dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

It may simply be too late in the election cycle to replace Biden. They could pull some nonsense at the convention, but most of the delegates who will be there will have already been selected on the basis of votes for Biden specifically. Any candidate who replaces him will have a very fractious Dem party to campaign with as a result.

On top of that, the question remains who can possibly replace him and actually do better electorally. If they push him out before the convention, it would be difficult to sidestep Kamala, who is even more deranged than Biden is. Whitmer is so unpopular that she might actually lose her home state. Newsom might solidify the female vote, but he's such a wet blanket that Trump would walk all over him rhetorically, and the mess he's made of California gives him a terrible record to run on, which the other side can exploit.

Who else is there?

dagthegnome 9 points ago +9 / -0

That midwestern accent with all the diphthongs is normally fine to listen to until Tim Pool starts doing it through his fucking nose.

dagthegnome 12 points ago +12 / -0

Garm. They're literally named after the giant, vicious wolf chained up outside the gates of Hel, whose release is one of the harbingers of Ragnarok.

Great branding.

dagthegnome 48 points ago +48 / -0

The same is true in my neck of the woods. I run a business where most of the available jobs are entry-level customer service positions, and I exclusively hire locals (high school and college students) as opposed to fresh-off-boat pajeets who can't speak English, which is the norm in much of Canada now.

Many of the young guys I hire are smart, athletic, driven, eager to learn. Some have already given up when they're not yet 20 and I can't get anything out of them, but even the guys who are engaged have very little ambition beyond earning enough money to buy new games or pay for their own car. None of them have girlfriends. One kid earns as much money off of Tik Tok as he does working for me, and has "Social Media Influencer" as a career choice. The two smartest are enrolled in post secondary programs for graphic design and programming respectively; careers that prioritize solitude over social interaction, despite both being relatively extroverted, funny and easy to get along with.

This trend has become much more pronounced since the plandemic. I can now expect the level of maturity from an 18-year-old employee that I would have seen in a 15-year-old pre-2020, with very few exceptions. That applies mostly to males, as maturity is (being charitable) much harder to gauge in females.

I'm not sure how much worse it can get. Men, especially young men, need to feel like they belong to something. The need for validation is entirely secondary in the male psyche to the need to feel that your efforts have value: that the thing you're working to contribute to is a worthwhile endeavor. We just don't have that for them anymore. Much worse than the endless denigration and demonization of whiteness and maleness that goes on in their schools and in all of the media they consume is the feeling that there is absolutely nothing in their lives or communities that is actually worth their efforts.

It really does feel like something is about to give. It could be a reset button, something that makes large numbers of them suddenly feel engaged again. Or it could be the opposite. Something that gives them no choice but to release all of the pent-up frustration which at the moment takes the form of nihilism. I would strongly advise the regime not to try to implement another draft: certainly not for a foreign proxy war like Ukraine or Taiwan. I get the feeling that will end very badly.

dagthegnome -8 points ago +1 / -9

Not a Zionist. I don't want another penny of my tax money to be used to prop up Israel. That doesn't change the fact that Muslims are objectively worse: more violent, more disruptive, much more of a drain on our resources, and by far a bigger geopolitical threat.

But that's not even the point. The point is that nobody wants your shit. There is a reason that every fed and third columnist who wants to undermine and discredit any right-wing space immediately resorts to your talking points to achieve their goal. And that is that you are kryptonite. You are as repulsive to anyone with any common sense as a rabid sewer rat. Not even the Zoomer right will ever accept you. You will continue to burn with impotent resentment and histrionic desperation in your isolated corner of the internet long after the political paradigm has fully shifted.

dagthegnome -11 points ago +2 / -13

Only a leftist is capable of the cognitive dissonance necessary observe the behavior and beliefs of Jews and Muslims and arrive at the conclusion that the former are the bigger threat to civilization.

dagthegnome -4 points ago +2 / -6

Except that was never true. For the sake of this conversation, I'll credit you with the assumption that you are actually sincere in your beliefs and not a fed whose sole purpose is to derail this forum, so here's the thing:

Outside your little pol/conpro echo chamber, nobody wants your shit. No matter how strong and mainstream the new right becomes as a political force in the West, it will always be in spite of you, not because of you, and you will always be left out of it.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

He's on record as saying it's not the state's business who you sleep with. It was practically his mantra during the campaign.

dagthegnome 41 points ago +41 / -0

Unlike Biden's personal account, which despite repeated insistence from both him and his staff that he was the only one using it, tweeted multiple times during the live debate.

dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

One unfunny comedian whines about an unfunny joke made about him by another unfunny comedian.

Charlie was the better Murphy.

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