The247 17 points ago +18 / -1

Wow... Well it takes one easy step:

1: stop being a degenerate retard.

And I mean that in the broadest of ways. Look at your list and just don't do that shit. Your life has been nearly infinitely easy up to this point. Harder times are coming. Stop all the degeneracy you listed. Take care of your mind, your body, stop needing stuff, instead produce stuff. Plant a garden. Raise animals and eat them. If you are poor then borrowing money to tithe to a school won't help you. Use your mind instead. Go sit and look at how the world works. Develop a skill that is uncommon. Not something everyone wants to do.

Most of all take complete and absolute responsibility for your life all these failures are your fault entirely. Internalize that until you truly believe it. It is YOUR FAULT. It always was your fault and always will be your fault. So act accordinly. Things are about to get a hell of a lot harder very soon.

The247 6 points ago +7 / -1

It's crazy... They go after a bunch of poor niggers off on some shitty island in the Carribean to get back at some famous one that didnt get her shots. Lol... At what point is she RIGHT? Lol.

The247 4 points ago +4 / -0


Crowhouse. The best source of Australia news.

The247 10 points ago +10 / -0

Naw, that was chaff... gov trying to give them special treatment so it would stop. It continues from that point last I heard.

The247 9 points ago +9 / -0

Probably because it's working

The247 4 points ago +4 / -0

You cannot. Look up Lt. Col. Scheller. He's going to Gitmo for reading the Declaration of Independence. Count on it. I would be shocked if there was another outcome.

There is no pushing back because we can't organize because we are leaderless. That simple. The likes of Trump are the cause of that. Larp as a leader then do nothing at all and leave a position you earned without a fight. Things have to get a heck of a lot worse before real leaders can start to pick up the pieces.

The247 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jag? Idk? Never dealt with them. Sitting around in an office fucking people over with paperwork? ... Sounds like a shitty job to me. A position like that will get you blackmailed in a hot minute. I would avoid completely. As for the natty guard... Meh. It's the same. Your red state will turn blue and your tranny govenor that was just elected will get you murdered or imprisoned . None of it is worth a damn. You have no ability to push back on things you don't agree to. So simply stay free.

The247 2 points ago +2 / -0

Which is why Newsome initiated his own recall in the first place... Go read the Declaration of Independence

The247 4 points ago +4 / -0

Voting is real... Right? RIGHT? ha ha I bet Newsome and Co. Secretly started and promoted this recall event . So confident in their ability to cheat that this is actually done to bolster their position.

California needs to read the Declaration of Independence... Just sayin'

The247 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok. Then let's fight back. Looks left, looks right,. Yeah, that's what I thought. No one there. Im not a right winger. I'm not a left winger either. I'm a Constitutional literalist. Probbly closer to Ancap than any other buzz+word group.

You mention not giving ground to them commies. Ok. How? Not pay taxes? Boom, all my property is gone and 8m in jail. Shoot at them when they come to take it? Boom. I'm a ruby ridge statistic. Hmmm... Run for the local school boardin the land of provably-fake elections? Seems like a waste of time.

This is what I mean. I literally am a land owner in the worst state. I have been on the front lines for years. I watched it happen all the way back to the mid 90s. Not give ground? Dude. ALL of the Nation is taken already and no one will even recognize that fact. Texas seceding would be TAKING LAND BACK.

You go spend some time reading about life in east Germany or Russia or Ukraine. That's coming NOW. Without a concentrated motivated group of actually free men able to directly and openly engage the enemy and provide an example for others to follow then the US will look like in Australia and North Korea very soon. Don't think your govenor will save you either.

I hope I'm wrong. I don't disagree with your idea that there will be an open invasion if the US breaks up but I think that the invasion is upon us NOW. Breakup or not. Getting any piece of commie-free ground is going to be necessary to fight back.

The247 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah we have been gone. I hope it all kicks off earlier than later so that my kids can have some semblence of a real life not a commie one.

The247 31 points ago +31 / -0

It was getting gross when I left in the mid 'teens. Officers are ... Like... Straight outta Portland. I remember, fat, brown, short rule following slaves as my fellow officers with a smattering of simp-soyboys and the occasional jock who only cares about football.

There was more though. My fellow officers were mostly there for the wrong reasons. Very little care given to The Constitution and it's violations. Most have never even read it let alone studied it. There seemed to be an undertone of blackmail happening. Hard for me to describe but you see some people do seriously bad shit... And walk away! Buried. While some other fucker splits some hair thin rule the wrong way and gets fucking killed. I never really could explain it. I think the higher-ups have a pervasive blackmail net running in the officer class. It makes the most sense.

Anyway if you are in the military GET OUT. Seriously. Medical is excellent way. Talk to the DAV on your way out. Join and use their services. Take their money if you can but avoid the VA for actual medical advice. If you are considering going in, do not do it. There is no level where you can help. Stay in your community. Protect yor family. Raise good kids and build wealth. Homeschool and remain independent. Good luck.

The247 1 point ago +1 / -0

Das ray-cyst. Dey wiz good bois de wiz getting they life together going to skool and getting clothes for church.

The247 4 points ago +5 / -1

Hmmm where is this headed? The 4ch Nazis say they want to do this so they can breed the aryan super race...