Bet she attacked the father and did everything possible to make his life a living hell and after he left she cried about how he ran out on her and his kid.
Yes, anyone that has been in a home with just females or working in an all female office and tell you the word to describe it is laid back
Complete bullshit, if you can't get the sarcasm
When there are really blatant, cliche acts of muh white supremacy I guarantee it is Dems. They're not very bright.
Cult leaders too- Jim Jones, Ti and Do, Manson were all lefties
Ham. As in fat
You stupid leafs, I swear
It's not even that niggers are so overrepresented and whites are always the stupid or evil ones, it's that you can't watch one fucking thing without some 'lesson'. Ohhhh, this is a story about wahcism and another story about nigger history. I thought I was watching a movie just for fun
I promise leftist faggots I've heard about every nigger inventor, I've heard of all the nigger criminals reimagined as black leaders, I know everything there is to know about slavery, the underground railroad and the uncivil rights movement. Just let me watch what I choose after a long day.
People that have never lived there have absolutely no idea how bad the bay area is. Think of the worst Conservative exaggeration and it's worse than that. It is collapsing and they are using shit like this to hide the major problems they are facing. It's unsustainable financially.
Also, these people are marching in the most bourgeois, spoiled white hipster area of Oakland. This is where faggots go to live close but not too close to niggers so they can pat themselves on the back about how accepting they are.
Unsurprisingly, a good amount of jews in this area too
You misspelled jews
The Root is Stormfront for niggies
It wouldn't change much about Cambridge. It's a nigger shithole as it is.
Just like Yale is right outside ghettos, Harvard is surrounded by nigs because of liberal policies. It's like Berkeley in that way. Check out People's Park outside of Berkeley or Central Square down the road from Harvard. Nigger and bum central.
Harvard Square has a good amount of bums too. Adding more niggers to that pile of shit won't change much.
Didn't Superman send every nuke on the planet into the sun? Seems like his lazy ass could take care of this problem himself.
Banned for a day
Kind of like how I was banned from this very sub for writing an anti nigger comment.
How interesting...
I think Mormons are great people and really open and friendly. If you're not one of them though you'll never really belong.
I'd been through Wyoming when I was left and everyone there was markedly nicer than anywhere else. Utahans were as well but good look living in Utah if you're not Mormon.
I have a very dem friend living in Brooklyn. He's well off (though not in tech) and there's no way in flaming hell he would ever think of moving to any of those states. He's too dependent on NYC
Check out Michale Graves. He's got an amazing voice and sang for the Misfits but Jerry Only is an asshole. He's definitely right wing
Yep. That's what I was going to say about British punk if I covered it. The Clash were upper class school kids masquerading as working class. Kind of like Rage Against the Machine
Here's a breakdown of American punk
New York (Ramones, Richard Hell, Velvet Underground)- Jews and fags
DC (Minor Threat, Fugazi, Henry Rollins)- Offspring of government workers. Very, very leftist
California (Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Circle Jerks)- Also Jews
I've followed punk for years and listen to most of these bands and seen a bunch live but punk was started by government and jews
Sex Pistols were started by a jew as well- Malcom McClaren
and Van Morrison
I saw Jello a couple years back. despite Holiday in Cambodia, he's very woke.
and he's a whiny little bitch crying about having to pay the royalties he owed the band.
Lesbos have the least sex of any variation of couple- straight normal pairings and disgusting satanic male faggots. Women can be with another woman for years and never have sex. We joke about bad normal marriages having sex twice a year- some lesbos don't have sex for several years.
What I love about the modern left is how they spent years redefining words like 'rape' and 'assault' and then proceeded to do every one of those things.