Vordrak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh hi u/AntonioOfVenice. Good to hear from you.

Having been in both parties, the Conservatives are way better.

Except for silent members who just pay and donate and do not attend meetings, being in Labour is basically wasting your life in a bitter war between two or three large mobs of emotionally driven individuals whipped up by grifters. At a lower level, that breaks down into smaller factions viciously feuding over trivia or pure spite. It is literally structured like an MMO, with vast numbers of inconsequential but important sounding positions for activists to fight over. Kind of like PvP. Grinding (leafleting, for example) enhances your ability to obtain bling.

Vordrak 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reddit is devolving because its deeply creepy executives are systematically purging wrong-thinkers, a classic example being the original KiA.

Vordrak 2 points ago +2 / -0


This is a wholly normative article.

  • Assuming social justice is a goal (and of course the definitions of, "social", "justice" and "social justice" may themselves vary or be disputed

  • Assuming it is desirable to be, or adopt mascots, or that mascots for same are virtuous

  • Presenting measurable attributes as ideologically undesirable

This is clearly ideological but what has it got to do with science?

Vordrak 2 points ago +2 / -0

Indeed. The total lack of confidence in UK law from most communities is at the root of this. The police are not trusted to tell the truth or enforce even serious laws, especially when doing so may be contrary to the work narrative.

Vordrak 5 points ago +5 / -0

I remember Reeves from when I was in Labour Students at University. I knew her sister, Ellie too.

I do not have a high opinion of them. I wrote an article about Ellie, entitled, "Ellie Reeves MP and the Corpses of Children" a few years back. It made some quite serious allegations and she tried to get me a police warning to suppress it. She failed. She is a lawyer, and she chose not to try to sue over it. She allowed the limitation period for defamation to lapse.

The article is still up here.

Still so glad I left and joined the Conservatives.

Vordrak 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nope. I am male. This content creator is female. Fairly obviously, it is not my content.

Vordrak -3 points ago +5 / -8

Review of the Masters of the Universe: Revelations, Kevin Smith debacle. Reviewer is a young lady who is just starting out so please show her some love / support / subs.

Vordrak 1 point ago +2 / -1

The irony is, the main reason I used Baen's website is to buy the Kencyrath novels, by P C Hodgell. She is a former academic and her work is considered feminist, albeit relatively moderate. The series is obscure, but her early stuff and much of the metaplot is good, but she tends to ramble and the plot needs wrapping up. Regardless, the series is hardly alt-Right!

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