TheModernDaVinci 9 points ago +9 / -0

Technically wouldnt be the first time. I remember in the history of my state, there was a doctor who claimed to have found a miracle cure of impotence using surgically implanted goat testicles, and in addition to all of his other accolades and awards, he was also made "Admiral of the Kansas Navy." As I am sure you can guess, as a landlocked state we have no navy. But they did it anyway.

Sidenote: Said doctor was eventually run down like a dog and sued until he died penniless. Because it turned out that his "cure" was extremely dangerous and had resulted in the death of a significant amount of his patients. Got to keep his Admiral title though.

TheModernDaVinci 8 points ago +8 / -0

From what I gathered through Dan Bongino, the problem is that her position is an elected office, and she managed to get in because people were more concerned with the Governors race in that election and no one cares about Dept. of Ag commissioner. She has apparently been using the position to try and sabotage DeSantis and use it to set up her own run on the governor spot basically saying "I am ruining the Bad Orange Man's number one toadie!"

It apparently hasn't been working, has not damaged DeSantis while putting a ton of attention on her, and hasnt stopped the states continued drift to the right (with some estimates predicting Miami is going to go Red in the next election and be the largest Republican controlled city in the country). So I guess it worked out great for her.

TheModernDaVinci 18 points ago +18 / -0

Hum, interesting. You know what it did do though? Cause a double digit percentage drop in LGBT acceptance, especially among younger people. If only someone told them that shoving things down people’s throats is a great way to breed resentment, hostility, contempt, and/or rebellion.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

I mean, I was getting at that you have tons of kids (and their parents) who will buy anything with "Fortnite" slapped on it. Also, there was apparently a code for a skin in Fortnite, so there is that.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

steelbook of Ace Combat 7


On a more serious note: I have found that while they exist, they are 1) much less common than you might think, 2) very much a localized problem confined to major cities, and/or 3) usually less aggressive than you might think. All because the things they would usual do on the Twitter they cant in real life. Which may be why they are so extreme on Twitter.

TheModernDaVinci 12 points ago +12 / -0

To really hammer the point home: 19 of the 20 best selling adult comics in September were manga. The only American comic that made it on the list? A Batman/Fortnite crossover comic. Guess why it got there?

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have also heard rumors that when Ford finishes building their big mega-factory they are working on in Tennessee and Kentucky, they are planning on moving their headquarters from Dearborn to Memphis (to be closer to their new plant).

As well as other things I have heard of, there are apparently a lot of new steel mills under construction in the US (but mostly smaller mills instead of giant facilities owned by big multi-nationals). There are the major computer chip factories going up in Arizona. There is apparently a growing textile industry out of the Carolinas because someone finally found a way to automate the process so that you dont need thousands of workers (I saw a mill that runs on just 10 people to maintain the machines and fix errors). Apparently we are also starting to get some of the more energy intensive manufacturing types like wiring because even with the rising cost of energy, the US still has much cheaper energy than the rest of the world.

But as you pointed out: none of that is in the Blue areas, so they will likely continue to suffer as industry refuses to get eaten by a bunch of commies. I suppose that will be good for the rest of us though, as well as the nation at large.

TheModernDaVinci 12 points ago +12 / -0

Probably a good thing that will happen is you will see more business come back to the US, or at least North America. They were already starting due to a number of factors making China no longer as useful, but with the utterly retarded shipping cost that have started happening, it is actually cheaper and easier to just pay the higher wages in the US. The problem is that that industry wont be going back to where it left for the same reasons it left. Texas, Tennessee, and Florida have better business environments than Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio, so guess where those new factories will be going.

I think it will also be good in the long run because it shows that the government doesnt have nearly the power they claim to, and people can see it. They thought everyone would just go along with it because they said so. They werent expecting that a large chunk of the American people would remember that their heritage is rebellion and that they would get smart about it. So smart in fact that people are organizing an entire grassroots campaign without saying a word, because if they did it would draw the Eye of Sauron.

I also do think it will still end with them getting stomped on in the midterms. A lot of swing states have already gotten rid of the methods used to "fortify" the election, and did it on the hush-hush while the media was distracted with other things. And so far, in just about every off election that has happened, it has seen the Republicans (usually Bannonite/Trump Populist rather than old-school) utterly stomping the Dem they ran against into the ground and burying them alive, even in areas that have been Dem for decades.

So I stand by what I have said since Brandon was elected: What everyone else sees as the boot stamping on a human face forever, I see as the elite nobility trying to loot everything that isnt nailed down. Because they can hear the peasants at the door and coming for their booty, and no one wants to be the one holding the bag when the peasants show up (because that person will become shorthand for "infamous.").

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its more true than a lot of people realize. Remember that Netflix lost a TON of market share in the US and Canada in their last report. From what I have seen, its also happening with a lot of the streaming sites as well. So what I have to ask is....what the heck are people switching to?

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

For what it’s worth, my current job is doing a work bonus scheme right now that seems to be a trial run for a wage hike. If you get your minimum hours worked, you get an extra $2/hour on top of normal pay (I am sure it is a coincidence that such a hike would put us back on par with other jobs in the area).

And like I said, the only thing holding me back right now is my own personal ethics and morals. I know this, and know that any negatives to that are my cross to bear. But if we make it through busy season and the situation hasn’t improved, then I am going to start seeing if I can negotiate or if I am going to find greener pastures.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0


That has started happening at my job as well. We also have the corpo bean counters at HQ dictating policy and saying that, due to Covid risk, everyone in the warehouse has to wear mask, answer a morning survey to make sure you are "not a risk", and get the OK from corporate to travel to anything (spoiler: most people just dont and pretend they did). It has resulted in not really getting any new people in and low morale among the people who are here, mostly because the pay is lower and we are one of the only places in the region that still gives a fuck about mask.

Its honestly gotten to the point that I am also looking into taking up a warehouse/manufacturing job for a local heavy equipment plant (Caterpillar), which has better pay, laxer rules, and in a lower cost of living county. The only reason I am putting it off and only thinking for the moment is that I dont want to be "that asshole" who quits during busy season. Especially since there are only 2 of us in Returns to do the work.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

21st century Western white people are, as far as I know, the only racial demographic in history with an out-group bias.

From what I saw for those same studies, its even narrower than that. Its Western white LEFTIST, because apparently moderates and conservatives still have an in-group bias. Not to the same degree as other races, but its still there.

TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +10 / -0

You joke, but I have seen a depressing/disturbing amount of leftist on twitter who seem to think that holding down a long term relationship with a loving partner, involving give and take for shared happiness, is some sort of herculean task that makes you some god-tier romantic. Instead of, you know, literally the baseline.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its an attitude that gets on my nerves as well. A few days ago I posed a video from a historian outline his view of trends for the 21st century going by actual data and historical trends (rather than just taking 1 point and running it unchanging for 100 years), where he outline that the 2020's and 2030's will be outlined by instability (especially in the 3rd world), but we will end the century in a much better place.

All I got was people saying "No, hes wrong. We are all screwed. Its all over but the crying. No, I am not going to acknowledge his data. I just want to be a doomer."

I think there are a lot of people on the internet who have been staring into the abyss for too long and have started to let it get to them, and maybe what they need to do is take some time off and go do something different. Because whenever I go outside, the world is not nearly as dystopian as the internet makes it look. (then again, I live in a small town in a rural state)

TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +10 / -0

Considering the other government officials resigning, I am starting to think there may be something going on. Probably that they are starting to admit to themselves that it was absolutely an international embarrassment what they were doing, and also that the harder they beat people the more they were willing to rise up. And I think the reason you have seen so many governments start walking back their mandates and lockdowns is because they are starting to reach the end of their methods. And their surveillance (legal or otherwise) is starting to say that there is an uncontrollably large amount of people entering "no more fucks to give" territory.

TheModernDaVinci 13 points ago +13 / -0

I remember the last time they appropriate the Gadsen

Ah yes. I also remember that one. I also liked the response one.

TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yep. I just know that he has a very "Queers Delenda Est" attitude that gives me a chuckle. But he has a very good reason to feel that way since he feels that they ruin everything he has ever fought for as a gay man.

TheModernDaVinci 17 points ago +17 / -0

Queers are nothing more than "Sexual Revolutionary Communist".

sounds of Douglas Murrey ranting and raving about "Gays vs. Queers" in the distance

Personally, I still think my favorite attempt by Communist to appropriate the Gadsden flag is the "We will tread" one of the Marxist fist crushing the snake. Which prompted the appropriate response.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its hackery all the way down though.

Not only does his theory not account for changes in growth rates because things will naturally adapt to fit their environments (I would personally argue the reason you have seen so much slow down in national growth rates is a natural realignment due to many nations being overcrowded).

Not only does it not account for increased productivity that can fix the issue that is being shown (See: Green Revolution, and the rumors here in farm country is we are about to have another revolution in farming).

You want to know the event that Malthus used as the basis for his theory that there is an upper limit to population and you need to do all of the extreme control on it? The Irish Potato Famine. You know, one of the most infamous man-made famines in history! Ireland made enough cereal crops to weather what was happening. It would have sucked, but they could have made it through without the potatoes. Except that then the English came in and said "Ours now" and took all of their own crops to distribute it back to them in amounts not nearly high enough. And this is the entire basis for his theory.

He is about on par with Lysenko as far as "smart scientist" go.

TheModernDaVinci 9 points ago +9 / -0

They would be following behind China in their attempt to raise birth rates.

This is what I thought. If it happens, its for the same reasons that China is doing what it has been doing. China isnt banning video games, gay stuff, and all the other things its been banning because its suddenly "based" or for some grand scheme. Its because their absolute midwit smoothbrain leaders kneecapped their own population advantage because for some reason no one in the elite is able to figure out that Malthus was a hack.

TheModernDaVinci 21 points ago +21 / -0

Yep. And one of those ND's was so hilarious bad it injured 3 people with a single one (grazing and burning on the shooter, grazed a second person, bullet stopped in the foot of a 3rd person).

I'm not even mad. It takes skill to fail that hard.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +4 / -1

Having watched some other videos from this guy, the suck continuing until the 2040's is if you include the 3rd world imploding due to a variety of issues as the US pulls back and goes full Monroe Doctrine*. For instance, he believes a ton of nations (namely Egypt) are going to explode over water wars as climate changes and places that used to get lots of water dont anymore (and considering Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have already started headbutting over water....).

But the 1st world will stabilize far faster as it becomes abundantly clear that the average person does not approve of the current direction of society, and the large majority of people are demanding the government go away and leave them alone. He largely sees Biden as the last gasp of the old order that is just trying to get one last taste of power before they lose it all, since they cant hold it together anymore.

/*note: his belief is that the United States will reindustrialize (it has already started happening), and then will use its own vast resources for itself instead of just exporting them like it has been. And anything extra that it needs or the few things it cant make on its own it will sources from the Americas, but not the rest of the world. However, the US will still maintain close ties outside of the Americas with the British and Oceania (Japan, Australia, etc) due to long standing and extremely strong cultural ties.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +5 / -1

TLDR: the 2020's and 2030's are going to suck (especially if you live outside of the first world), but if you live to see the 2040's, the rest of the century will be a new golden era for the world. The 21st Century will be a populist and religious one.

Longer Explanation:

  • People, especially in the First World, will start to get more wealthy due to stabilized populations and changes in industry and manufacturing. Low level manufacturing will become automated, but there will be an increased demand (and growing workforce) for hand-crafted, artisan goods as well.

  • Currency will necessarily stabilize or even deflate as markets reach their limits and populations stabilize. Most new economic growth will come from tech breakthroughs rather than the 20th century rapid growth.

  • Wars will become less brutal and involve fewer people, with Total War becoming something that still can not happen due to MAD. The wars will instead be smaller with more limited objectives, with the goal of redrawing borders or balancing power. Armies will also become smaller as there will not be a need for such massive armies when MAD prevents their usage.

  • China will implode in the next decade or two due to mounting issues they have already started to suffer. To a larger degree, there will no longer be a single world power, and it will resemble the Middle Ages with numerous power blocks instead.

  • The United States, feeling civilizational threats, will double down on its Western identity, becoming aggressively Liberal, and possibly having a new Reformation.

  • Europe is a wild card as it seems to not want to take pride in its own native identity. The video theorizes that it will be dragged back into a Western mindset kicking and screaming by the United States, since they will be so weak internationally they will be forced to side with America.

  • Humanity will gain the power of the Gods, and decide they dont want it. People will demand the filtering of technology that will be deemed taboo for one reason or another (things like AI, certain biotechs, etc. The things that generally every society ever has declared "Divine Hubris"). However, other technology will be welcomed as it will improve the life of the average person, like Space Colonization. And any nation that works on forbidden technology will be crushed by the rest of the world.

  • Religion (maybe), Tradition, and Community will take on more important roles as people realize that technology and money are not making them happy. We will also likely see a revival of old religions and even a rise in new religions as many philosophical doctrines start to sound the same (the example used in the video being that Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life seems a lot like the 10 Commandments as far as a religious framework goes.)

  • The world in general will decentralize as no one nation will have the power to maintain a mega-Empire like existed with the British or the United States.

  • An Islamic Caliphate will form, likely in the form of Turkey eating most of the Middle East and possibly the Balkans ("Ah shit, here we go again."- The Balkans, probably). This will happen for the simple reason that so many Muslims want it that it will happen whether anyone wants it or not (and the US will no longer be around to stop it).

  • The Internet will end up being a huge boon to humanity, but will be used for people to regain their identities. It will also lead to the world generally becoming more Populist, but likely more crude by modern standards.

Caveat: In the short term, the Internet will allow nations be to more repressive and totalitarian, but they will collapse in the end as these ideals run counter to human nature.

  • Porn will likely become less taboo as an entire generation has been raised on it.

  • Universities will collapse due to general stagnation and loss of purpose, while the Internet allows more people to gain more knowledge.

TheModernDaVinci 13 points ago +13 / -0

Just to make sure I am getting this right, I am assuming that is on par with calling water "Dihydrogen Monoxide"?

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey, I remember that series! Been a LONG time since I have read it, but I liked it.

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