aerotrain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, asian chicks aren't generally vulgar, not are they feminist as such. They're womanly.

aerotrain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Smith: Clapton was great. I re-read my comment, and it did seem like I was saying that everything was fantastic until... clapton. Nah, all of those era of guitarists were fantastic -- they were figuring out things in real time!

I do have favourite guitarists, but two I'd recommend for you, since you like to discover things... Paco Pena, the man who introduced flamenco into the wider western world. And... Roy Clark, a 'country' musician who'll blow your socks off. Someone asked Eddie Van Halen: "what's it like being the best guitarist in the world..." His response: "I dunno, you'll have to ask Roy Clark"!


aerotrain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Smith: I'm a classical guitarist, but I'm constantly humbled by the likes of Rev Gary davis. He was so very creative! There are a ton of things that (black) blues guitarists do with thumb/one finger that I can only mimic with four fingers.

Even basic bluegrass -- I think the good musicians do that with thumb/index finger, but I have to do it with thumb/middle finger. Part of this is because if you play classical guitar, you have to turn your right hand in a certain way, which makes your index finger almost useless. I used to play Arabic music with my thumb, middle and ring finger -- it was fun, but I had to re-tune the guitar such that the strings would break in a week.

Now I just hit classical 'tremolo' for colour.

Still -- the early blacks, up until Clapton co-opted 'blues' were absolutely masterful.


aerotrain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Smith: to be fair, she's jewish.

I know you want to stay out of that debate, but really, I don't remember Cosby, Chris Rock, Pryor, Prince, Rev Gary davis, Howlin Wolf, Rev Reggie White, Randal Cunningham... ever being anything other than good human beings. And presumably all of these people who picked themselves up from their bootstraps had worse problems -- to the extent that those problems even exist(ed).


aerotrain 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's worse than you can imagine. I watched a few seconds of her most popular youtube video.

Challenge: get through 30 seconds.

aerotrain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kaarous: I don't think that blacks are a plague on civilization. They could easily be brought into the fold, as they were in pre-WWII USA. They developed a fantastic culture (blues, jazz, gospel etc) and were generally well-behaved.

The real problem is the jews convincing everybody that blacks can do math and sheeet. Get rid of the jews, and then the blacks will fall in line.


aerotrain 3 points ago +3 / -0

What does left-wing even mean at this point? 10 years ago I would have agreed with you. Now I see left/right wing as Globalist/Nationalist, and under this schema, the NatSocs were decidedly not left wing.

aerotrain 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you go to southeast asia you'll be drowning in pussy, most of which is slim and willowy. I mean as long as you're white. If you're not welll...

Things are super-cheap, and they work really really well.

The people are low-key, so even if you hook up with chicks, you're not going to have wild salsa-dancing nights.

I'm a covid-refugee here, so the sexpat thing isn't my scene -- but come soon, because things are changing really quickly.

aerotrain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sorry, that was just a joke -- 40 acres and a mule....

aerotrain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with you, but if you can turn off the politics, this one's pretty funny.

aerotrain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, but apparently he's not enough of a faggot for the turbo-faggots. There's levels to this game, son.

aerotrain 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hate this person.

aerotrain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I literally did a spit-take reading this. I feel the same way.

aerotrain 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know you don't really care, but I live and breathe College Football so:

SEC - South Eastern Conference. A league formed by teams in Florida, Alabama, Missouri etc. It's probably the strongest league because (a) they have the easiest access to black players; and (b) they have somewhat relaxed academic requirements, so the black players can be admitted to the schools.

FSU - Florida State University, the darling of early 90's college football. The play in the Atlantic Coast Conference, which is less strong than the SEC.

UGA - University of Georgia. SEC school. The strongest team for the last three years.

aerotrain 1 point ago +1 / -0

But don't you think 12 teams is overdoing it? 8 seems like a perfect number.

Like who's #9 this year? Penn State? Who lost decisively to both Michigan and the Suckeyes. Sure, they could go on a run in a 12-team playoff, but then it would be a bit like Eli Manning's Giants taking down the 19-0 Patriots in the superbowl -- it just felt wrong.

aerotrain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tim Curry is straight!?! Wow... the more you learn...

aerotrain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Smith: if you want a really good travel series, try "Tramping through Mexico" by Harry A Franck. He was a Michigan grad back in, like, 1905. He's completely unconstrained by political correctness, so you get a beautiful idea of what life was actually like in those days. His focus is on what he's seeing, and not on the 'existential journey'. So it's not standard clap-trap like Kerouac.

I mention this because you've indicated that you speak Spanish, and work with Latinos, and Franck's books are an excellent insight into how they lived all the way up until the smart-phone.

Now, I imagine, it's all tik-tok and prostitution. I was lucky enough to go before the iPhone, and the experience was wonderful.


aerotrain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably more the Philippines.

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