Inb4 Hollywood actually does it so they can get Jack Gyllenhaal to do the biopic movie about things and not have to pay royalties.
So she is retarded. She wanted to stab the guy, but didn't understand that stabbing kills people and isn't some "shoot them in the legs to not kill" nonsense you can pull.
There are plenty of places you can stab someone and it isn't fatal, the hands being a very easy example. What is retarded about the idea of trying to disable someone with a knife is that they rarely, if ever, let you. Too many idiots watch too much media and think stabbing, or shooting, someone and only injuring them is easy when completely forgetting the points that when it's done in media it's very often a very, very skilled character doing so in part to show off just how much control they have in the situation. Shooting to injure/incapacitate generally still comes with some distance between you and the target. Knifes being the melee weapons they are mean you're at risk of reprisals when trying to do anything, including losing the knoife [this was a typo, I'm keeping it], and then being stabbed yourself!
"Told you it was an accident, look at those typos! Who doesn't capitalise the start of a sentence or end it with a period. Pfft, imagine what could have happened if it wasn't an accident!"
Then, one day...
Trump will improve a lot of things, even if he's not perfect.
Nooooo, don't you understand? If he's not personally firing up the ovens then he's obviously just another puppet to the world powers! He's going to do door-to-door and shoot everyones dog, steal all their Christmas presents, and shit in their covfefe machines!
He will ofc drink the covfefe first because that's a lot of machines to shit in so he's going to need all the throughput assistance he can.
Harassment from whom?
Because the women already look like men far too many times? 🤔
That makes up his underpants. Gotta keep them close.
He can generously offer that flag to the women who are now going to be turned into walking blankets, just like every other country "supported" by the CIA USA.
Totally not just bought 5 minutes ago from the nearest Wallmart.
But it will be nigh impossible to deport entire family units
I just want to shitpost with this meme more than anything right now.
freedom fries
There's so much more added irony on this now since those are Belgian.
The country is one of the six founding members of the European Union, and its capital, Brussels, is the de facto capital of the European Union itself, hosting the official seats of the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, and the European Council, as well as one of two seats of the European Parliament (the other being Strasbourg).
The Left Can't Meme, remember.
/immediately cuts off a piece
If the third book doesn't have him kill that smary twat from the university that kept trying to sabotage him then I have no idea why it's called "The Kingkiller Chronicles", because IIRC that twat was royalty and there's no other buildup that makes sense in the first two books. And calling them two books is generous since the second more or less just tells the same story of "MC fucks around and learns to use wind magic at the end".
It felt the the Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC trying to fix various issues with the original ending that was released.
that allow cripples to sprint faster than with normal legs
Doesn't let them outrun the law, however!
Roses are Red, Violets are Glorious, Never sneak up, on Oscar Pistorius!
just how lowly they cheapened bending in general
All the sports matches felt woefully underpowered for what even basic soldiers were doing during the time of Aang trying to cross the world.
They even added in fatigue like some video game mechanic...
who is the one on the right supposed to be if not Zelensky?
Mr Snrub.
big shot
He was only a CEO, rather than anyone actually famous who might have warranted actual security despite the evidently extremely antagonistic parties currently blogging about this and not losing any sleep over his death.
Literally shaking!
Sounds like you should wife her.
As for that period of time there's always 'Allo, 'Allo!, and Goodnight Sweetheart.
His father had been imprisoned by authorities for leading a labour uprising and his mother had been exiled to Siberia
lol, sounds like he learned nothing from the experience
My first question when reading the thread title was going to be: How soon in the trailer does a black guy appear?
Answer: Literally the thumbnail 🤡🌍
Change the post credits scene to Gary Plauché.