that LGBTQ gamers don’t feel that developers are thinking of them when they design games
I almost spit my water all over my desk reading that line.
Zelda Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks don't really use the buttons much if I recall.
I never thought about emulating DS games on mobile. I can't stand virtual buttons either.
A SCSI switch sounds dreadful to deal with. Never messed with one of those. I had my hands on way too many of those stupid parallel port printer switches. "Automatic" my ass.
I had a KVM switch 20 years ago when I was a PC tech. That one had both USB and PS/2 for keyboards even. It worked great for hooking up whatever PC(s) I was working on at the time and letting them do their installing, etc.
I find it funny they call it a "game changer." KVM is old tech.
What I prefer now though? A wireless keyboard with a USB and a Bluetooth mode. I hook up the work laptop and my personal PC both to the monitor and just switch the keyboard. I used to switch the mouse too, but I ended up just getting two of them. It's way quicker. Extra bonus, these monitors are so USB feature laden it will charge my work laptop on the same cable as the video, so it's a single wire connection.
So I went from the Desbians to Fedora and apparently brought the pozzed with me. Next time I reinstall, I’m probably going to Arch, so if anyone of you is using Arch, you’ve got about a year or two to move on.
A huge chunk of the Old Testament is Jews complaining about God. It's nothing new.
Single player games you can't pause are just plain retarded. I totally understand if you can't play with your inventory, use items, or what not while at risk in the world. That's fine. An option for "I would not like to participate in this game in any way for a period of time" should be a default feature.
I also appreciate games that offer a "quick save" feature that allow you to totally abandon a game and return later with a one-time-use save if they otherwise want to limit saving. Especially long talky RPGs. Sometimes you go into a section of talking and have no idea you're about to spend 30 minutes there.
Everything else is things I don't like about game design, but I'm not screeching about disabilities and trying to make a dev feel bad for not accommodating it like this ho.
I remember ages ago, like 2015-16ish, someone on Reddit referenced this guy as proof positive about how wrong I was about whatever game we were talking about. After having wasted whatever time watching that clown back then, the best I could think of as commentary on him is a movie quote:
What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Don't worry, there's a pride day or a pride week just around the corner.
Yeah, that game is totally living in your head rent free.
Simple FPS. I don’t want to slide and wall run. I typically don’t like ADS unless it’s like a sniper or something. Doesn’t have to be fast paced if the atmosphere is well done. Think Doom 3, F.E.A.R., Quake, etc.
There’s no point in bothering to make such a game online minus maybe a friend play mode. Nothing that isn’t full of advanced movement or building, or basically some mechanic other than shooting they can figure out how to git gud at from their streamers gets any attention anyway.
It’s pretty fun. The trials take about an hour each, but they did a good job of offering multiple reasons to want to replay maps with different objectives, starting points, etc. They’ve also added a lot of content and I believe a whole new map is coming sometime in summer. Solo wise, it works fine, but you might want to prepare to be more stealthy. Instead of relying on other players to revive you, there’s opportunities to gather items in the trial that allow you additional respawns.
Occasional car games (mostly) with friends. We also played Outlast Trials quite a bit.
On my own, I just started up Skies of Arcadia this weekend, and I don't really know why that game got my attention, but something in my head said it was time to play it. Not that far in yet. I also rushed through what I had left in Yakuza 4, as I was dropping game pass where I had been playing it and didn't want to start over. It wasn't that great. I've started 5 on PC now, but I'm really just screwing around with mini games for now. Other than that, I go spend an hour here and there in Prodeus. All in all, I haven't been gaming a ton. I'm considering a job change and have been spending time on a little bit of those such things along with maybe trying to take some of the dumb certifications to have to throw on credentials too.
The last group is only partially lying. They are breaking the barriers. Starting with every floor they walk on.
That's the key for me.
Along with many of these making the grind absolutely ridiculous so they can peddle skipping the grind for some of that MTX money.
I've not done Japan yet, but I've been plenty of places that supposedly hate tourists or hate American tourists. I've never had an issue once. I do tend to avoid tourist-heavy spots. I wouldn't walk across the street to take a picture of Mount Fuji abovs a convenience store. Anywhere I am that there is a tourist-heavy site that I want to see, I'm up early and done with all of those by 10am. Typical irritating tourists go when it's crowded. I'll spend the rest of the day way out in some weird places or hiking or something. Then the evenings I rest or I like to find sporting events to go to. Yeah, I've got multiple instances of where I've had someone talk to me and end up asking "You're from Texas, why are you all the way out here?" So yeah, I haven't really planned Japan although it's mostly on the books for early 2026, but when everyone is crowding up some Instagram spot in Tokyo, I'll be off in Sendai or something anyway. (I just picked a town off a rail map, I have no idea where I'd go but that's how I am).
It's simple. Be civilized, be quiet, don't trash places. Who the hell eats while walking? Bleh. You're on vacation take time to eat like a human being.
There's definitely a huge problem with gambling and the "stupid tax" as a whole. I don't know how it is in the UK, but sports betting in the US has gone absolutely insane the past five years. I only see it getting worse, and if that makes them mentally ill, the minority of people will still be sane.
What are the skins for, and shouldn't we blame the idiots that would spend anywhere from $0.03 to $1,345 for the skins?
Wait, this abomination to the human race is named "Maebe A. Girl"
I have no words.
Let me guess, that's just one of the Village People out there performing,
They did that where I lived in Texas at the time way back in the bad 2011 drought. I've never heard of them being enforced unless there is a real drought, but they are on the books permanently. I don't think there are any where I live now. It's generally up to the municipality.
The whole "save the water" mindset drives my logic centers crazy anyway. All of the water around here is generally from lakes that fill from rainwater. When the lakes are full and there's plenty of rain (like this year) there is no reason to care about conserving water. If there's no capacity to store what's left, it ends up in the ocean. Not to mention the whole concept of the water table aside from that.
I guess I was around at the right time, but to be fair at that age I never really pushed my way into the world of comics. I really don't remember any of my peers at that time in the American South being interested in any comics really. So, I don't know if it was just past it's time already, or it was a regional thing.
I'd say he's lucky he wasn't forced into a gallows.
I'm sure there's some niche if I were more interested. I really haven't tried in years. I have gone through a small amount of manga.
There's so much to read more than time I invest in it, so I'll really never run out of content.
Well, on the positive side, I know a handful of young men that seem to be doing alright. Mostly a group of friends-of-a-friend that I gamed with, all in their 20s now. Common element--they all grew up in a small town in Texas with both parents around. It's something I picked up on back then, they still had a real sense of community, if that's even the best way to put it. I don't mean the faggotry community--maybe male camaraderie is a better description.
Then I look around myself, I'm in my 40s. Still feel like the youngest guy at work sometimes, so they aren't making it into those fields. Especially if I'm talking about young men in a male dominated field. It's a big corporation though, so that's expected. I really just string it along because I work from home mostly and get paid way too damn well for the 15 hours a week it really takes me. I do know one guy who's getting near 30 now, in his young 20s he did the go off and work somewhere thing and all for a handful of years. He's got the wife and kid now. So it's not necessarily stone.
Myself, I suppose I'm mgtow, although I'd say I was really going my own way since I was born for the most part. I've never been much to do what others do. I've never been in any sort of angry at women community or anything like that. Sometimes I think if I were to redo it, I'd find a woman in my young 20s, but other times I think I'm happy where I am. I've checked totally out of the female scene at this point, because there's nothing at my age but retreads and hidden problems. I've got enough friends though, good relationships with enough family and a few of the young boys (nephews and cousins) that give me a connection to the next generation.