cartoonericroberts 10 points ago +10 / -0


Eva 01 is not a hero. She is an eldritch horror barely contained in a mechanical prison.

cartoonericroberts 8 points ago +8 / -0

Every single person I've ever met that shares the strawman's phenotype is a leftist. Holding the "correct" beliefs must be a cheap source of virtue for those without much going on.

e: And weak men use agreeability as a (really bad) mating strategy which leads to leftists views. That's why every male feminist ends up being a sex pest.

e2: The format of "I AM A RAVING LUNATIC AND DISAGREE WITH THE AUTHOR" "I am calm and agree with the author who is therefore correct" format needs to be retired. Overreliance on this overused and never very good format is one of the reasons the left can't meme.

cartoonericroberts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh yeah, the Kia boyz. I was only thinking about reliability. It's been fixed for a couple model years though, so at least only used Kias have that problem.

cartoonericroberts 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think they're better now that they are just stripped down Hyundais.

cartoonericroberts 9 points ago +9 / -0

Brie Larson. But yeah, I'm sure there was some executives that wanted to nix the idea but didn't want to be called a misogynist for saying that Larson has all the charisma of a wet napkin.

cartoonericroberts 17 points ago +17 / -0

With a cookie twerking on a glass of milk while a child watches.

cartoonericroberts 39 points ago +39 / -0

I just hate all fucking advertising now, which I guess is actually a good thing; ads aren't exactly created with the consumer's benefit in mind. I literally just got a Bud Light ad where it's a woman picking up five glasses of beer at once and walking off with it passing a guy who is using a tray for four who then looks down sadly at his humiliation at the hands of this much cooler woman who is then, no joke, applauded.

I don't remember the last ad I've seen that doesn't make me hate the brand more. It's just fucking constant. I think there's more gay couples than straight couples in commercials; how many interracial lesbian couples can there really be? The only time it's a straight white couple the wife is humiliating the husband (hey, jake from state farm, my husband still consults his mom on decisions) I watch programming related videos a lot and I'll get ads for some new software as a service product and it will always be a black woman using it.

Clothing and fitness ads always have land whale models, and not just fat, not just obese, they are always so fat that they have a front butt. How does someone get so fat they grow a butt on their front?

by folx
cartoonericroberts 6 points ago +6 / -0

swarms of locusts stem from opinions
when the rains don't come- that's opinions
and lo I heard a problematic opinion and the moon turned black like sackcloth and the stars fell out of the sky

cartoonericroberts 2 points ago +2 / -0

thesoapguy.com. The soap is cheap but I've never had a problem with the quality.

cartoonericroberts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Unilever, like basically every soap company, started as a way to sell industrial and agricultural waste to people. I switched to buying bulk bars of real cold process soap and suddenly my dry skin resolved itself (soap companies also sell moisturizers). These companies do not exist for the sake of hygiene.

cartoonericroberts 18 points ago +18 / -0

If some gluttonous loser is sad that she's not as hot as Tracer, she can go to the gym. Striving to better yourself is the way to defeat your insecurities.

Fat acceptance adherents believe that fatness is an immutable trait of a person rather than the result of eating more refined carbs than any human could even dream of at any other point in history and fucking over their metabolism.

There's mountains of think pieces written over the last two decades spinning a massive mountain of sophistry. My personal favorite is the argument that it isn't practical to lose fat because you have to deplete glycogen stores first (which is typically around 1700 calories, or the energy equivalent of half a pound of fat) which would be like thinking you can't run out of money in your savings account because you only pull money from you checking account.

cartoonericroberts 5 points ago +5 / -0

Or anything nerdy really. Every time I hear "oh, one of the best %X players (or speed runners or whatever) is a woman" and I look it up it's actually a dude. The last time it happened I think it was NES Tetris.

cartoonericroberts 6 points ago +6 / -0

You can't run away from globohomo. There ain't no place that far.

cartoonericroberts 15 points ago +15 / -0

It “looked like a breakfast sausage,” Tating said.

At least the hobos are having healthy bowel movements.

“It’s like, 'Why am I slipping?'” Tating said. “This is dry tile. It shouldn’t be slippery like this.”

Well, maybe not.

cartoonericroberts 6 points ago +6 / -0

The real fucking funny thing is that even if this were 100% true these accounts aren't posting on the original tiktok so it's not even about harassment; they are just mad that somewhere someone is making a post they don't like.

cartoonericroberts 24 points ago +24 / -0

And poop eating. The book literally mentions poop eating. I'm starting to think past societies may have marginalized homosexuals for a reason.

cartoonericroberts 12 points ago +12 / -0

Daily reminder that physiognomy is real. All attempts to disprove it just found further support for it so they just sort of stopped studying it.

cartoonericroberts 17 points ago +17 / -0

It will keep creeps from staring during the commute.

Looketh not in my direction, peasant.

Do they think tiktok literally just invented the concept of dressing modestly if you don't want to be looked at?

cartoonericroberts 41 points ago +41 / -0

Strangely "KIA boyz" are only a big problem in a few cities; Baltimore, Saint Louis, Philadelphia, Milwaukee. Such a random selection of cities. I guess we'll never know what the connection is.

cartoonericroberts 5 points ago +5 / -0

The point is there's a difference between being smart and knowing a lot. ChatGPT knows a lot but is dumb as a rock, but most people can't tell the difference so they're more excited than they should be.

cartoonericroberts 12 points ago +12 / -0

All AI output is daydreaming. It's all intuition and absolutely no reason or analysis. ChatGPT cannot solve extremely easy novel puzzles. It couldn't correctly answer the question, "if you have a green ball and a purple cube and I ask you to hand me the cube what is the color of the object you should hand me." After the hype has settled down I'm sure we'll find the we aren't any closer to general artificial intelligence.

cartoonericroberts 51 points ago +52 / -1

lol why is Germany holding the United States flag?

cartoonericroberts 15 points ago +15 / -0

It's for the secondary bacterial infection that often accompanies the viral infection. Most cases of pneumonia from flu are actually caused by bacteria.

cartoonericroberts 11 points ago +12 / -1

Europe has always been more conservative than America. Europe only decolonized because fucking FDR coerced them to for example. It's an interesting dynamic; the cancer flows outward from America, but Americans themselves are better at resisting it because its our native cancer.

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