dagthegnome 5 points ago +6 / -1

The very idea of a song called "Born in the USA" that isn't dripping with scorn and ridicule is anathema to modern leftists. The fact that he sings it unironically is enough to mark him as a Republican in their books.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's based in Vermont. It looks like this happened in New Orleans, so even if he has a lawyer on retainer back home he'd still get a Public Defender in LA until he can find local counsel.

dagthegnome 12 points ago +12 / -0

As much as I dislike Warwick, he actually does a much better job than most content creators of keeping his private life separate from his online persona, so he'll likely never address this in a video or livestream, and hopefully the dramafag brigade can resist the urge to go full basement-dwelling Kiwifarmer on him.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

I loved the Gen 2 games for a lot of reasons, but my big issue with them was always the level scaling. It never made any sense to me that you could play through Johto and Kanto both and even after beating every trainer in the game your team would still be ten levels lower than they were at the end of the Gen I games. I don't know if it was GF's intent, but I always thought of Whitney as a way to help you compensate for that. There's no way to have your whole team of 3 or 4 Pokemon at that Miltank's level or higher by the time you get to her if you just do trainer battles, so you end up grinding in the tall grass until you're strong enough to be sure of a victory, and that sets the stage for doing more of that later on in the game.

As far as tougher bosses, Nihlathak in Diablo 2 was a pain in the ass on almost every difficulty, especially for first-timers who didn't know what they were getting into.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm well aware of the visceral nature of anti-AFD propaganda. I'm also aware of what happened to the AFD's polling immediately after the formation of the BSW was announced and the German media went all in on contrasting and attacking both parties. A significant number of BSW voters would have voted AFD in their absence.

Right now, migration and the Russia/Ukraine war are far and away the two most important issues to German voters. The BSW has gained traction by opposing the establishment parties on both issues. And yet even in Thuringia, where the AFD and the BSW between them have enough seats to form a government without the need for any other parties, Wagenknecht and her regional leaders chose to rule out a coalition with the AFD, the only other party that agrees with them on both of those issues, and instead pursue government formation with the establishment parties that have proven track records on both issues that are fundamentally at odds with the BSW's stated values.

This was always their purpose.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

Except she's just proven that she isn't anti-establishment, by openly encouraging her regional leaders to ticket up with any establishment party they can in order to lock the AFD out of government in all three regions.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Germans don't need to ban the AFD. They've already succeeded in neutering them for the next election cycle. They and their media allies astroturfed the BSW as a "left-wing anti-immigrant" alternative (led by an Iranian) to siphon votes away from the AFD. In all of the recent regional elections it worked, and the first thing the BSW did was immediately rule out any coalition that included the AFD.

dagthegnome 15 points ago +15 / -0

All the globalists had to do to effect a complete takeover of the Japanese LDP was kill Shinzo Abe.

If our resistance to this shit isn't robust enough to survive the death of one leader, then what are we even doing?

dagthegnome 29 points ago +29 / -0

Yes, keep making me want Trump even more.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

I grew up on Are You Afraid Of The Dark? I realize some of it's not all that great, but it's pure nostalgia for me.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

I always knew pandas couldn't really exist.

dagthegnome 24 points ago +24 / -0

It's not just a matter of "rules for thee and not for me." I've had this same argument with my Boomer parents, who were terrified by the MSM hype and all aboard the lockdown and vaccine mandate trains. Every time I bring up the public health officials and the government officials having parties while everyone was locked down, they just wave it away with, "well they don't think the rules apply to them."

That explanation works when you're dealing with tax fraud, or your typical bribery and corruption scandals. But you have to remember at the peak of the Plandemic hysteria these people were raining apocalyptic rhetoric down from on high.

Every time someone tries to dismiss it in the same way they do your average corruption from politicians, just try to make them think about it for a minute. We committed economic suicide, retarded the psychosocial development of an entire generation of children and undermined the financial future of everyone in our societies, and we did it because enough people were convinced that millions would die if we didn't.

If this degenerate pajeet faggot genuinely believed the things he was saying at the time about how dangerous Covid was, would he have risked his health with these activities? If Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom genuinely believed that the lockdowns were the only thing standing between Californians and piles of corpses in the streets, would they have risked going to fancy restaurants or hair salons? If Barack Obama had believed it, would he have been risking his family's health by hosting parties at his house? If Boris Johnson and the entire British establishment had really believed the sacrifices they were demanding of ordinary people were necessary to save lives, would they have been so flippant about partying in Downing Street?

No, they never took it seriously because they always knew it wasn't serious.

Never stop reminding people of that.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

"And if you do we can be friends! But . . . just friends, OK?"

dagthegnome 61 points ago +61 / -0

Men, if you don't socialize, process emotions and recreate in the same ways that women do, that means you're doing it wrong. If your safe spaces don't look exactly like women's safe spaces so that women can feel safe there, then they're not really safe spaces and you shouldn't have them. If you don't interact with the world and with each other 100% of the time in a way that I can relate to, then obviously there's something wrong with you.

dagthegnome 36 points ago +36 / -0

For the record, the last sick day I took was in 2018. I had a kidney stone and missed 1.5 days of work.

I understand that according to Matt Walsh I should feel embarrassed about that, but at least he doesn't think it makes me demonic. Like he does when I play a video game.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

On top of that, I've seen a number of studies that show a strong correlation between parental age at birth and ASD occurrence. The older the parents, the more likely the child is to develop autism.

dagthegnome 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'm just going to play devil's advocate for a moment.

The Amish community as a sample group makes this a flawed study from the get-go, because they have so many other differences in lifestyle, diet and environmental factors that it's difficult to isolate this one particular difference as being the key factor in the low occurrence of autism.

However, even if vaccines don't cause autism: this study makes it pretty clear that modernity in general definitely plays a role.

dagthegnome -7 points ago +4 / -11

Doing them a favor really. We all know how much muzzies like exploding things.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

I write exclusively in cursive. Like a real man.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +4 / -1

If anyone were to compare Hamas' behavior to the IRA during the Troubles, which it is except on steroids, cunt would be the first to demand they be censured if not imprisoned.

dagthegnome 28 points ago +28 / -0

Leftism is dogmatic by nature. Its ideologies necessarily require forcing societal change based on theoretical frameworks for social organization that can never and will never emerge organically. They need total ideological compliance for their insanity to have even a chance of working. The mere fact that people exist who disagree with them is a threat to their entire belief system and moral framework. They know it, and they resent it.

For conservatives, who value the traditions and institutions that our society has already developed and is built around, the proof of our beliefs is self-evident. We value what already works because it works, and so we don't feel the same all-encompassing need to fear or malign ideological dissidents. I would argue that we might want to do a bit more of that, given the shitty job we've done of safeguarding our traditions so far.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +6 / -1

Not really. South Asians are culturally and by disposition prone to extremes and have very little impulse control. Men from that culture who move to Western countries often do have difficulty understanding the word "no" coming from local women. But despite the overhyped stories about Indian gang-rapes that we get saturated with, this isn't actually because they all go around raping their own women: it's because Indian women are just as sexually aggressive and demanding as the men, so that's what they're used to.

But none of that in any way validates or justifies the degenerate proclivities of the troglodyte who keeps posting shit on our board.

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