Feminism is about controlling men. It's about controlling men's money, men's lives, men's role in society and especially male sexuality. Hot feminists (the few that are left) are "sex-positive" because they're desirable, so they can use their attractiveness to exercise control over men who desire them. Ugly feminists, which today is most of them, vilify male sexuality and heterosexual sex in general because they can't use it to control men.
Tradthots are the flip-side. As more and more men leave the reservation, the more women become desperate to force them back into their roles. The ubiquity of pornography and softcore porn in games and other media provides men with an outlet for their desires that doesn't make them obligated to provide for and protect any individual woman, and so feminists and tradthots both want it censored because it makes it harder for them to control men.
It's not about protecting women. It's. About. Control.
Feminism is about controlling men. It's about controlling men's money, men's lives, men's role in society and especially male sexuality. Hot feminists (the few that are left) are "sex-positive" because they're desirable, so they can use their attractiveness to exercise control over men who desire them. Ugly feminists, which today is most of them, vilify male sexuality and heterosexual sex in general because they can't use it to control men.
Tradthots are the flip-side. As more and more men leave the reservation, the more women become desperate to force them back into their roles. The ubiquity of pornography and softcore porn in games and other media provides men with an outlet for their desires that doesn't make them obligated to provide for and protect any individual woman, and so feminists and tradthots both want it censored because it makes it harder for them to control men.
It's not about protecting women. It's. About. Control.