by Cascade
dagthegnome 12 points ago +12 / -0

I don't know the specifics of this 'election', but I do know that as a general rule, it's establishment bots who are more likely to vote.

That doesn't seem to have been the case recently in Europe. In the recent Swedish election, turnout was down 5% and the right won. In the Dutch local elections in March, turnout was down roughly 4%, and there was a huge surge in support for localist and regional parties, as well as the FvD and the PVV. I understand that 2 data points don't make a pattern, but it seems like the same thing is happening in Italy.

This sometimes combines with the fact that some of the populists, like the ones in France, have a larger than average youth following. And young people also tend to vote less.


For the record: the parties labeled as 'far-right' in the Murican press are generally relatively left-wing on economic policies. They criticize the neoliberal governments both for allowing uncontrolled immigration and for cutting social services for ordinary people to pay for their beloved immigrants.

Georgia Meloni actually referred to herself as the "right-wing Tony Blair" whatever that's supposed to mean, and she'll have to govern along with Salvini, who cucked for the vaccine passports, and with fucking Berlusconi. I'm really not all that optimistic.

by Cascade
dagthegnome 22 points ago +22 / -0

If the European pattern holds, this is good for the dissident right parties. Depressed turnout in other recent European elections seems to have been establishment voters who were disillusioned and discouraged from voting for their parties, but too stupid or lazy to switch their vote. Either way, it means the dissident right's voters are the most likely to vote.

That pattern didn't make enough of a difference in the French election, but it seems to have done in Sweden, and in the Dutch local elections.

dagthegnome 0 points ago +2 / -2

Easy answers like "everything wrong with the world and your life is ${GROUP}'s fault"

This very neatly encapsulates stormfaggotry in its entirety, and I am not interested in any criticism of that particular rhetorical affectation from those who are by far its most egregious and simple-minded perpetrators.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +3 / -2

If that's your idea of shit talk you must have an even worse case of testicular deficiency than that failed artist you worship. So how bad is it? Half a raisin left? None at all?

dagthegnome 46 points ago +46 / -0

No, panel shows are dying because they replaced actual comedy talent with a roster of painfully unfunny woke women and Nish Kumar.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +6 / -3

I realize you must be sore from all that goosestepping practice back and forth across your mommy's basement, but that's no reason to take it out on me.

dagthegnome 16 points ago +16 / -0

Most of us feel that way. The point is that the majority of people only started giving a shit when men got into women's prisons. Nobody gave a fuck about prison rape when it was men doing it to men. They didn't give a fuck when it was women doing it to women. They didn't even give a fuck about the decades-long epidemic of boys being victimized by men and women both in juvenile facilities.

The fact is, as much as they deny it, the overwhelming majority of people, feminists included, perceive females as having no agency, as being objects to be acted upon, and perceive males as being universal agents, which effectively makes them inevitable victimizers at the same time that it makes it impossible for them to be victims themselves. TERF-ism is a manifestation of that pattern of thinking, and so, in large part, is the transgender phenomenon itself.

dagthegnome 27 points ago +27 / -0

TERF-ism has just given all of the old blinkered English liberals an excuse to cling to their Boomer-era liberalism. They get to whine about their free speech being threatened while still denying that their own tolerance is what created that situation. No, it's not the feminists we propped up and encouraged. No, it's not the massive waves of immigrants we welcomed so warmly without a thought for how trivially they perceive our values. The entire problem is just these white guys who think they're women. Just look at them and ignore everything else.

I'm really at the stage where I just feel like the Boomers can't die off quickly enough.

dagthegnome 35 points ago +35 / -0

That's nowhere near as many people as Scott Adams has removed from his comment sections and live chats for disagreeing with him.

dagthegnome 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm reasonably certain based on both the circumstantial evidence and the actual evidence that has begun to accumulate.

The most significant piece of circumstantial evidence is the fact that the spike in excess deaths across the developed world did not occur in 2020, when Covid was supposedly at its worst, but only really began in the latter half of 2021, after the mass vaccination drives.

Here is a small selection of the hard evidence:

dagthegnome 9 points ago +9 / -0

So that they don't have to admit what's really killing people.

dagthegnome 13 points ago +13 / -0

Church of Covid is still up for now.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

If it was real, Klaus Schwab would have actually had it removed from the internet, because he's one of the only people who might actually have the power to do that.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

They want to create a messy primary battle in the GOP, because the Dems will almost certainly have one.

They don't care who wins. It's a divided opposition they want.

dagthegnome 10 points ago +11 / -1

Well, this initiative is doomed to failure.

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