I don't tweet I just comment on people's shit.
Kinda like here, actually.
Yes, that's mentioned in the comments, unfortunately..
Seriously though, I'm not vain. Right in the head, please.
Not really a redneck since he lives a suburban life but very Southern/Christian, yeah. He's one of those exceedingly hardworking handyman/salt of the earth types.
Interested in any theories on why these retards headcanon KotH characters like this, because I honestly can't figure it out.
That hair is morbin out.
Well I was trying to imply black women are ugly but I guess I do have a bit of auburn in my beard..
Guys its not a racial thing. Redheads just represent an unrealistic standard of beauty.
You're really underestimating the gravity of throwing 50b at something.
It's not like a fast food joint getting your order wrong dude. If there's something wrong with something you're buying for 50b it's going to come to light.
I like using chainsaws tbh. I wouldn't exactly hate the opportunity if something like that happened regularly.
The South without federal taxes.
Seems that way.
Even if they aren't "good guys" per our standards, they're the governance the people of Afghanistan want by and large.
Sudden Teenage Death Syndrome
STDS, if you will.
Oh and jokes aside, SIDS is due to over-vaccination of babies.
I've really grown to hate the healthcare industry.
The Taliban banned that ritualistic tween boy rape thing in Afghanistan right?
There’s like 5 trees in just my yard lol.
Pretty sure this is just people coping about not being able to afford a house.
Idk dude im pretty hateful of the things threatening my way of life and the way of other peaceful people.
I might have more of a violent sense of justice than most though.
Well sure, they hate us because of their own faults. We should hate them because of their actions.
Like grooming kids, for instance.
Idk why we’re letting those sniveling faggots outdo us.
Explosion of online misogyny sounds like a porn made by someone with a good sense of humor.
My mom used to eat tomato sandwiches when she was a kid. Family had a tomato a tomato farm. Literally tomato, mayo, salt/peppa.
Tried it before. They’re not great..
Retarded faggotry aside:
Do people actually like stacked up tomato like that? I only like a single layer, preferably just one slice covering the whole thing.
I support this as long as $60+ titles aren’t chosen.
/u/Pandelume Furi sounds gud ill vote that if a poll actually happens.
I wasn’t aware of either. Elena looks female. Kimberly has that Michelle Obama look going on.
That’s probably what he means.
Also I’ll be looking forward to the 4chan memes.
(sry the actual lyrics fit really well)
The schools in my area in the deep South banned them too because girls just would not wear them at a sensible length.
Honestly though pants aren't much better since they wear them as tight as yoga pants but that's not really feasible to regulate.
I'm skeptical of the list. I'm thinking they're using some dumb methodology. New York, Jersey, Chicago, LA are all absent.
Either the list is just straight up stinky or those cities don't report a lot of their crime similar to how Europeans do for their Muslims.