Vivs3rdSock 4 points ago +4 / -0

He's mentioned it before in at least one of the meta threads but there have been quite a few now so remembering which would need some digging.

Vivs3rdSock 6 points ago +6 / -0

why he won't name and shame the faggots who keep abusing the reporting system.

Because he doesn't know, this has been brought up before as recently as the most recent meta thread.


The reports in the mod queue don't say who reported a comment or post. It just shows the offending comment or post, to which you can remove the comment or post, and punish the user of said comment or post, if you so wish.

Vivs3rdSock 6 points ago +6 / -0

getting to the point where every game animator in L.A. outright refused to have any more dealings with Naughty Dog

NGL that's impressive. For all the wrong reasons, but still impressive.

Vivs3rdSock 15 points ago +15 / -0

TLJ was the first real misstep

The first? Really? Not TFA which just did ANH all over again?

Vivs3rdSock 12 points ago +12 / -0

If nothing else I'm looking forward to this happening post 2024 and POTUS-elec 47 because Woke is really on the way out atm, so much like other games that have coasted along on external funding and taken the better part of a decade to make this one might just find the playerbase that carried 3 so much is no longer there and that the show audience doesn't want it either, because the show already shot themselves in both feet making their own treehouse with blackjack and hookers testicle armour and screeching protagonists with no agency.

Vivs3rdSock 10 points ago +10 / -0

Similarly how and why someone who is trans can exist in D&D when there are multiple ways to literally change from one sex to the other, beneficial or otherwise as it can range from Divine blessings/wishes to cursed items someone made. If the movement was sincere the "curse" of wearing a belt for the rest of someone's life would be a pittance of inconvenience if it actually did what so many claim to want done. But they don't, because it would then remove their special label where they can talk about how they are vegan/into cross-fit/trans.

Vivs3rdSock 24 points ago +24 / -0

Some are explaining her looks as "aging".

Some are hudding huffing copium to try and explain how shit the product is.

Yeah, because nobody ages beautifully, not even in fantasy land.

Except in this fantasy land the magic users literally keep themselves lookingy young with magic. Yenn is around 100 years old, so is Geralt. These excuses are grasping at straws the book lore dismissed the chances of years ago.

Vivs3rdSock 23 points ago +23 / -0

my wife's girlfriend - bigger, stronger, and more diverse than me

lol, lmao 🤣 couldn't be more of a meme if he tried, and that "girlfriend" has some very masculine arm musculature. And face. And shoulders.

Literally memeing a black dude as his wife's "gf"

Vivs3rdSock 18 points ago +18 / -0

They never do. Remember, #NotYourShield and similar moments were never real women, even though as per the point in the thread title the ones making those claims would very likely also be the groups who can't even define one now.

Vivs3rdSock 51 points ago +51 / -0

So just like happened with Dankula.

These groups are that retarded they celebrate the very fascism they claim lurks in every corner.

Vivs3rdSock 5 points ago +5 / -0

two new red states, six new blue states (including the three biggest), and maybe 2 swing states.

This. No Right leaning POTUS in his right mind would intentionally skew the voting block that hard to the Left unless it was the ultimate Manchurian playing the very long game and convincing enough on the Right it's actually a good thing before it's too late. It would overnight hand the next run of elections to the Left regardless of whom that might be.

Vivs3rdSock 6 points ago +6 / -0

Unironically wouldn't complain at that. Would absolutely kek my pants off at the irony of the original "parent" now falling under the "offspring", but it would still likely improve a vast amount of things as well as end up sating quite a few different groups in the end.

Vivs3rdSock 14 points ago +14 / -0


Ah, so they throw everyone off rooftops now, not just faggots?

Vivs3rdSock 3 points ago +4 / -1

Change the post credits scene to Gary Plauché.

Vivs3rdSock 4 points ago +5 / -1

So she is retarded. She wanted to stab the guy, but didn't understand that stabbing kills people and isn't some "shoot them in the legs to not kill" nonsense you can pull.

There are plenty of places you can stab someone and it isn't fatal, the hands being a very easy example. What is retarded about the idea of trying to disable someone with a knife is that they rarely, if ever, let you. Too many idiots watch too much media and think stabbing, or shooting, someone and only injuring them is easy when completely forgetting the points that when it's done in media it's very often a very, very skilled character doing so in part to show off just how much control they have in the situation. Shooting to injure/incapacitate generally still comes with some distance between you and the target. Knifes being the melee weapons they are mean you're at risk of reprisals when trying to do anything, including losing the knoife [this was a typo, I'm keeping it], and then being stabbed yourself!

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