Its blatantly obvious that false accusations of right wing candidates are used to weed out anyone with the possibility of challenging the regime.
Why does this sound like something a Prosperity Gospel preacher would do?
Typhus, lots and lots of Typhus.
Spread by lice.
A common cure for which is judicious application of a delousing agent.
The most widely available of which at the time was... Zyklon B.
They have a specific amount in mind: as many as possible until white people are a complete minority and wages are driven to rock bottom.
Yes, because gay men definitely are getting pregnant all the time.
Could the American Communist Liberal's Union be any more transparent that theyre simply evil?
You already do, unless you dont have a cellphone.
Maybe he was one of the January Sixth uber-terrorist insurrectionist super-MAGA commandos who were miraculously thwarted by the Defenders of Democracy.
"Sacrifice baby to increase GDP"
-Moloch, probably
I believe they fudge the intersex numbers by including any sexual deformities, not just chimerism or so-called "hermaphrodites" (True Hermaphroditism doesnt exist in humans, they either have a single functional set of genitals or are completely sterile).
They fudge the LGBTQWERTY numbers by also include people who self identify, which inflates it massively since a lot of straights identify as "pansexual" or "bisexual" for the oppression points.
In reality, like 0.2% of the population are sexual deviants and the rest have either been groomed or are LARPing.
The whole "queer theory" nonsense centers on the warped (and failed) experiments of a vile pedophile "sexologist" named John Money.
The only reason it hasnt collapsed already is because the scientific community is formed of spineless nerds who are too afraid to poke their heads out of their labcoats and speak up for objective reality.
Brb, gotta multiclass into a barbarian/wizard.
Moral relativism has been a disaster for the human race.
Because they hate Jesus.
The U.S. government is likely to try to stop him from doing that.
Cant have anyone challenging the sacred democracy.
I get mad when I see gay characters because most of them are one-dimensional narcissistic sociopaths who's sole defining feature is an uncontrollable desire for sodomy.
In other words, they remind me of the average LGBTQWERTY activist.
At least in America, our natives mostly keep to themselves and run Casinos to subsidize their growing alcoholism epidemic.
I dont think provoking the thugs in her city will go well for her.
As we saw in Portland, Bolsheviks are like to turn on their allies as they are their enemies.
If a fetus isnt a person, neither are these overgrown walking ones in black hoodies.
There was never a middle ground because they were never interested in debate.
Two Mo Weeks to Fratten Da Curve
You should really take a look at all the women you hate because a lot of them have something else in common besides woman parts.
Only a small fraction of Caucasians are Aryan, and that subset does not intersect with modern Jews.
I hope they overturn the legalization of fag "marriage", because it was completely unconstitutional and wouldnt have even passed a national vote to be an amendment.
The federal government has no right to define marriage.
Doesnt surprise me since he made a character gay for no reason.
He's worse than Rowling.
Fun fact: Washington actually freed more slaves than Lincoln, since the Confederacy was a foreign nation and Lincoln had no Authority to free any slaves there.