Because a woman deliberately lied to Robinson, and in justice there is generally a requirement of "mens rea," i.e., the mental element of a person's intention to commit a crime. The woman that lied ought to be the one receiving punishment.
Canada will soon. They'll have hate crime payouts. If you offend the feeling of some haji, they'll make you pay them money directly. Without court involvement.
Already happened. A comedian had to pay some boy money for literally telling a joke. Canada is full of retards.
The UK fucking sucks.
Is anyone surprised that it is a fat, white, liberal woman?
Workers recounted comments like "I didn't know girls like beer" or racist remarks.
LOL. What a retard. This reminds me of those white liberals who says "kill white people" and then they get killed.
The big flood in the Bible was caused by man-made climate change.
I have a better idea. Go fuck yourself!
Sweden, what the fuck is wrong with you? These rapists are pieces of shit, and deserve to burn in hell. Why the fuck is you giving them money? Fucking retards.