dagthegnome 13 points ago +14 / -1

I'm not oppressing you, Stan: You haven't got a womb! Where's the fetus going to gestate? You going to keep it in a box?

dagthegnome 17 points ago +19 / -2

Naw, the majority of the audience will turn out to be Millennial white women in their 30s and 40s. You know, the scum of humanity.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +4 / -1

He was one hell of an actor. Anyone who only remembers him as Titus Pullo should look up his IMDB. You'll be surprised how many other things you've seen him in without realizing it.

dagthegnome 20 points ago +21 / -1

I would argue that the "right's method" also doesn't take into account the ESG money propping these companies up as they shit all over their customers.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +11 / -5

None of which alters any of the other points that Nick made.

-Montana doesn't have the authority to pursue this as a trade issue or as a foreign espionage issue, because those are both constitutionally reserved Federal powers.

-The whole right-wing statist crusade against Tik Tok is absolutely a pretext for government restriction of other social media, and will absolutely be used as a stepping stone towards banning access to other social media apps and companies that one party or another doesn't like.

-The obsession with preventing China from gaining access to Americans' user data and personal information is extremely short-sighted for a number of reasons. #1: they already have it. #2: that is nowhere near as serious a concern as the fact that the US government is already compiling all of that data about its citizens and using it to monitor and politically persecute US citizens.

-The LGBT and Communist propaganda being pushed onto kids by TikTok is no more extreme or pervasive than the same propaganda being pushed onto kids by American social media companies.

App stores have banned social media apps before, Gab was kicked off both Apple and Google in 2018. How would this be any different?

Because that wasn't government legislation: it was at least tacitly a business decision made by private corporations. Yes, we all know that the tech giants were banning Gab and Parler at the behest of government intelligence agencies, and that is almost certainly unconstitutional, but it's still different from a legislature passing legislation that forces private companies to restrict access to a certain product, even if it's just the app. Nick is likely correct in his assessment that the lawsuit will be successful and this law will be overturned.

dagthegnome 16 points ago +17 / -1

Tired of internet autists ruining all of their AIs by corrupting them with based takes, pornography and violence, Microsoft have themselves decided to program a new AI to specifically look for based takes, pornography and violence. What could possibly go wrong?

dagthegnome 51 points ago +52 / -1

You are not the target audience

dagthegnome 9 points ago +10 / -1

Why would you need a guillotine when the radiation exposure will do it much more slowly and painfully?

dagthegnome 5 points ago +6 / -1

He wavered a bit on the whole Brexit thing, but he's been mostly consistent on the cultural side, yes

dagthegnome 26 points ago +27 / -1

Having watched Life of Brian for the first time at the age of 10, and a dozen times after that throughout my adolescence, I think I might actually have Monty Python to thank for first inoculating me against trans ideology.

dagthegnome -5 points ago +2 / -7

Alhamdullilah, Imam Fedbot.

The Muslims are the group whose entire leadership have openly declared their desire to utterly subsume and wipe out what's left of Western society and convinced their believers that it is their sacred and holy mission to do so. They are the ones who are regularly permitted by Western authorities to use our countries as staging grounds for their violence, to keep marrying off their underage daughters to fully grown men, to mutilate the genitals of girls so young even the trannies would think twice, to force women and children into sexual slavery, to put together rape gangs that systematically target white children simply because they're white, and to engage in every facet of societal sabotage and degeneracy so vile they make the LGBT movement look like monks.

The Muslims are the ones who are allowed to get away with all of that in our countries while posing as cringing minorities living in fear of persecution. They are literally everything you collection of intellectual feces claim the joooooz are, and yet you will still take their side, because you have absolutely no principles, no redeeming virtues, and you lack the cognitive and moral capacity to think about anything beyond your single-minded, infantile jew obsession. Even those of you who aren't feds act exclusively in the service of globohomo. The fact that you're too stupid to realize it only makes you pathetic as well as a fifth column.

dagthegnome 22 points ago +23 / -1

They could have maybe used a bit more of that when they were younger. I'm afraid it might be too late.

dagthegnome -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't have to imagine it. I hear it every time one of you spergs out about the jooz as if I were hearing it through thin walls in a ghetto tenement.

dagthegnome 0 points ago +1 / -1

Take the fed dick out of your ear and listen: I don't like repeating myself just because you're too busy being face-fucked by a train of guys from different three-letter agencies to realize that I'm accusing you and every other stormfag of enjoying being fucked by trains of guys from different three-letter agencies.

dagthegnome -27 points ago +2 / -29

Now now. It's rude to point out that the stormfags are so fond of the BBC that they will literally side with black nationalists and child-raping Muslims if it means they can have one up inside them.

dagthegnome -3 points ago +2 / -5

It's genuinely hilarious that you seem to expect me to engage with you like this is a debate. There is no point in having a discussion with you, because the minority of you who genuinely believe the things you say are too stupid to be capable of rational thought.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +6 / -5

Tell me, do you Stormfags actually notice when you're fucking each other in the ass, or are all of your dicks so small that you just don't feel anything as you parade across other forums like a Gavin McInnes-sized conga line of fedposting buttfucking faggotry?

dagthegnome -4 points ago +2 / -6

Go goosestep off a cliff you infantile fedposting shitstain. Please demonstrate your commitment to eugenics by removing your intellectual disability from the gene pool.

dagthegnome -3 points ago +2 / -5

I still don't care. If you want so badly to show your solidarity with the biggest ideological failures of the twentieth century, why don't cut off one of your balls in emulation of its leader? In fact, why stop there? Please, show you're serious by removing your ability to reproduce.

dagthegnome -4 points ago +3 / -7

If you're genuinely not getting paid to post this bullshit here, then you're even dumber than the people who are. Either way, you are a waste of space and nobody cares.

dagthegnome -5 points ago +4 / -9

Yep. I genuinely don't care anymore about pretending that's not the case. The only people who give a single solitary fuck what you think are 3-letter agencies and Soros shills.Your entire purpose, whether you know it or not, is to be as disruptive as possible in order to undermine the quality of discussion on forums like this one and drive away anyone with an IQ above room temperature who might otherwise be interested in participating. You. Are. All. Feds. Every last fucking one of you, especially the ones who are too stupid to be aware of it. The majority of the users you interact with on forums like Pol and Conpro are fed shills and bots who are just there to egg you on in your stupidity. Everyone else on the internet thinks you are pathetic.

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