TentElephant 54 points ago +56 / -2

Women's rights and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

TentElephant 23 points ago +23 / -0

To be fair, "The regime is rounding up dissidents. Would you care to express your dissent?" isn't an attractive question, which is kind of the point. It does register in the NPC even if he doesn't conciously acknowledge it.

TentElephant 14 points ago +14 / -0

It's always amusing how obviously religious it is. They speak of troons as a metaphysical transformation, in much the same way a Christian speaks of faith in Christ.

TentElephant 13 points ago +13 / -0

Vegan food is functionally poison designed to keep a populace weak and pacified. The Muslim diet is meant to sustain hardened warriors.

TentElephant 15 points ago +16 / -1

Peterson has the smell of Tavistock on him. He and Timothy Leary both created a small cult following at Harvard. Leary prevented the radical left from being a threat to the regime, and Peterson has been similarly screwing with the K-lines of the right.

TentElephant 14 points ago +14 / -0

You're asking for higher standards for twitter polling than US elections.

TentElephant 45 points ago +46 / -1

The regime is run by people that still aren't bullied enough. Yoel Roth describing how twatter jannies were traumatized by the Stop the Steal rally demonstrated that that he and his former staff need to regularly get swirly'd and stuffed in lockers.

TentElephant 36 points ago +37 / -1

All you cowardly samizdat writers should have the strength of your convictions to use your real names.

-Commissar Peterson

TentElephant 16 points ago +16 / -0

Muslims do have a better grasp of morality than progressives.

TentElephant 8 points ago +9 / -1

This assumes the masses have far more agency than they do. There was a deliberate and concerted effort to convert people from prioritizing family and production to atomized hedonistic consumers. Rejecting the current situation as a people would look very similar to a Hays code for all media.

TentElephant 13 points ago +13 / -0

That's the genius of progressivism: every solution makes life far worse in terrifying ways and those new horrors always require more progressivism to solve, which makes things worse...

TentElephant 18 points ago +21 / -3

Hays had much more rigid standards explicitly laid out, such as an outright ban on all sexual content, and didn't allow much leniency even for content intended for adults. The MPAA rating system is rather arbitrary and allows almost anything for adult content, which inevitably enables the line of what is adult only material to move towards kids. While the Hays code would almost certainly have been subverted as well, it would have taken much longer and been more difficult.

by folx
TentElephant 15 points ago +15 / -0

Art Deco was the last great architectural style.

TentElephant 20 points ago +23 / -3

The removal of the Hays Code allowed a torrent of subversive films fueling transvaluation which has brought us Cuties, and it will only get worse unless something similar is restored.

TentElephant 5 points ago +5 / -0

Look here darkie, white people are responsible for everything that created civilization, and if you disagree you're a white supremacist.


TentElephant 12 points ago +12 / -0

There was that black restaurant owner during the summer of Floyd that declared he was going to only serve whites cause he was tired of black shit, and progressives lost their minds.

TentElephant 15 points ago +15 / -0

Someone needs to brush up interest convergence theory. By CRT standards, literally every successful black person is inherently a race traitor. Any success is a demonstration that their individual interests conform to the white supremacist agenda. Stacy Abrams is obviously not a white supremacist because she is a loser.

TentElephant 9 points ago +9 / -0

Tranissaries are completely dependent upon the regime with no attachments to distract them from their service to the regime. Court eunuchs and islamic castrated slave armies were popular for the same reasons.

TentElephant 4 points ago +4 / -0

Power is more appropriate.

Law is the codification of formal power. Or something similar, there is probably a better formulation.

TentElephant 8 points ago +8 / -0

Arguments are only relevant to debate among a people with a shared cultural framework, and culture is downstream from law. Progressives have been winning for many decades now by simply imposing their will and the populace accepts it later. This is a war.

The only debate the average normie should see is between ourguy and a carefully selected crazy progressive shouting about how much fun it is to murder babies. It's cruel that the average person is currently burdened with constant anxiety over complex geopolitical events and philosophical questions far beyond them, when they should be almost entirely focused on the concerns of their daily lives and families.

TentElephant 3 points ago +3 / -0

The other reply is much more thorough, but most recently Sailer has become a twitter apex predator and many memes have been made about it. Whenever progressives start talking about crime on twitter, the signal goes up and Sailer arrives to become the top reply with nuanced statistic drops, which causes his prey to immediately drop the topic and move on.

TentElephant 46 points ago +46 / -0

Problem: Immigration is a putting a strain on resources such as housing and healthcare.

Solution: Kill the natives.

The only people safe from progressives' bloodthirst are murders and pedophiles.

TentElephant 2 points ago +3 / -1

Of course any of the rainbow warriors are cool, except Blue for obvious reasons.

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